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I meant the former. Like I said, just curious.

I actually have written my thing for this prompt, but classes started this week and between that, needing a VPN to access Google Docs and no internet in the teacher's dorm I haven't had the time and energy to type it up.

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Le claim right proper donnybrook

Okay, I actually wrote this one in my notebook two weeks ago but the start of work and spotty internet access combined to keep me from typing it up until now. It's pretty underwhelming, but...

That's not what I heard

Fleur Dis Lee groaned languidly as the masseuse worked her hooves into the sore spot in the supermodel’s back. “Alright Blueblood, I admit it. I should have tried this spa much sooner.”

Prince Blueblood smirked on the other massage table as a handsome earth pony colt worked his flanks right above the cutie mark. “A proper gentlepony never says ‘I told you so,” he said with a sniff. “So I’ll just point out that you also didn’t believe me when I said Cadance is coming back for a month.”

Fleur cocked an eyebrow. “Trouble in paradise?”

The smirk widened. “That’s not what I heard,” Blueblood began. He was cut off by a moan of pleasure as the spa pony reached the spot where his wings had been.

“Oh yes, right there,” he panted.

Fleur rolled her eyes. “You really should just talk to that Fluttershy pony about making Discord give them back, you know.”

Blueblood shuddered. “The one who lives out in the woods with all those dirty animals? No thank you.”

Fleur giggled at her foppish friend. “So go on. What did you hear?”

The smile returned to Blueblood’s face. “There’s going to be another royal wedding. And apparently Auntie Celestia decided that officiating duties should rotate between the princesses.”

“I’m surprised she didn’t have her sister or the new one do it instead of dragging Cadance all the way back to Canterlot for so long,” Fleur commented.

Blueblood’s grin widened. “Who do you think the brides are?”

New prompt: Advent of the Norris Saber


Is this still going?

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4734083 It will go till the day Fimfiction closes it's metaphorical doors.

Just remember it's slow, like most other things around here.

-Sanity is overrated

Can I claim 4 am from the first page? :D I have an idea that is cute!

4 am
That is what the clock said. Well no. It said 4:02:23. But that was neither here nor there. Twilight rolled over in her bed. Her mane tangled around her horn and her hooves gripped the sheet. Sleep. It was like a mist in the Everfree forest. It just was there, lingering on the edge of her mind, teasing, tonting, and over all, elusive. She groaned and gets up, throwing the blanket off the edge of her matress. The darkness clung to the corners of her room and seeped along the walls. A magenta glow softly pushed it back as Twilight walked from the grand room dedicated to her in the palace. She walked past Spike’s room. The young adolescent dragon had long over grown his basket and was now sleeping in a full bed. His tail sags over the edge. Slowly tip-toeing past the slumbering dragon’s room Twilight went off to wander the halls.
The walls were silent as all the servants slept. As Twilight neared the library with slow deliberate steps, the sound of aggravated mumbling reached the princesses ears. Her head peeked into the main room of the grand library. Within was none other than the lithe form of the princess of the night. Her midnight fur reflected the faint indigo light of her magic. She stood by a table laden with books. Quills and papers were stacked neatly to the side and the only thing out of place was the fact Luna was not reading. In fact she was fixated on a lamp. The thing was off, keeping the room in near darkness.
“Luna? What are you doing? Surely the bulb hasn’t died on you.” Twilight stated as she moved to come alongside the other alicorn. Side by side, one could see their differences in stature. Luna had grown since coming back from her banishment. Still not as tall as Celestial, she was still taller than Cadence. Twilight stood evenly with the Princess of the Crystal Empire, and neither had earned their magical manes.
Luna’s blue eyes turn to regard Twilight with both embarrassment and agervation. “The confounded contraption refuses to put forth even the faintest of a glow. Mine own magic dose more than it and I grow weary of it.” Twilight giggles.
“Luna, you have been back for ow many years and you still do not know how to work a lamp?” The princess of the night sits down on her haunches with a huff. She folds her ears back and frowns.
“When thy lives in the same abode as the Solar princess, one does not need nocturnal lighting as the wall just seem to glow. Besides, there are plenty of windows in the Canterlot library that allowed supple amounts of moon light to stimulate mine eyes.” Twilight blinked and looked about, vaguely remembering not needing to get curtains for the windows to protect the book bindings, because there were no windows to cover. She looked back to Luna who was no longer paying any attention to the younger mare. In her magical grasp was a match. The flame’s light seemed harsh in contrast to the princesses’ magical glows. Alarm raced through twilight as she watched the lamp shade took up in flames. “HAZA! I have brought light to the room!” Luna’s glee was evident, thinking she had figured out how to work the lamp.
“Luna!” Twilight’s cry of shock was ignored as Luna went prancing about from lamp to lamp. Each one went up in flames most spectacularly. The night princess was at least mindful enough to move the lamps away from the shelves of dried paper bound in much thicker dried paper on wooden shelves. “Luna!” Twilight cries out again as she went about putting out the fires. The night princess looked at twilight with a raised brow.
“What have I done wrong? Isn’t this how you are supposed to be using these?” Luna asked completely ignorant of her wrongs. Twilight reached up under one of the charred lamp coverings and pulled the chain to turn on the light. Luna watched in rapture as Twilight sighed and left the once quiet library, back to her bed that was calling her name, making a mental note to get new lamp shades. And fire prof the library.

new prompt: hippos

Claiming: Hippos


Luna rolled her eyes. “Verily Twilight Sparkle, thy loyalty to mine sister is laudable, but tis true! Celestia’s flank is of an abnormal and frankly alarming size.”

Twilight glared at her fellow princess. “She does NOT look like a hippo and I refuse to believe that she is viewed as some sort of sex goddess icon in their culture!” Twilight shouted.

Luna’s expression turned sly. “Wouldst thou care to make a bit of a wager?” she asked.

“What?!” Twilight exclaimed. “No! I can’t believe I’m even having this conversation!”

Luna turned and raised her head haughtily. “Very well then. If thou art...chicken, as they say in the modern vernacular.”

Twilight’s face contorted in anger. She snorted once, like a bull.

“You’re on.”

Twilight groaned as she woke up in the royal bed after the third dream from a hippo with a heartfelt appreciation for flanks in general and pin-up ponies in particular Luna had dragged her through.

“Alright,” she croaked. “You win. Just so long as I never, ever have to see the things you just showed me again.”

Luna inclined her head in a victor’s acknowledgement. “We shall be gracious. Now then, there is the matter of our wager.”

Twilight shook her head groggily to clear out the cobwebs. “Yeah, about that. What the hay does ‘offer no resistance’ mea—!”

Luna rolled over from her side of the bed and straddled Twilight. Twilight’s question cut off with a muffled “Mmpff!” as Luna thrust her tongue into the little pony’s clever mouth in a passionate kiss and pressed her body into full contact with the younger alicorn’s.

“Thou hast no idea how long I have wanted to do this, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna whispered huskily when she broke the kiss.

Twilight decided to offer no resistance.

New Prompt: Everypony Was Kung-Fu Fighting

Comment posted by Donraj deleted Jul 1st, 2016
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Gonna re-claim Right Proper Donnybrook

I wrote something for it months ago and lost interest. But right now, I need a good random prompt to break up this Writer's Block.

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Right Proper Donnybrook

I needed something to break the Block and this worked wonderfully.

“Come One Come All
To the Donnybrook Fare!
O’er where?
The Donnybrook Fare!
Come One Come All
To the Donnybrook Fare!

A Gryphon Affair
The Donnybrook Fare!
In Griffonstone a-Fair
The Donnybrook Fare!
A-claw! A-paw!
A-wing in th’ Aire!
All are welcome a-Donnybrook Fare!

In Sky o’blue and Fields o’green
Games are had
Food and Fun a plenty!
Make your feathers a-preen’d
Meet Friends a-many!

The Donnybrook Fare!
With Princesses pair
From Moon rise to Sun down
Gather all ‘round
Alicorns most fair!

Eat! Make merry!
Come now Don’t terry!
The Sight a-worthy to Stare!
Come One Come All
To the Donnybrook Fare!”

“Wasn’t the fare outlawed?” Twilight looked up from her book, brows knitting in thought. “Something about riots, right?”

“Indeed!” Princess Luna flashed a brilliant smile, her ink-whetted quill flicking over the parchment held up in her magical grip. “It was an amazing spectacle every year. In truth, it did get out of hoof at times. But Gryphonian liquor does have that effect on me.”

“I don’t think you’re supposed to be proud of that, Luna.” Twilight stretched her wings out, working some feeling into her back before pushing herself to her hooves. “The gryphons still use ‘donnybrook’ as a slang term to mean any large brawl or angry sort of flock. Now, that part, you should be proud of.”

Twilight shook herself, resettling her coat and feathers while she reshelved her book at the same time. They were in her personal library at her Ponyville castle, going over some of her newest historical acquisitions, when Luna took the sudden interest in writing an archaic Crier’s Bark about a centuries old, defunct fare. “Your iambic verse structure is all over the place, by the way.”

“It is not poetry.” Luna smirked, tilting the parchment slightly to examine her quill work. “It’s marketing. It is meant to evoke curiosity in all who listen.”

“It’ll certainly make anypony that hears it wonder who thought it was a good idea.”

Luna lowered the paper to glare over it at Twilight. “Har har. It has been a long time since I’ve done this. Barking is a lost art.”

“Try telling that to the Diamond Dogs. Some nights I can’t even get a few minutes of sleep before they wake me up over and over again.” Twilight returned Luna’s glare playfully. “Not sure why they do it either. That old wives tale about them howling at the Moon is hogwash, according to science.”

Twilight’s playful glare morphed into an equally playful smirk as she got closer to Luna and took the scroll away from the Princess. “I’m the only one that gets to sing the praises of your moon anyway.”

Twilight looked over Luna’s writing, tracing the flowing calligraphy that the Princess had created on the fly with her eyes. The older stylistic trappings re-enforced the archaic feel of the content, but it was perfectly readable and pleasing to her modern Equestrian sensibilities. When she looked back up, however, Luna’s expression was flat. The Princess’ eyes locked on something in the middle distance rather than the impatient artist waiting for a snarky review of her creation.

Twilight cleared her throat awkwardly. “I am...right? The only one that sings…?”

Luna turned away, her cheeks growing dark under her fur. She mouthed the words, ‘old wives tale’ to herself.

“Wait wait wait! You don’t just get to turn away from that, Luna!” Twilight laughed nervously, pacing in time with Luna’s slow rotation to never leave the Princess’ sight. “Diamond Dogs don’t really howl at the you can’t imply that the old saying is from them singing the praises of your...oh c’mon! Stop trying to turn away from me!”

Luna stopped where she was, making eye contact with Twilight for a second before quickly looking away again. She gathered herself, breathing in deeply through her nose before holding up her hooves in defense.

“Look, Twi...I’m not not saying there is a kernel of truth in that saying. But the world was very different in ancient times.”

Word Count: 679
New Prompt: Dead Batteries

When I have the time tomorrow, I will comb through this for all the active prompts and make a new post with them.

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(in no particular order)

Where's My Hasenpfeffer?
Sea Sick
Soul Mates
An unknown secret to both
Show your true colors
Dead Batteries
An Indelicate Procedure
You Can't Take the Ponyville Out of the Pony
Right Here Waiting
This is the Show
Covered in Chocolate
So Long and Thanks for All the Fish
Advent of the Norris Saber
Everypony Was Kung-Fu Fighting
Erotic Dancing
Magical Pregnancy
Destined Lovers
Luna sings Twilight's enticed
Luna is Twilight's real mother and neither of them know
Drunken seduction, wake up in bed
Then I'll start a democracy with Luna

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Claiming Right Here Waiting

Claiming: Destined Lovers

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This thread is still being tracked for the weary travelers who may come through.

Any claims not done are now voided due to time taken.

-Sanity is Overrated

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