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Have you heard of any monsters in your neighborhood? · 8:47am Mar 28th, 2018

I was just curious if any of you might live in an area where rumors of monsters or any local folklore with supposed (or maybe even real) monsters in your neighborhood. Sadly if there are any in Spokane, I haven't heard of it (nor can I find anything on the internet, lame).

My family will be going down to Oregon tomorrow, but I should still be able to see your responses on my phone.

Have fun. :raritywink:


Chapter Notes: Spokane (Destination Unknown) · 2:48am Jan 14th, 2022

If she picks her trains right, Sweetsong’s in the last state before she reaches the Pacific. For now, she needs to spend some times making more money, and figuring out which route she needs to take to go west, rather than down to Oregon. Although if she does go to Oregon, that’s not the end of the world . . . if she wanted an easy trip, she’d have taken Amtrak.

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Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results