SCP: Friendship is [REDACTED] 625 members · 72 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Hello, everyone. I've got a request to pose.

I have an SCP story that's been unfinished for the longest time, and I'd really like to get the damned thing over and done with. Problem is, while I know how it begins and ends, I'm having a little trouble filling out the middle into an un-boring story. It is my hope I can bounce a few ideas off of a fellow writer in order to flush out a proper story.

Don't worry about writing anything. I'll do all of that. What I'm hoping to find is someone who can help me in terms of plotting the missing pieces of my story. This by its nature requires someone who is more than passively familiar with the SCP Foundation. If you have the knowledge and the time to spare, I'd love to have a chat. I prefer Discord if you have it, but I got skype running as well.

Sure, I can help out.
Billock#4965 on Discord

Don't be surprised if I don't respond immediately, I might just be asleep

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