Adventure 1,218 members · 3,010 stories
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I'm not here to promote my story in any way I just would like for someone to look it over and see if it fits the group and doesn't break any rules. I'm pretty sure it doesn't but if it actually does I'd rather not get in trouble for posting it and find out that way. So if it's not too much trouble you can find my story here

4682212 Looks like it from my perspective.

PS: On a side note, how did you get your story so many views? I can't even break the 500 mark on any of my 10 stories for some reason. Any professional advice?

4682840 I'd need to look at your story first, honestly I'm not sure why mine got so many views, I guess people may have liked the plotline I set up and just stuck with it? Maybe I just got lucky. But I'm not a professional from what little I know the people who can offer the most advice are people from the writer's group and similar groups.

If I had to hazard a guess then I'd probably say that the people knew what they were getting into with my story and it interested them since it was a genre of HIE that hadn't been used very often (Writing about my story like this makes me feel like I sound egotistical, I don't like it). Maybe some people liked my story because it wasn't your typical first story quality. I really don't know.

Like I said you're best bet is to try the writer's group since they know what they're talking about unlike me. And if worst comes to worst and you're not ashamed then you can always try advertising your story trough the shameless self promotion bureau. I hope this helped.

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