The Mojave Express 1,108 members · 86 stories
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Lone Wander
Name: David Truman
Race: Human (Slowly turning into a Ghoul), Caucasian, Male
Karma: Messiah (Aka Very Good)
All 10 SPECIAL(No cheats)
Favorite weapons: Metal Blaster with Gauss rifle
Armor: Winterized T-51b power armor (no helmet though)
Characteristic: He usually tries to talk out of his way out of a fight, but not afraid to defend himself or others for that matter. He'll sometime go out of what he was doing to help people in need or do some small task. He tries his best to make the Wasteland a safer place to live.
Companions: Mostly travels alone, but is sometimes accompany by Dog Meat.

Late Night Delight
Group Contributor

Courier six
Name: Cheyenne Michaelson
Race: Human Caucasian female
Karma: Good...Enough
Faction: NCR
Favorite weapons: Ranger Sequoia, Anti-Materiel Rifle, Broad machete.
Armor: Desert ranger armor
Chracteristics. The brash and bold Courier of the Mojave, Cheyenne is known for her headstrong nature and 'Shoot first ask questions later' mentality. She experienced a massive change of character in the Divide, growing from a brash young woman to a very mature one.
Companions: Travels with Veronica and Ed-E

Courier Six
Name: William "Six" Price
Race: Ghoul Caucasian Male
Karma: Neutral~
Faction: Independent
Signature Armament:

The Cavalry Revolver
Armor: Courier's Duster, a shoulder holster, a sawed-off 'round his leg, and a pair of throwing knives in his boot. Some improvised shoulder and knee pads, ala Armored Vault Suit, are included. I'll throw in a picture once I finish installing a texture pack.
Personality: Sharpest shot in the Mojave, but not a shabby hand to hand fighter either. Silent, slightly more benevolent than the previous caretaker of Vegas. Mute due to trauma of blowing up a town with some nukes, writes down words on paper. After he acquired a Pip-Boy, he used that instead. Willing to do what it takes, for the ends justify the means. Though once and a while cappin' a foo doesn't hurt.
Companions: ED-E and Mister Xavier Jacques Cuddlesworth the II.

Courier Six

Name: Black Emperor
Race: Lobotomite wih green skin, Male
Karma: Messiah (somehow)
Faction: NCR
Favorite weapons: Steampunk Shotgun
Armor: Grimy Pre-War Businesswear, balaclava
Companions: Winston the Deathclaw, Joshua Graham

Frank DuFresne (Doc)
Group Contributor

Courier 6 (Not mine)
Name: Doctor Dolittle
Race: Human Male, Caucasian
Karma: Very Good
Faction: New California Republic
Favorite Weapons: All the ones that he likes.
Armor: Bounty hunter duster, Desperado cowboy hat
Characteristics: Easily distracted, talks to his companions a lot, likes to throw items around at random, hates Cass, somehow got a sex bot pregnant, sings about random things, uses the word 'baby' a lot.
Companions: Mr. Cuddlesworth, Jerry McGhoulberry, Janet, Captain Ballarms, Steve

Courier 6
Name: Morgan Freeman
Race: Human Male, African American
Karma: Very Good
Faction: Independent
Favorite Weapons: Godlike voice
Armor: Elite Riot Gear
Characteristics: Ten Charisma, Peace first
Companions: Mr. Cuddlesworth, Jerry McGhoulberry, Janet, Captain Ballarms, Steve

Frank DuFresne (Doc)
Group Contributor

394220 You copied and pasted the companions I wrote down! And why would Morgan Freeman have a Deathclaw, a Ghoul, a sex bot, a very loud robot who hates communists, and a radroach as companions?

394268 CRAP sorry forgot to erase that, your outline was good and i wanted to use it.

(imagine the possibilities)

Frank DuFresne (Doc)
Group Contributor

394274 Ahhhhhh. Now it makes sense...And now it doesn't because I imagined the possibilities. They were hilarious.

Frank DuFresne (Doc)
Group Contributor

Courier Six (Mine)
Name: Nikola Tesla
Race: Human Male, Caucasian
Karma: Mostly Good
Faction: New California Republic
Favorite Weapon: Tesla Cannon
Armor: Gannon Family Tesla Armor
Characteristics: He's Nikola Fucking Tesla! A mad scientist! Fucking bad ass!
Companions: Veronica and Ed-E

Group Contributor

The Sixth of Couriers
Name: Sir Issac Von Hardcrotch
Race: Human Male. White
Karma: Neutral
Faction: NCR
Favorite Weapon: Ranger Sequoia
Armor: US General Suit
Characteristics: Gentlemen, Scholar, Wasteland Bad Arse.
Companions: Mr. Cuddles

Group Contributor

~Courier Six~

Name: Basil Crowcross
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Skin Tone: Tan
Karma: Vegas Legend
Faction: He's in his own faction!
Favorite Weapon: Ratslayer or the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle
Other Weapons: Cowboy Repeater, Single Shotgun, Lucky, Hunting Rifle, Ballistic Fist for close quarters
Armor: Leather Armor (Reinforced), 1st Recon Beret, Sunglasses
Characteristics: Silent and deadly.
Companions: Boone and Cass

Favorite Quote that he (and I) live by: The day I murder a civilian, the day I kill without a just cause, is the day I put a bullet through my skull.

Level 40 (I don't have two of the DLCs)
the over-encumbered man
Caucasian Male, still human.
specials, all are 8 but luck which is 10.
favorite weapons: AMR, BARE FISTS, 12.7mm smg with silencer
armor: Remnants power armor
looking for a fight but once allied probably not going to do to much to you (at least bad things)
companions: ED-E and Veronica

Random Wasteland Badass

Race: Human, Caucasian, slightly augmented
Sex: Male
Karma: Neutral
Faction: Nope.
Weapons: KORD 12.7mm HMG [] modified for lighter weight; Titanium/Saturnite composite Ballistic Shield, attaches to forearm and allows use for left hand; .45 caliber SMG; Burstfire 10mm handgun; Saturnite combat knife
Armor: Lightweight Power armor
Companion: A dog.

Group Contributor

:-:Courier Six:-:

~General Information~

Name: Sean Ellis [{(Sean = Sh-awn; rhymes with fawn)}]
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Skin: White
Age: mid-30's
Karma: Very Good
Faction: NCR
Primary Weapons: Lucky and the Mysterious Magnum
Secondary Weapons: Fully modified Katana, Old Glory
Armor: Courier's Duster w/ NCR logo on the back, Breathing Mask
Fight with/Kill Ulysses: Fought with him through 100 speech check

~Personality & Past~

At the beginning, he was a cheerful and charismatic fellow. After earning Dead Money, learning from Honest Hearts, suffering from Old World Blues, and walking the Lonesome Road, he became quiet, reserved. Few that spoke with him understood what they saw in his eyes. Those that did were Boone, the Remnants, anyone that had experienced something completely and truly life changing. What he had experienced in just a few short months had changed him entirely.

He used to be a "Tank". He wore the Remnants Armor and used the CZ57 Avenger, Annabelle, Esther, Oh, Baby!, and Mercy. After he walked the Lonesome Road, he changed to a cloak he called the Courier's Duster and constantly wore a breathing mask. He changed from the biggest and best weapons to the more symbolic. Lucky, the Mysterious Magnum, Old Glory, and a Katana. Those were the weapons he now used.

When asked about the change, he would always reply, his voice somber, "So, that I wouldn't forget. Not again."

Besides him, only one other person understood the meaning behind those words. And that person remained in the Great Divide, a symbol of the Old World on his back. They rarely spoke to each other. When it's quiet, Sean can be seen listening to something on his Pip-Boy. Those that tried to listen in always heard the last few words,

...and wear it proudly when you stand at Hoover Dam.

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