Adventure 1,218 members · 3,010 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Group Admin

Hey there folks, I apologize for the delay in getting this place organized, when the groups first appeared I actually didn't realize they were going to be fully independent content management systems. Very cool! My props to Knighty for once again doing a great job. I've updated the rules on the main group page and Ive added some folders for us. I saw a few comments suggesting character specific folders, but I don't think we're going to go there. the site already has tags, and they do a fine job of letting people find the characters they're looking for. Folders will be dedicated to things that tags cant handle, like story length or specific content. Please have a look at the Adventure rules and see if you've got stories that fall within them! I know they may be a little limiting on some of the fics out there, but when i made this group, it was my hope that i could create an experience not unlike the show itself, targeted toward a slightly older audience. have fun!

For adventure stories, "all mane six and named background characters must survive" is alarmingly limiting. I'm not saying it's impossible to write adventures without somebody dying, but death is a commonly used and useful tool for upping the stakes (when there's the threat of it) and creating drama (when it happens to someone important).

Anyway, while I appreciate your vision for this group, it does mean I will have to respectfully withdraw my contributions.

I think I can work with this... (does no named background chars count in or out OC characters?) but my story might be on the edge(or going on the edge) here. It isn't grimdark or anything, but I do have some dark twisting of reality and violent encounters.(maybe a death of an OC.. I can't say yet) What do you propose we do with stories which might be considered fair for this group or might be considered not?

My 2nd question is, the 30k word group. Does the story have to be 30k words at the moment of adding it to it, or is it ok if plan to have the overall story become longer then 30k words?(mine is at some 23 or so k words and I plan for 40 to 50k.)

Group Admin

OC's are fair game to kill off, its the franchise characters that are protected here. Finding a way to create tension without the constant threat of death is a literary challenge in itself, I invite you to rise to it. The show itself manages to do it rather nicely, despite everyone knowing that things will work out in the end. However, if that's just not your style, then Im sure you'll do well in one of the other groups

Group Admin

I'd suggest publishing your story to fimfiction, but holding off on moving it to the 30k+ story area until it actually hits that mark. I'd rather it didnt fill with a lot of smaller works in progress.

198210 grumble grumble.. I got 29.397k works right now, you won't mind if I throw it up under lengthy adventures anyway, right?

I can honestly say, if I had written those rules myself I wouldn't have changed a thing.

Glad to see there's people other than me who appreciates the original tone of the series.

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