Twilight's Library 4,830 members · 6,274 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Group Admin

Just because it seemed like an interesting idea, I've created a "Staff Picks" folder.

The idea here is that I am not going to put anything in it, but any of the admins or contributors can throw anything they want in, as long as it isn't their own fanfic, and is a fanfic they like. I felt it might be interesting to see what ends up in there.

I might create a folder for staff fanfics, too. I'm thinking about it.

Hm. I wonder what will show up.

I might create a folder for staff fanfics, too. I'm thinking about it.

Hey, self promotion—Why not? At the same time, you could just have a place with links to the staff's pages and that would probably just be simpler, no? Anyone interested in the staff's work would just click on their usernames anyways.

Group Admin


I'll admit, part of the trouble with a staff folder is it'd have 35 stories if just nygiants93 put his stories in. It'd be huge.

I should actually create a post with a list of admins. It'd need to effectively be an organization chart for the group, though, and that could take a bit.

Group Admin

i say noone can post their on fics or the fics of another admin, only their favorite stories.

Group Admin


Well, I don't mind them featuring another admins stories, really, just their own, but to keep things honest, let's keep that to a minimum, and if you add another admins fanfic, mention it in this thread, and why you added it...

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