Uncommon Shipping Pairs 1,273 members · 2,105 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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It's uncommon while it's still fresh!

I'd say it isn't uncommon. It isn't anything until it has had a chance to hit the fandom. Last thing you'd want, as a fan of uncommon pairings, is to jump on the ship only to find it crowded tomorrow.

4711478 I still like it.

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?


What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

...I have spent too long trying to figure out if that's a reference to something. :applejackconfused:


Because China was a faraway place when that saying was coined, and anything irrelevant to a discussion could be likened to the price of tea in China... for all the good it has to do with the current discussion.

(Discussion of the price of tea in China notwithstanding)

4712389 I don't know. I guess it's cheap because it's plentiful.

4712420 Okay then. :twilightsmile:

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