Adventure 1,218 members · 3,010 stories
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At the moment I'm working on a large adventure story, but I'm over 50k words in so far and nobody has commented on it yet. I don't have very many readers, so I'm making this thread here in hopes that at least someone will be interested in reading it and then commenting on what they think of it

The story is here:

Some history about this saga: This story is a sequel to something I wrote way back in 2012-2013 on (a 90k word one that actually ends and is completed) I kind of left it on a cliffhanger though, and I've always wanted to continue it since then. So, over four years later, that's what I've been doing: Putting a serious effort into completing this series once and for all instead of leaving it hanging forever like I've seen so many others do with their stories. If you like oldy-style stories from that era of MLP, then you might like this one.

It's not required to read the first story though - in-fact I don't recommend it because it's so old and dated from back when I was new to writing. I actively made sure that anyone could read this without missing any important context (chapter 2 is essentially a summarization of the previous story from Twilight Sparkle's point of view) So you shouldn't have to worry about that

Oh, and I update the story every Saturday too - I like me some of that consistency

Really hoping someone takes the time to offer some feedback! Thanks in advance.

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