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Remember When Life Wasn't a Thing? Me Neither. · 6:23am Oct 22nd, 2015


I don't want to go into detail about my personal life. I write smut; I like to keep that and my IRL identity separate.
But when real, non-smut life affects things such as; how much time I have to write, my access to things like the Internet and electronics, and whether or not I actually have the emotional energy to do anything but sit around, gaze at the beige-painted walls of my house, and sigh deeply, wondering just when exactly my life went so wrong...

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Horrible OC Idea: Exposition Dump · 4:29pm May 27th, 2016

Exposition Dump is a stallion who absolutely cannot stop talking about shit. Get it? It's a pun. Naturally, he's a scatologist/coprologist. And he won't shut up about it.

Please steal this OC and tell me how it goes. I'm looking at Admiral Biscuit/Estee, though Estee I'm pretty sure has the good sense not to follow me.

I totally need to figure out how to make this a feghoot.

Oh geeze I'm about to learn more about poop than I ever cared to know.

Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results