The Traveler's Tales 91 members · 8 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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Nathan Traveler
Group Admin

Hey, you've all seen the Blog where I said I'm making a new story where I'll put up all the crossover stuff I do. I thought it might be interesting if I just made a thread for possible crossover ideas, or just if you have a world you'd like to see as a side-chapter.

So! Have ideas? Share 'em.

I think you should expand the Omnius' Travels, but for crossovers I have zero suggestions. (For now, anyways.)

Nathan Traveler
Group Admin

Oh, no worries. I'm actually doing that now, and I've just submitted "Tales From The Other Side". So hopefully, it'll be goin' up soon.

309945 Good to know. :twilightsmile:

I think you should do some crossover's with Doctor Who (the 10th Doctor please... maybe the Vashta Nerada episode) and with Half-Life
2... Maybe Bioshock?

Hmmmm. I would love to see Omnius in either a Gundam universe for a side chapter[preferably g gundam] or the megaman x universe. Maybe even a superhero universe. [Marvel or DC I am good with either really.] Oh how bout Omnius in the mushroom kingdom. [I think that would be the most interesting one to read.] :rainbowdetermined2:

Dang I tend to ramble.:rainbowderp:

Here's some ideas
Resident evil
Call of duty (zombies)
World of Warcraft
Halo (any)
Final fantasy 9
Final fantasy 7
Kingdom hearts
League of legends
Mass effect series
Gears of war
And god of war.
Just thought I'd throw those out there for ya.

Blue Breeze
Group Admin

Even though this is something that would obviously happen WAY down the line, for quite a while I've wanted to have Omnius appear in my own story. I think the Traveler of Good could bring a fun mix to my story's already colorful cast of characters.

If we do crossovers for stuff like other video games (TF2, Mass Effect, etc.) I don't think it would be put here on fimfiction, due to the lack of ponies.

I don't think that any of us fans of Nathan would mind TOO much about the lack of ponies. Although that could be averted if Nathan was to take one of the mane six as company to some of these alternate universes.

Now for my suggestion:
Assassin,s Creed?

311708 I never said we'd mind it.

Oh, sorry for the assumption:twilightsheepish:
By the way, I've been meaning to ask someone something:
If someone were to post a story that didn't include ponies at all,would it be banned, taken down or whatever or would it be another drop in the sea of fictions of this site?

311754 All is forgiven. :pinkiesmile:

Thank you for your forgiveness.
BTW, what time is it for you? for me it's 1:30 AM

Has anyone here heard of The Anti-Cliche and Mary Sue Elimination Society? I think that Omnius would make a great agent. They also haven't done the MLP fandom yet, which I'm surprised nobody had because we have plenty of them running around.

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