• Published 16th May 2013
  • 256 Views, 3 Comments

Friendship is Everything - Leathebluedrgon

There is a hidden evil that even Celestia herself didn't know about, what is this evil that has secretly plagued the land for so long? What do these six new ponies have to do with it?

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Day 1: This is New

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~In the House at the Edge of Ponyville (White Out's P.O.V.)~~~~

White Out woke up to see Snakescales not in his bed, nor Diablo, but light was streaming through the window, so he guessed he must be with the rest of the group. White out got off his bed and stretched. He walked into the hallway to see the rest of the group standing in the doorway of A.I.'s new workshop.

Waiting for him no doubt, he was always the first to leave the house whenever they made it to a new town. He walked up to them, knowing exactly what was going to happen, he always got bored, but he never showed it of course, he always hide everything behind a smile so convincing not even the master expression reader A.I. could tell it was fake.

White stood in front of the door, the group was missing Thunderstorm, not a surprise, he always slept in until around noon. "So I take it I pay for the house and meet up with the important ponies in the town?" he guessed. A.I. nodded, "Yes, but you must not forget, you must spread the word, the boss always says to spread the word," he said, giving White a saddle bag with two bags of bits in it, one far bigger then the other. "One is for the house, the other is for you to spend on yourself," A.I. explained.

"Which is which?" White joked as he put the saddle bag on. By how quiet A.I. was being he must've found it funny. "Go on, you're wasting daylight. You know, the thing that let's you meet new ponies," hie older brother, Bull's Eye, said with a smirk and his usual hat on.

White nodded and headed downstairs and out the front door. He took a step outside, took a deep breath and smiled as he walked down the hill towards Ponyville. He looked at all the buildings, even greeted a couple of ponies here and there, when he realized he had not eaten breakfast. And there was a powerfully sweet aroma right around the corner.

White followed the smell and his mouth hung opened and he began to drool when he saw where it was coming from. It came from a building that looked like a gingerbread house with a sign that read "Sugarcube Corner". White's stomach rumbled, bringing him back to reality, in which he shook his head and walked through the front door.

~~~~~~Sugarcube Corner (Pinkie Pie's P.O.V)~~~~~~

Pinkie Pie had just finished some cupcakes and was bringing them to the counter when she saw him. A stallion with pure white coat and and silver spikey tail and spikey-mohawk mane. He had a smile on his face as he looked around the shop as he walked to the front counter. Forgetting the cupcakes, she dash back into the kitchen.

As soon as Pinkie was in a well hidden area of the kitchen she realized something else. He was new. But she couldn't move, uncertainty paralyzing her. She knew she was not acting like herself, but the new pony didn't. Does he think I'm shy? Does he like shy? Why am I wondering if he likes me? Pinkie thought, no clue what was going on with her. She felt something she never felt before, and she didn't know if she liked it or not.

After a while she heard the front door open and closed, Pinkie then began to sneak her way to the door and take a peak out the kitchen door to see if the stallion was gone. And to her relief he was. Was it relief, or disappointment? She walked out of the kitchen and apologized to the Cakes for dropping the cupcakes.

Pinkie then dashed over to her friends, who were seated at a nearby table. "What was that about?" Twilight asked in confusion. "Yeah, he's a new pony, and you're not making his party yet, that is completely not like you," Rainbow Dash added. "I don't know, all I know is that when I saw him I suddenly felt this strange feeling and then the next thing I know is that I'm under a table thinking about him and trying to move but the strange feeling keeping me from moving and only being able to move once he left." Pinkie explained in her super fast voice, looking directly at her friends, wonder if they had any explanation for the weird feeling.

"Well, it would appear that our dear Pinkie Pie has a crush on the new pony in town," Rarity explained with a smile. Pinkie's eyes widened as well as the rest of the group of friends. "Wait, wait, wait, are you saying Pinkie Pie, one of the pony's that stopped Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis and is THE best party pony ever, is afraid to talk to a colt?" Dash asked with a raised eyebrow. "I believe she is nervous, not afraid, but yes," Rarity answered. Dash's eyes widened.

"Well? Go talk to him and be yourself, if he doesn't like you for you, than it's his loss," Rarity said turning to Pinkie who was looking at the ground thinking. "You think so?" Pinkie asked, her eyes traveling over her friends, who all nodded. Pinkie took a deep breath, put on a smile and dashed out of Sugarcube Corner to the new pony.

~~~~~~~~Ponyville (White Out's P.O.V.)~~~~~~~~

White Out finished the rest of his cupcake on a bench in the park. As he finished, he found his thoughts going back to the pink mare he saw at Sugarcube Corner. He had managed to get a glimpse of her before she had dashed off into the kitchen. He would've stayed longer to try to talk to her, but a table of five mares were giving him strange looks so he had to head out to get away from their odd gazes.

It was one thing to do something and receive stares, or glares, but completely different when you do nothing, but find yourself being stared at. The hair he could understand, but these mares were looking at him longer than any other pony would've if it had to do with the hair. But back to the pink one. What he had saw of her made him feel like what Fang had said was his job to make other mares feel.

White shook his head, hoping the feeling would just go away on its own. But as he stood up, the mare suddenly appeared before him. He looked at her with wide eyes, surprised she had been looking for him at all.

"Oh my gosh you're new here, I know this because I've never seen you before!" the mare said bouncing up and down, seemingly defying gravity. In the corner of his eyes he could see the five other mares that had been at the table. All of them had their mouths hanging open. 'She must be doing something she doesn't do a lot,' he mused.

"Ohhh, that means I need to throw you a party!!!!" the mare continued. White Out's eyes widened. 'Nopony has ever thrown a party for me before,' he thought, 'but then Bull's Eye and everypony else will miss it.' "Reallly?! Ohhhh, I love parties!!!!! But you should wait to meet my brother and our friends. They won't want to miss a party!" He said matching the mares hyperness, to the shock of the five mares staring, and the pleasure of the pink of in front of him.

"Ohhh, there's more of you!!!!!" she said bouncing even higher, if possible. "Sure I can wait!!!!!" White smiled, he realized he felt comfortable around her, yet at the same time nervous that he might do something wrong and embarrass himself. He had to make sure it didn't get worse. "Oh, by the way, I'm White Out, but my friends and brother call me White. But you can call me Whitie if you want," he said with his world famous smile.

'Why did you say that?! I do not know!!! Nopony calls you Whitie! Well, nopony that you know anyway,' he thought, inside he became completely confused on what was happening to him, but he still didn't show any of it. The mare smile got bigger slightly, if it was possible, which it apparently was. "Hi Whitie! My name's Pinkie Pie, but all my friends call me Pinkie," she said as she stopped bouncing.

Pinkie then motioned for the five mares who had managed to close there mouths awhile ago to come over. "These are my friends," Pinkie said as the five mares came over. "Howdy, mah name's Applejack, owner of Sweet Apple Acres," the mare wearing a hat just like Bull's hat. "Hiya Applejack, my older brother wears a hat that looks just like yours. Maybe a little lighter in color," White said looking at Applejack's hat. AJ raised an eyebrow, and looked at the other mares.

Then a cyan pegusas flew straight in front of White, "I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in Equestria," the mare said taking a heroic pose. "You remind me of my friend Thunderstorm," White said thoughtfully. "Does he like to race?" Dash asked, "Yes," White responded without even thinking, it being very common knowledge to the group. Dash smiled, then hovered over Applejack. 'Are all five mares going to remind me of someone of the group?' he thought.

"I'm Rarity," a white unicorn said with a very posh accent. White's thoughts instantly went to Hookfang, White couldn't contain his laughter. White began laughing so hard he started rolling on his back clutching his sides. The mares raised and eyebrow, except for the unicorns and Applejack. "It's not very nice to laugh at a pony's name," the purple unicorn said with a slightly angered tone. White Out didn't speak until he finished laughing, but even after he finished he stayed on the ground.
White was entranced by the sky, but it didn't stop him from responding. "I wasn't laughing at her name, it was the accent. It reminded me of my friend Hookfang," he said, "Don't ask about the name," he continued as if he could seen Rarity open her mouth, which she then promptly closed. "Anyway.... My name's Twilight Sparkle," the purple unicorn said. White didn't even look up as he said, "Nice to meet you Twilight."

White Out than heard something being whispered, he became confused, this was the first time after his ears became super sensitive that he couldn't hear what a pony was whispering. He lifted his head, his smile gone, with a look of confusion on his face. "Who whispered?" he asked, to which the mares all looked shocked, for a reason unknown to White Out. Well, not all the mares, a yellow pegusas was hiding behind Twilight, so he took that as the mare who had whispered.

"How did you hear her?" Twilight asked curiously. "Not in the present topic of introductions," White said not thinking about his answer, the answer supposed to be evasive, which it always was. This time was no exception. "So what's your name?" he asked the fearful pegusas. "M-my n-n-name i-is F-f-fluttershy," she whispered. 'Suits her,' White Out mused. "Hi Fluttershy," he greeted her. "So what's your name?" Twilight asked, "My name's White Out, but you can call me White," he said, in the corner of his eye, he saw Pinkie's eyes widen, but she said nothing and blushed slightly. To any other pony, they wouldn't be able to tell, with her already being pink and all, but White Out wasn't a regular pony, and so he smiled a broad smile and stood up.

"Nice to meet you all," White said, then he looked at where the sun was positioned in the sky. "But I need to find the town hall so I can pay for my group's new house," he finished looking back to the mares. "Ohhh, ohhhh, I can show you," Pinkie said jumping up and down again. White turned towards her, smiling like usual, "Lead the way then," he said. "See ya later guys," he called over his shoulder to the remaining mares who watched them go.

~~~~~~~~~~~Couple Hours Later (White Out's P.O.V.)~~~~~~~~~~

White walked through the front door of the house, greeted by the sight of Fang resting his head against a blank canvas looking sad, Snakescales sitting nearby playing with Diablo, and Bull's Eye looking like he was right about to kill Thunderstorm. A.I. was nowhere to be seen, but that was common. "Honey I'm home," White called out, taking off his empty saddlebag. With that, the four stallions in the living room looked at him and all gave him a greeting, "Yo,", "What's up?", "Hey," and Snake just nodded, and they all went back to what they where doing before.

'Good to be home,' White thought with a smile. He walked up stairs to give his report to A.I., who had not left his workshop all day so he was easy to find him. White Out stood in the doorway as he saw A.I. reading an huge ancient tome that was on his workbench. White smiled fondly at the memory where the boss 'gave' him the tome. He chuckled, "How did it go?" A.I. asked not looking up. "I met the mayor, saw the main eatery, library, apple orchard, fashion boutique, and the animal caretaker's place," White reported, "I also met our targets," A.I. raised his head at that. White Out kept quiet about his crush on Pinkie Pie, hoping it would go away on it's own. It was a good thing that White Out was better at hiding his real emotions than A.I., and was even more glad that no pony knew it....yet.

"And?" A.I. asked, turning towards the doorway, giving White his full attention. "Just how the boss said they were. Only the element of laughter wasn't as hyper as I thought she was going to be," White said turning to the floor to think about it. A.I. just nodded, "Very good," he said turning back to the tome, "You should go to bed, too. It's getting late and you have a lot to do tomorrow," he concluded. White nodded, then headed off to the room they shared. Upon entering, he saw Snakescales asleep in bed with Diablo. White smiled and yawned, realizing how drained he was.

Without waiting any longer, he walked over to his bed, and fell fast asleep on the covers again.

Author's Note:

The P.O.V. in each chapter will be crazy until I find one that works. I also found out upon rereading my earlier chapters that I forgot to add my OC's eye colors, which is slightly important to the story, so I thought I would put it here.
Hookfang: Green eyes
A.I.: Turquoise eyes
Bull's Eye: Aqua eyes
White Out: Hazel eyes
Thunderstorm: Gold eyes
Snakescales: Green eyes
Also, I would appreciate feedback when it comes to Rarity, she is the one I am least like, and I tend to be judgmental about her, so it's pretty difficult to write about her.