• Published 18th May 2013
  • 817 Views, 27 Comments

What We Start With - Westphalian_Musketeer

In 2020, Equestria appeared in the Pacific Ocean. The native inhabitants of the land eventually formed a lukewarm relation with humans, and time went on with new advancements on either side. By 2054, the course of each people was set on a collision.

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Prologue: 2050

Massive Tsunami Strikes Pacific Rim Countries

After a massive seismic shift registered with stations in Hawaii, regions across the globe, from Alaska to New Zealand, have been hit by an immense tsunami. Several countries are scrambling to piece themselves together after what scientists are calling the greatest geological event since the eruption of Krakatoa.

We Are Not Alone

Just off the coast of Tijuana yesterday, on April twenty-first, 2020, mankind learned that we are not the only intelligent lifeforms in the universe. A large naval ship made of wood touched down on the coast, and a group of horse-like creatures disembarked... Several are reported as having possessed wings or horns... Attempts are still being made to develop reliable communications with them.

The April Event: One Year After

A year after the emergence of Equestria, taking up roughly two thirds of the Pacific Ocean, the world is still reeling from the aftermath. The Equestrian government, headed by the diarchy of Princesses Celestia and Luna, has pledged to do all they can to assist in ongoing recovery and reconstruction efforts. The population, though small and estimated at only 10 million, has over 500,000 of its citizens abroad helping to stabilize weather patterns, clear rubble, and help distribute food.

Cybernetic-Neural Integration Achieved

The future is 2023 it seems, as companies have developed a reliable method for humans to control robotic interfaces completely by mental control. Concerns have been raised over the requirement to use immuno-suppressants to prevent rejection of the implants, along with the morality of willfully replacing flesh with metal outside of amputees, but several patents have already been issued.

Equestria, USA, Canada, Australia, Argentina, and Several Other Countries Amend Citizenship Laws

In an unprecedented joint treaty signed yesterday, on the fifth anniversary of the April Event, several countries have made the adjustments to their constitutions to allow both humans and ponies to become citizens. The treaty was also accompanied by several trade agreements with the Equestrian nation, as they continue to adopt industrial practices.

Algerian Man Executed for Trans-Species Relationship

The Pan-African Chancellor made a press release in Johannesburg today, condemning the execution of Basem Alakret. Alakret was arrested last month for breaking the country's anti trans-species relationship laws after it was discovered that he had been having sexual relations with a pony tenant in the apartment he owned and managed.

Second Terrorist Plot Foiled

A former citizen of the failed country North Korea, Il Sun Yuk-Sha, was arrested as he attempted to detonate a second nuclear device in the Equestrian Embassy in China. International police believe he is the same man who attempted to bomb the Equestrian port-city of Foaliwood. He stands to be executed for crimes against sapiens.

Pony Head-Hunting: Business Practice of Our Time?

The practice of seeking out Equestrian employees, for their notable skills in agricultural maintenance, weather manipulation, and the general usefulness of spells has increased dramatically in the decade since the new land emerged. The relatively low population for a global market has led some ponies to worry about families being held apart by contracts. The practice is still seen as being better for public relations, rather than the preferential hiring of cybernetically augmented humans, who are viewed as suspiciously as Equines are in other parts of the globe.

New Anti-Augmentation Rejection Drug Promises Wider Availability

Neophin, an anti-rejection drug, has come onto shelves today just as a UN summit is being held to propose global legislation on augmentation. The drug claims to have greater efficacy, but many still complain that the prices are still being kept exorbitantly high. Furthermore, the drug fails to successfully allow ponies the use of cybernetic augmentations, as their immune system proves unaffected by attempts to interfere with it. The so-called "augmentation gap" has led to a large portion of the un-augmented to be unemployed, fueling discontent. Plans are also being announced to further pony rights in several parts of the globe. This is the third such summit since the first one five years ago in 2037.

Former UN Speaker Killed in Hunting Accident

Former Speaker of the UN, Johann Wilkes, died at age 57 when his hunting safari in Equestria was attacked by a hydra. The death is the third of its sort in the five years since the Equestrian government began allowing the hunting of dangerous game within its borders. Wilkes oversaw several summits, including the 2042 summit on augmentation, hailed as the largest and most promising summit until talks failed under the pressure of massive rioting across the globe.

Gene Riots Rock Atlanta

A massive riot has broken out in Atlanta over the patenting of genetic coding which may hold the keys to human evolution. Several companies hold ownership over a number of patented genetic therapies which can cure diseases, and make people smarter and stronger. Among the protesters are people who claim that tampering with human genetic code on such a fine level may have unintended repercussions for genetic health.

Everd Wilkes pressed the power button on the small screen attached to the marble wall, turning the screen black. He adjusted a cuff link on his grey suit and loosened his tie as he turned to the gold-inlaid door to his right.

He reached to his arm, a sleek, dark-blue metal attachment, and folded out a screen to see a digital clock listing the time as twenty-after-three. He scratched at the thin strip of jet-black hair on his chin.

The door creaked open, and out poked a pony's head at three feet high. She had a maroon coat and a pearl mane, along with a maid's cap sitting between the two furry triangles of her ears.

"Princess Celestia is ready to see you now, Mr. Wilkes," the servant said before pushing the door open all the way and standing to the side.

"Thank you." Everd gave a curt nod and flashed a smile as he walked past the pony and into the sitting room.

The floor was polished marble, as was most of the rest of the room except for the tapestries hanging from it. Everd squinted his eyes as the light from the window opposite him poured in. As his eyes adjusted to the glare, he made out the silhouette of a tall pony seated on a couch by a table.

Stepping forward, Everd inclined his head. "Alou halshal," he said, "Princess Celestia."

"Hello Wilkes," replied the figure. "Please have a seat, and don't feel the need to speak Equestrian, or call me Princess." Her horn glowed and a cup of tea floated to her mouth. Everd sat to the accompanying sound of sipping.

The table was mahogany, and a square in the center of it was painted in a checkerboard pattern. Along one side were ivory chess pieces and the other ebony. One pawn had been moved forward two spaces. "Care to play a game of chess? Or would you like some tea?" she asked, raising up a kettle and cup.

"Ah, tea would be lovely, Celestia," Eveyrd said.

Celestia served the tea, and looked back up. "And the chess?" she asked.

"I suppose I could try," he answered, "but it seems there have been two moves made beforehand."

"Indeed, your assistant started the game a week ago, I thought we could finish it." Celestia smiled.

"Ah, well, finishing things up is important," said Everd, grabbing a pawn and moving it forward a single space. "Speaking of assistants though. I have a rather interesting story about one of my employees, Gilbert Sodgen. Would you like to hear it?"

Celestia nodded, sipped some more tea, and moved another pawn.

They played as Everd continued his story. "Yes, he was the local manager for one of the mines my company co-owns here in Equestria. Pleasant fellow, patron of the arts, our fathers grew up with each other." Eveyrd took one of Celestia's knights with a bishop. "He was always a bit of an eccentric though, half the reason I think he took the job. Ended up actually marrying a mare... Trixie I think her name was. Well, he had retired just last year, and I wanted to see him again. So I invited him for a visit a month ago. When he arrived, I got a call from security, saying that a green unicorn had arrived claiming to be Gilbert. I told him that was ridiculous, and then I heard a voice over the phone yell, 'the first girlfriend you stole from me had a mole behind her left ear that you paid to have removed.'"

"Check," Celestia said.

"Hmm?" Everd looked down to the board to see Celestia's bishop aligned with his king. He moved it to the side and continued. "I asked him what had happened, and he told me that his wife had taken the last three decades to really exert herself in the field of magic. She'd gotten quite good at it apparently as a way of proving herself to someone she knew when she was younger. She was still performing her shows at nearly one hundred years old, but Gilbert was getting quite frail in his old age, and wished they could have started a family. He asked if there was anything such as transformative magic. Well, at this point my interest was piqued, and I asked if he and his wife would like to sit down and discuss it over dinner in Hong Kong after a business meeting."

Everd moved a bishop to take a pawn, then winced as Celestia took it with her remaining knight.

"I asked Trixie about it, and she said she had called in a favor from an expert on some 'Starswirl the Bearded' who developed an amniomorphic spell. She had worked on it, and eventually she developed, along with some zebra and the assets Gilbert's family had in some medical companies, a stable method of turning him into a pony. Magic, health, and all. This was something fascinating, and I asked what she had done with the process and formula. She claims to have sold it to you."

Everd took one of Celestia's rooks and smiled. "I'm interested, why would you want access to something like that?" He reached to his tea brought it up to his mouth.

"I intend to offer it as an alternative to cybernetic augmentation," Celestia answered as her bishop moved in a glowing light.

Everd's cup shattered as his augmented arm made a valiant attempt to implode the fist it formed. He sputtered as tea fell towards his lap, before it was encased in the soft yellow glow of Celestia's magic, and floated with the porcelain fragments to a dustbin beside the couch she was seated on.

"You can't be serious," Everd stated. He stared into Celestia's eyes. "Something like that would need to be tested!"

"I have one hundred human citizens here in Equestria who have signed waver papers for trials." Celestia moved a piece on the board. "Check."

Eveyrd moved another piece on the board. "Why would a person choose to become a pony?" he asked.

"Why would a person choose to be augmented?" Celestia responded. "Better equipped for the job market, health reasons. They might want to fit in better or start a family. Then there is the three-century lifespan of most ponies. I estimate that the process is also slightly cheaper, given that I'd be happy to subsidize costs. Check."

Everd looked down at the board to see his king was in front of a rook. Were he to move he would be tagged by a knight. He moved his queen to block the rook. Celestia took it, and Eveyrd moved to take the rook.

Everd ran a hand over the front of his suit, and shifted to the side. "As much as I'm enjoying this game, I need to make a call. Perhaps I can finish it later?"

"Certainly," Celestia said, finishing her cup of tea.

Stocking out of the room, Everd reached to his artificial limb. "Gary!" he hissed. "Be ready to sell off our assets in augmentation."