Humans Aren't Bastards 4,073 members · 211 stories
Comments ( 19 )
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Hi there guys. I'm Lynolius. Some of you might know me as the author of "Heroes and Allies" others might not. I just wanted to say that I fully stand by what this group is all about, and I wish this sentiment was more common throughout this rather bizarre fan-base of ours. I'd put H&A (the story) in this group, but it's not letting me. Either way, I just wanted to send a shout out to Velkaden, who inadvertently brought me here. That is all.

For Humanity!

P.S. Anyone know why It's not letting me attach the story to this group?

Group Admin

If anything goes wrong, feel free to blame Invictus. In fact, tell him that RandomEncounter told you to demand he accept blame.

And if you see this Invictus... it's all your fault! :pinkiecrazy:

On a more serious note, glad you found your way here. :pinkiesmile:

Ha ha! I'll be sure to do that. It's good to find some like minded people around here.

Group Admin

Though, I have to warn you... Invictus can be a real pain sometimes. Given the chance, he'll try to get your loved ones to kick you in real life, and call you names for *cough*no reason*cough* in PM's...

Edit: Actually... that's probably just his way of dealing with me.

Thanks for the tip. I'm watching you, Invictus.:trixieshiftright: Respond if you dare!

It's already in here.

Group Admin


The reason it's not letting you attach your story to the group is because it already IS attached to the group. First on the list, I believe. Be proud.

Wow. *blush* I'm honored to say the least. I wasn't aware of this.

Group Admin


Well, looks like the others were kind enough to inform you, already. Yeah, yours was one of the very first stories posted here (with good reason).

And don't listen to anything Random ever tells you. He is a bundle of subterfuge, wrapped with deceit, dipped in a chocolaty coat of prevarication. I'm a perfectly nice guy.

Except for the bit about me trying to get his girlfriend to kick him. That bit's true. However, in my defense, she was handing out forms and I wasn't the only one who requested a few dozen.

Oh, and welcome to the group. Good to have you!

Glad to be here. Sorry I'm late I guess. As for this: "He is a bundle of subterfuge, wrapped with deceit, dipped in a chocolaty coat of prevarication." That could very well be the greatest group of words I've seen anywhere in the last year. What can I say? It's good to be here.

Group Admin


She was NOT! You were the one that requested a damn form... and then asked if you could submit them en masse. Admittedly, I deserve it.

But still, get the facts right! :facehoof:

Group Admin


As a great man once said:

I reject your reality, and substitute my own.

Group Admin

Are you sure you should be in charge of this group? I think you undermine yourself. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Soooooo many points for the Adam Savage line from Mythbusters.
Or perhaps he lives in his own reality....

Group Admin


You see that Random? I'm winning.

I don't know what it is, or what the rules are, or who I'm even playing against besides maybe just you.

But, I'm winning.

Well said, Mr. Sheen.

Group Admin

Actually, he does live in his own reality. He thinks he is winning. At what, no clue, but apparently he believes he can win at something.

Well, enough of that, once again, welcome. :pinkiesmile:

Group Admin


12!? Good sir, you are far too mature for this farce of a conversation.

Remove yourself immediately!

Before your faculties are affected.

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