
Viewing 61 - 64 of 64 results

So... Cloptopia · 8:55am Oct 12th, 2015

[1:26:11 AM | Edited 1:28:55 AM] KittyKat Noote: it's come to the point where i own a super productive town that can
[1:26:24 AM] KittyKat Noote: - bribe off any changeling invasion away with the sheer amount of bits
[1:26:47 AM | Edited 1:40:43 AM] KittyKat Noote: - my townsfolk are rolling in so much food and bits that they donate a lot of surplus food and bits to me and spend most of their day having sex

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I've been lazing around all day · 6:40pm Jul 27th, 2016

Well, sort of. The fridge broke so I had to clean it out. Other than that, today's been pretty chill. This guy from Jesus camp wanted to hang out today, but I couldn't go because my brother was moving. The good news is that my friend is coming over Friday night! :pinkiehappy: So far, the hooch has been looking pretty good. The balloon inflated throughout the day yesterday, and you could hear the bubbles if you listened carefully. Today, it stayed the same size. It will be ready

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Chaotic, if you have time to stay up until 4 in the morning, why don't you write? · 11:26am Aug 20th, 2015


Book Review: Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasaurolophus · 5:27am Jul 12th, 2020

... yes, I bought it. It was too damn funny not to get. And I'm reviewing it because I might as well, right?

Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasaurolophus is, first and foremost, a parody work by Chuck Tingle, and it is erotic fiction. Be warned, all ye who go beyond here. Also, minor spoilers ensue.

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Viewing 61 - 64 of 64 results