Transformers Crossovers 739 members · 328 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Look I know you feel strongly about this but can you post this somewhere else, or just reply to their comments where they posted them? I dig through my inbox alot and this is starting to spam it up a bit.

That may have been out of line and so might this comment but you've posted five of these now have you stopped and realized that you are doing what these trolls not just want but dream of you doing. Responding.

If the movie is as good as you say very few of these comments are likely to be genuine or were made by nostalgia-blinded fools who are the also the sole reason Sonic is still a fanbase and nothing short of divine intervention 40k style is going to change their minds.

However, to me at least, the lack of proper grammar and misspelling on a grand scale suggests that these cretins are nothing more than your common troll. Annoying, yes. Hateful, yes. Childish, by definition. All you're doing with these is forcing yourself to get into a tizzy by reading their comments then feeding them by giving them what they want. A reaction.

was the poke at Sonic really necessary?

Yes. Well no but it was the best example I could come up with.

It was literally a drop of the hat comment without much thought but now I've actually done some research and to be honest my point was far more accurate then I thought...

Since the very first sonic game Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Genesis, there has been over ninety Sonic games. Nearly half of them being Racers or Platformers (Likely more but the website I'm using has IOS/Android games listed solely as Mobile rather then what the game actually is.) And these are Sega games, not just some random hack's.

That alone is not an issue, Warhammer 40k has hundreds of video games and I still love it.

The fact that Sega has a pump from your wallet into it's bank account isn't something I find issue with either due to aforementioned Warhammer being more expensive then Crystal Meth in Singapore.

The issue is that unlike all other franchises, the Sonic games have not, and will not evolve.

Each company views video games differently, for Hasbro, Blizzard, EA and so many more it's a cash pipe that some are built around, and spend their entire lives focusing on constant improvements to out shine their competitors.

For Games-workshop they don't make their own games and see them little more as Advertising that not only is free, they get royalties from it and allow the Devs to make loads of money off it.

Sega on the other hand, take their money and IP and sit down and refuse to do anything but publish other companies games and occasionally develop a Sonic game.

Each time they make a game it's the same thing with nearly the same graphics, no improvements and no changes to the formula. Even when they 'change' it's with two steps forward, one step back approach. Hence with the most recent one you get to play your own character for like two missions and being back in the blue-hog again before you can post your new fan-fic.

All they care about is the number of dollars they can steal from you before you notice that the only differences with their games is how the levels are stretched out and what unpayed interns had to do the voice acting.

At least EA gets creative in fucking your life over.

The worst part is based on some friends who I messaged on discord who actually like sonic, most of the good will is towards the movie and cartoon not the games. So your literally pouring money into a company due to nostalgia for something that company was not responsible for.

I blame Iron Man for their hate.

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