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What would happen? We can discuss it being anywhere: New York, Siberia (I don't think that place can get any colder!), Canada, Australia, etc. This is a serious discussion thread about what might happen if we caused a nuclear winter and our who-know's-how-many-Great Grandchildren will be there to try and pick up the pieces and to begin to rebuild.


Let's say in a nuclear winter in New York, it would be an average of -50 ~ 20 degrees fahrenheit.

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Okay. Lemme think,... RENO! Wait, that's already been done. Fuck... Hmmm. How about in England? I rather like the idea, it seems interesting. Those filthy Britainites using shotguns to blow the heads off of some unknown mutant moth.

(Britainites are not actually filthy, twas a joke)

553648 in Fallout lore that shouldn't be possible since the only nation to mass produce vaults was America, so Fallout is severely limited to America.

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553697 But it don't mean somebody there couldn't survive. I mean, ghouls and all that shit. Besides, there must have been SOME people who built fallout shelters.

553707 How could they have possibly known that it would come to a Nuclear war? America didn't, the only reason the vaults were created in the first place were social experiments, so the likelihood of other countries making them is slim

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553724 Hmm, toché... But, the ghouls? There are some in America from around when the Great War actually happened.

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You know, I'm actually writing a fanfic about this that I plan to release tomorrow or the day after.

553731 Yes, but Fallout is about Humans survival, not Ghouls, so even though how close you came to being one in Fallout 3, and since they didn't make you one there I don't think they will ever make you be a ghoul unless it's a choice.

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553855 ... Touché... Again.


553697 Just because there was no massive undertaking to build a network of them doesn't mean there weren’t a few less organised solutions. I mean London has them Right Now for crying out loud. Russia is browned to have some to. Not to mention there are a lot of cities that weren’t really worthwhile strategic targets just like Lass Vegas. Hey, how about Africa?

554408 Yes, you do make valid points, but the Fallout universe isn't our universe, and has differences, most noticably, America being at war with China. So the odss of those countries having bunkers are slim.

Also, I may be wrong on this, but the Fallout universe was as culturally advanced as the 1940s, so a lot of the things that modern science was used to help create didn't exist.

Here's a fan made version of what happend to China during the war.
(The original is written in Chinese, so I used google translation.)

We can discuss it being anywhere: New York, Siberia (I don't think that place can get any colder!), Canada, Australia, etc.


Fallout will never take place anywhere other than the US. It just doesn't work like that.

Fallout lives off satire of the United States during the 50s. That's the whole point. You can't get that 'dieselpunk' feel in Canada. If you put it in another country it wouldn't be fallout. It'd be STALKER.

Elvis didn't live in Germany. Marilyn Manson wasn't born in New Zealand.

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