
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results

40th Blog! · 4:48pm Jan 11th, 2017

I was running around on FIMFiction, looking at the new things and checking out how everypony's doing when I noticed that I'm one blog from forty, which is surprising to me since I'm not the type of person to write blogs. I'm going to make this blog a little more special than the others and reach out to my friends on this site. I'd like to take a moment to thank you all! Because of you, I've been moving forward in my life with a warm, friendly smile and have making more friends than I ever

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Not So Hump Day Day.... I just wanna say that I feel.... Loved · 2:27am Nov 24th, 2016

Lots of people who have seen old blogs about me and my "ex" might remember that TheBlazeBrothers and I were together. They might also remember that I said we broke up or really just put our love on pause. Today I say..... Fuck that! I did not lie to you when I said we broke up, but instead I lied to myself. Yes, we both agreed to wait until I was 18, but now, I don't think we care anymore... I'll be 18 in 3 months and all the things my

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Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results