
Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 results

Want to know more about me? · 2:59am Mar 6th, 2019

So I was wondering if you guys wanted to know more about me. I have tried my hardest to help people on this site and have succeed but I tend to disappear after I help them and so I thought why not throw up a blog asking if you guys wanted to know more about me.


So here I am again wondering if I have completed my goal? · 4:01am Dec 10th, 2019

The title says it all I have been trying to figure my self out but in the end I am an anomaly that shouldn't exist in yet here I am still Breathing. I have started to think about what I do to help people and I always feel like I accomplish something and I always feel like I have done the right thing but right after my 13-year old Cat died a few days ago I have been wondering if this my purpose in life is never going to be realized. I believe my life's purpose was to help anyone I can but it has

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Life is screwed up for me right now! · 1:23am Mar 15th, 2019

Hey Guy's I am about to ask you guys to do something that I have been trying to avoid and that is I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind a complete pause on all of my stories until I get my life fixed. I have been dealing with life and have been having a little bit of trouble with family matters and so I need help and you can help by understanding and supporting me. I will still be around to reply to PM's and The Please Read My Story Group but I won't be making new chapters to my stories

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My Reflection! · 7:00am Dec 30th, 2019

I have decided to thank about all the people I have helped but did I really help? I guess I was just wondering if you guys ever thought about all that I have done for some of you. Am I really a good person or am I just a person who gets in the way? I don't know how many people I have helped but I know how many people I have failed so why do I have to just remember everyone who I have lost? Ithe people I have failed? I promise to do better by them but I ended up failing someone else. I don't

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I can't take this anymore! I can't keep going! · 3:47pm Jan 13th, 2020

I just can't keep going I don't know what to do. I just can't keep going! My life is just not right. I like to say I love my life but I have always tried to have a good life and be loyal to my family but I just can't anymore I can't take it anymore. I need help and advice.


I am sorry. · 3:14am Jan 15th, 2020

I was kind of told that I shouldn't blog about my personal life and I should only use them to announce stuff about my stories. I guess I never noticed how much of a burden I can be. I always have thought of my Followers as friends and I guess I have become a burden on you guys I am sorry that I have annoyed you and have plagued you with my personal problems. I guess my personal problems aren't important enough to mention on here. I thought that maybe you guys would help me and you guys did but

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I need help and advice. · 5:13pm Jan 13th, 2020

I have came to the realization that if I don't abandon my family my life will be stuck in the same place. I am a 19 year old who doesn't have access to a car, job or driver's license because of my parents. I have parents that don't care about me enough to listen to me. They have kept me from getting even a driver's permit and due to this I can't get a job because none of them can drive me to my job because I can't trust them based on past experiences. I got into a fight with my father this

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How many people have I helped? · 3:59am Oct 7th, 2019

I have been wondering how many people I have helped on this site and how many people actually remember me. I have been asking myself this question because I apparently have stopped a bunch of suicide attempts and I even ended a 2 year argument with just my own words. I can't believe I have done this amount of good and I still can't believe it. I am always going to continue to help people but I wanted to see if I have improved as many lives as I was lead to believe. I don't know how I help so

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How many people have I helped? · 5:28am Nov 26th, 2019

I have been asking myself why I even bother helping people and I instantly fall back on the whole because it's the right thing to do ideal but sadly I don't know if that's true or not. I don't know if I help people just because I don't want people to suffer like I did or if I simply want to make a better world and thought that someone needed to carry this out before they die or it could even be all of the reasons. I have people who say thank you for the help and give me a gift because I helped

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Are My Stories That Good? · 1:25pm Apr 13th, 2019

Okay so I have been asking this for a long time and it seems every time I get reassured by a few readers but is my stories really that good and if they are what made you like them so much. I love my stories but I understand that it is my stories I have been writing. I also have been surprised by the number of followers I have. I didn't think I would make it past 50 but I stand corrected and don't worry I am going to continue writing I guess I need a little bit of reassurance from time to time.

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Health problems! · 4:15am May 23rd, 2020

I was planning on my next blog to announce a podcast but I didn’t plan on writing a blog about having another seizure a few days ago. I think this one was a little bit more powerful than the last one but this time it was due to my idiotic tendencies. I managed to stab my self in the arm with a knife accidentally while trying to cut something. It didn’t go in very far I just washed it and bandage it but well I start to have a anxiety attack and it didn’t go so well afterwards because I end up

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My Reflection part 3 · 6:54am Jan 4th, 2020

So I have gave my issue some thought but then I realized something. I remember the one thing that I was ready to do for anyone and that was lay down my life but I realized that maybe that is really who I am! I am a fighter and I am destined to die a heroic death and I am glad because I see it in a whole new life who cares if I die doing a heroic deed and no one else will know. I realize that this is me! I will go through hell before I ever surrender and if I end up dying following my ideals

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I am suffering! · 7:46pm Jan 10th, 2020

I feel like sh*t and I can barely get up anymore. This is all happening because I take medication for my epilepsy and guess what happened I ran out yesterday night so the day before that I asked my pharmacist to refill my prescription and so they said it would be ready yesterday but when I go to my pharmacy to pick up my prescription. They said that they couldn't refill my medication because there whole entire pharmacy was out of stock on my meds and so I asked them if there was another

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I was able to get my meds. · 2:37am Jan 11th, 2020

I was able to get my medication and was able to get it in me. It's not going to work just on a snap on a Dime but I am glad to have it in my system nonetheless. Thank you guys I started to freak out a little bit there.


I have a big surprise to tell you guy's later! · 12:52pm Jan 23rd, 2020

The title says it all I have a surprise I wanted to tell you guy's but I want to surprise you so I will tell you guy's later but please be on the lookout for it.

Viewing 1 - 15 of 15 results