
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Just a sequel to... Just a Bat, a Bat on the Hunt for Headpats! · 2:49am Oct 15th, 2020

You guys liked LOVED the first one so much, so I thought I'd go ahead and make a follow up. It's not a huge fully fleshed out story, but it IS a cute side story that leaves more room open for the characters again. Nailah was hosting another speed write on her discord, a speedwrite themed to bats, which was the perfect excuse to write more cute bat stuff, so I hope you all enjoy it!

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Just a Bat... a Bat on the Hunt for Headpats! got a reading! · 12:50am Oct 7th, 2020

So, StraightToThePointStudio made an awesome reading of my unexpectedly most popular story and you should all definitely go check it out, because it's really well done. I've never had anyone like one of my stories enough to produce a reading, so this is honestly such an honor and really brightened my day a lot!

Go give them a follow and check out their video here!

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Bats, mangos, and uhhh bewilderment? · 5:13pm Oct 5th, 2020

So... I have to say, I’m genuinely surprised at how well “Just a Bat... a Bat on the Hunt for Headpats!” Was received. It’s something I spent probably 5 minutes planning and an hour writing, and I honestly didn’t expect it to do well at all. The fact that it hit featured and is now my top rated story came as a complete shock to me, in a good way mind you.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results