Proof-reading, Pre-Reading And Editing 960 members · 11 stories
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Title: The Rising

Tags: Romance, Dark, Human, Mystery, Slice of Life, Tragedy
Character Tags: Princess Celestia & Luna, Mane Six, OC, Other

Rating: Teen to Mature

General Summary/Description: During the Princesses childhood within the Castle of Two Sisters, Celestia and Luna would venture out in earnest of adventure. One venture leads them to discover an ancient place telling, within a long and forgotten language, of a time before time, and holding a statue of a being. After informing (and enduring a lecture from) their parents, it becomes the most incredible find that takes interest of the entire nation.
Years upon long years pass, the ancient site fades to be left forgotten again, except within the attention of archaeologists. What the being is, who it is and what story the language says remains an enigma.
Its only until Chaos happens does time ever tell.

What type of help are you looking for: Proof-Reader to Pre-Reader, but Editor is okay.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: Only OC is human, some religion (christianity [the actually sensible kind, not the BS zealotry]) is involved but not overt enough to convince people, transformation is involved but it's given good reason on why instead of the typical "why not," slooow romance burn, Celestia and Luna carries mental scars due to dead parents and Nightmare Moon.

Most important information: While I do have an editor, she's currently undergoing IRL events that has made her unavailable to help. The story is planned to be LONG within a standard of 10k words per chapter or more. The story has already gone through a four part prologue and the first chapter detailing both the Princesses' and the OC's pasts.
Story starts with the human apocalypse following rehabilitation of Earth, leading to the MLP-verse to repopulate the world.
If the first prologue is read, then please and do note that the story does involve MLP, and just because it starts at an apocalypse does not mean that the story should have ended there. It's what I planned and it's how you break the stereotypical mold about using The End.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on: Making sure that things make reasonable and readable sense as well as making sure that I'm following the same grammar pattern instead of constantly switching back and forth and forgetting what I'm on (as I've discovered I'm bouncing back and forth in the middle of English and American writing styles in a bastardized hybrid)

Other important information: I'm willing to accept suggestions and edits, but it's still on me. Follows MLP-canon, but the OC isn't following the Mane Six and instead he's hanging back in the background giving a glance at what's happening occasionally.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: I take FimFic mail, Gmail, and Yahoo (Yahoo's bit iffy for me, doesn't like me for some reason and it doesn't load as fast as it should)

The story in FimFiction is here.
The currently developing chapter is here.

Hoping for someone to help!

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