
Viewing 21 - 31 of 31 results

Updates and inquiries · 9:57pm Sep 6th, 2016

First of all, I'd like to apologize to Topaz, Eckaji, and Snuffy. I look at their stories, they look at mine, and we help out each other. How's it going for them and their stories? I have no idea, since I haven't checked in with them in ages. Sorry, guys.

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There was a continuation · 9:38am Aug 8th, 2016

Single adjectives can be pretty encompassing.

If I have a whole bunch of soda-cans on a shelf, and I decide to sort them into two heaps; one for cans with brightly colored labels, and one for darkly colored labels, I will end up with just that, two heaps of soda-cans. If I, after that, decide the remove the sodas with sour taste from the heap with darkly colored labels, and move them to the heap with brightly colored labels, are the original description of the piles still accurate?

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Chapter 13 is almost here · 10:38pm Jul 31st, 2016

So chapter 13 is coming up, eh? It's in a sensitive stage right now... so let's double down on the triskaidekaphobia, with a 13th blog post :rainbowdetermined2:

As always, cred to the usual parties, as well as a mystery-proofreader, who's insight helped me realize something.

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Report Snakeskin Ducttape · 252 views ·

Happy Holiday · 9:36am Jun 24th, 2016

Chapter 12 is... coming along. I've seen people post snippets of their unpublished chapters, this seems to me like a good time to do so. It's going slowly, and there's a holiday, so let's share some things. The first scene of MLAABQ: *chapter 12 placeholder-name*:

Edit: Oh, I should mention. Cred to Eckaji and Topaz Moon, as always.

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There was a submission · 9:45am Jun 17th, 2016

(I tried coming up with some way to invoke an image of Willem Dafoe emptying a handgun into the air and shouting the blog-post title, but nothing worked :ajsleepy:)

So I just noticed that MLAABQ is now sitting in the The Good HiE List-group's submission-folder. This is a bit different to the other group-submissions that's been.

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Questions, for the sake of answers, and to obfuscate apologetic grovelling · 10:36am Jun 9th, 2016

Let's get the second part of that out of the way first:

Sorry for not updating. I messed up some finals and I have to swot up some more for a retry. So while I expected to be able to relax with some writing for a few weeks, it turns out that the status of school is still in. So you can trust me when I say I'm sorry, because I really want my summer-break.

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I am not as happy anymore · 6:10pm Jul 17th, 2015

So as previously mentioned, my story made a short appearance in the featured-box. But shortly afterwards, the amounts of dislikes had doubled, from an amount that had taken nine months to accumulate, making my story drop like a rock in the groups that featured it. I actually place some value on stuff like that.

Now, I might not have a firm grasp on the cause-and-correlation-thing or whatever it's called, but it seems to me that featured = lots of downvotes.

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Report Snakeskin Ducttape · 535 views ·

I am thoroughly surprised and mildly confused. · 12:02pm Jul 17th, 2015

As I am writing this, I have just recently spotted my story in the featured-box on FimFiction's front-page. Third place from the bottom.

I mentioned a few blog-posts back how I loved the fairly unrealistic idea of not partaking in any self-promoting activity and let quality be the only thing that would drag my product into the spotlight. Is this what's happening? Please let it be so.

This might not seem like much to a lot of you but it's something of a miracle for me. Thanks, everypony.

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Report Snakeskin Ducttape · 234 views ·

Divine Excrement! What's going on!? · 9:40pm Feb 27th, 2015

The last hours or so I joined one, single group because I had an overwhelming urge to post an answer in one, single thread, and suddenly I've had weeks worth of likes and faves. Is this the secret to being noticed around here? This is really cool.

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Report Snakeskin Ducttape · 215 views ·

Not quite aimless writing, but not fully plotted either. Also, self-perception, or how one can rationalize being timid into seeming laid back (to oneself) · 5:29pm Jan 28th, 2015

So now I've written over fifty thousand words of story. Interesting experience, I must say.

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Report Snakeskin Ducttape · 200 views ·

Reception · 9:21am Oct 24th, 2014

... Is not a Christopher Nolan movie.

So, ten likes and one dislike. I want to thank everyone for the encouragement and kind words. A ten-to-one ratio has to mean that over 90 percent of everyone that made their opinions known with the like/dislike buttons appreciate my story? This is quite the confidence-booster.

Real life is gonna have to take priority for a while but I've got the summary for the next few chapters written down. And I'm aiming for twenty-to-one this time.

Report Snakeskin Ducttape · 211 views ·
Viewing 21 - 31 of 31 results