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I don't know about everyone else but I would like to see a Fallout taking place in Europe. There would have to be some great settings and possibilities for stories over there. What do yall think a European Fallout would be like?

They were fighting a war with each other for decades before the Great War.
I don't really think there would be much left to be honest.

I reckon Eurpoe would be too dead to be able to have a European fallout. Though the concept of it sounds promising. I am a huge Fallout fan :3 I wouldn't mind to see a European Fallout to be honest

Where is the next fallout due to be then?

514213 I heard it was to be set in Boston....

I can vouch for London being a good setting. There are so many odd things there that you’ll find if you ever decide to get lost, not to mention the grand architecture and real castles to boot. It is a large city after all, the largest in Europe. There’s also a lot of history that can colour the story in well throughout the continent. Perhaps some sort of conflict in the channel tunnel (or rather tunnels, there’s three of them running in parallel) would also spice things up.

Wasn't Europe in a massive war with each other before China and the U.S.? I don't think there's any thing left.

514452 France has those catacombs in Paris though don't they? I'm thinkin they may be able to use those. Pretty unlikely though.

Frank DuFresne (Doc)
Group Contributor

There would be no children, only ghosts.

514452 There's nothing much left of anything anymore. Besides, with Germany being a giant of industry, Britain being a big economic power and not to mention dozens of other countries in the European Union they likely pulled together to create their own ‘Vault’ program, only being under the derestriction of multiple competing governments means they would be focused towards the only common goal; survival. In essence, no freaky experiments.

It'll never happen. Ever.

A big part of Fallout is the American 50s retrofuturism. Put it in another country and the entire 'fallout' feel is completely ruined.

Elvis didn't live in Europe. Marilyn Monroe didn't live in Europe. Therefore fallout shouldn't be in Europe.

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