
Fic Spotlight » Fic Spotlight #15 - Return of Fic Spotlight · 11:26pm Sep 10th, 2015

The Royal Guard — Triumphant Return Edition


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Fic Spotlight » Fic Spotlight #14 · 1:08am Jan 1st, 2015

Merry New Year's, folks! Some of you who live in weird non-American timezones may not appreciate the anticipation of a New Year that comes with living in the Present (as opposed to the Past or the Future), but that's okay, because we love you all the same. Pony stories for all! Whether you read them now or some nonspecific number of hours from now, remember that cartoon horses will always be adorable.

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Fic Spotlight » Fic Spotlight #13 · 12:49am Nov 29th, 2014

Hi guys. How was your Thanksgiving? Did you remember to give thanks for pony words? No? Well, that is fine. There are many things for which we should all be thankful, and it is easy to forget about stories about colorful horses, if only for a little while.

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Fic Spotlight » Fic Spotlight #12 · 9:23pm Sep 26th, 2014

Hi guys. Remember the good old days, before the ficpocalypse? Back when we didn't have to scrounge in the charred ruins of empire to find our daily horse words? Back before the fic-raiders rode in on their fic-cycles to steal our fics? O, for those halcyon days. We never realized how good we had it in those times, and were I to have known that our abundance would not last, I would've cherished it more greatly.

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