Transformers Crossovers 741 members · 331 stories
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sadly he can't. i fear he's become too warped inside his own insanity.
There's nothing we can do for him now.

Then we will just have to beat him to prove it. It will be bloody, and I fear many millions of lives will be lost, but it will be worth it in the end

I can live with that. Let's continue on from whatever mess we last left it in.

(as you wish)

Knockout: And to think we spent all that time searching for them on Earth, when they were in front of us all along.
Starscream: Are we going to use the omega lock to cyberform Earth as well?

Don't make me bring out Grimlock:pinkiecrazy:

I'll just give Grimlock Airachnid as a chew toy, that should keep him occupied. I would certainly enjoy it

Megatron: Yes, first the elements of harmony will restore the omega lock which will in turn restore Cybertron. Then i will build an army to hold decepticon influence over Cybertron and us as rightful rulers. I will take each human brain and place it inside a protoform and Gilded Earth shall be Born. I shall burn Equestria to the ground and the Cyber Ponies shall be reborn in it's wake! Canterlot will become New Kaon and equestria. Ponies, Zebras, Griffons will all fall to me! And this world shall become..Titanolos.
Once the Decepticon Empire has been established i will crush Metroid's prime's and the Quintessons..once...AND FOR ALL!! All hail the Decepticons. But firdt rarity must assemble the element's.
rarity: Yes, mu liege. Has anybody seen my sister
*Soundwave shows the equestrian court of law. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sit in the accused stand. The CMC fill the position of Judge *
Scootaloo: Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon. You have been accused of crimes against Lord Megatron and the Decepticon empire. How do you plead?
Silver Spoon: What did we do?
Sweetie Belle: You were mean to us! Well, who has the power now?
Scootaloo: I say again; how do you plead?
Tiara: Not guilty....of being a blank flank! ..Silver
Silver: I plead guilty! She made me do it! Please, give me another chance!
Apple Bloom: Diamond Tiara, ya have been found guilty of crimes against the Decepticon Empire. This court has decided your punishment. Your sentence is to be stripped of your cutie marks, your family wealth and put to work in the decepticon mines.
Sweetie Belle: As for you silver spoon. You have also been found guilty. But your sentence is a 3000 bit fine or to be each of our slave's for a day. that's 3 days of slavery.
Spoon: I don't have that much money! I'll be your slave!
Scootaloo: Court is adjourned! Take them away soldiers
Decepticon Guard: Yes ma'am. Move prisoners!
* Soundwave ends transmisson*
Megatron: I think it would be logical if none of us piss them of anytime soon. All in favor.
Decepticons: Aye!


Then I think that Velocitron would like to give the cons a piece of their mind:rainbowdetermined2:

Pfft, colonies, what are they going to do against the entire Decepticon army?


You forget becuase of Starscream their Is less then half of what remains of the Decepticons

I believe they're still more than a match for the Velocitron's. They are more experienced in warfare than the Velocitron's.

We'll if you read Transformers Exile you would know that that Velocitron recently went into civil war

Exactly, how can they beat the Decepticons if their fighting each other.

(Also I never read the comics. It's something I really regret today :fluttershysad:)

Well as you can probably tell I never read the books either :facehoof:
I should probably do so one day

1358999 i get most of my information from the wiki

Well okay then, that's probably a good idea


Metroid Prime: Autobot team strike the Nemesis now destory all forces, we must secure the omega lock.
Autobots: Yes sir Metroid Prime!!

What autobots? The CMC special forces annihilated them....except for Arcce and WheelJack. But they can't stand up to the decepticon- pony- human armada!

Starscream: But my lord, most of our forces are in Equestria! We have no one to guard the nemesis!
Knockout: You know this day was really nice up until now. I captured Luna, I met Rainbow Dash, and now this has come along and ruined it!

Megatron: Fine. Soundwave pull some of our forces back to the nemesis to shut Starscream up. Shockwave, hit Knockout because I'm too tired to do it myself.

*Shockwave hits Knockout*
Knockout: Ow! *gasps* You scratched my finish, do you know how long thats going to take to buff out!
Starscream: Shut up and get ready to defend the ship, they'll be boarding soon! Now would be a great time for those reinforcements Soundwave!

*Space Bridge opens and 3 decepticons legions run through*
Megatron: All right decepticons! Man your station! Protect the Omega Lock and the elements at all costs!
Decepticons: Yes lord Megatron! * Man station's*
Shoclwave: The strike force will be arriving in half a nanocycle!
Soundwave deploys Laserbeak
Megatron un-sheathes DS Sabre.
Starscream: Here they come....

*the Autobots burst in, firing their blasters*
Knockout: If thats how you want play it *draws his chainsaw* The doctor is in!
*Decepticons charge Autobots and engage them in combat*

The decepticons are on a winning streak. 'Nuf said.
*Rarity hits Knockout*
rarityt: Did you really say " the doctor is in?" really darling. I expected better from you Knockout.
Knockout: Sorry Rarity.
Rarity: Apology accepted. Now help the troops tidy up. I have to find my friends. The age of Megatron dawns!

Knockout: I like her more than Starscream already. That and her friend is Rainbow Dash.
Shockwave: Agreed.
*Soundwave nods*
Starscream: I'm standing right here you know?!

The mane five are ready with their elements in front of a broken omega lock.
Applejack: What in the hay is going on exactly? These robots, energon, i don't quite get it.
Rarity walks in.
Twilight: rarity, what's going on?
Rarity: Presenting the lord of the decepticon Armada and last of the primes, Lord Megatron! And commander Shockwave, ressurector of the Predacon race
Megatron and Shockwave walk in.
Megatron: Ponies, you stand at the dawn of a new age. All you need to do is use the elements to repair the omega lock.
rainbow: Oh yeah, and why should we?
Shockwave: Because if you don't my liege shall tear your world asunder!
Twilight: Pipe down. As the last princess, i have to ask; what do we stand to benefit from this.
Megatron: Shockwave, explain.
Shockwave: The omega lock can cyber form whole worlds. It can turn this medieval dump heap into a shining metropolis as an example to the entire universe. Along with it, your bodies shall morph into shells similar to uor own. You will be like us. Oh and Fluttershy, can you come over here.
Fluttershy approaches.
Shockwave: Now this won't hurt a bit * brings down a syringe*
Flutter: Oww!
Shockwave: I lied. Now you Twilight.
Twi: Ow!
Megatron: We'll leave you to discuss the future of our planets.
They leave.
Megatron: By the way, why did you take blood samples?
Shockwave: Once updated into protoforms it will have the same effect as the energon duplification process. The predacons can have all the Fluttershy's they want.
Megatron: And twilight..
Shock: Experimentation...
Megatron; *chuckles* I'll leave you to it.
walks out
Soundwave, come in. I want you to keep tabs on Shockwave's psyche. I fear he's becoming obsessed with Twishy. Megatron out. Hmmmm, i wonder if the elements have reached a decision...

(damn it Megatron, why do you always do this to me!?)
Applejack: Ah' don't know Rarity, this all sounds mighty suspicious to me.
Twilight: It does. And what does Equestria have to gain from all this?
Rarity: Twilight dear, think of all the new experiments you'll be able to do with our new technogly. Not to mention all the studying you can do on the Cybertronians. And Rainbow Dash, think about how much faster you'll be able to fly with your new body. You'll be the ffastest thing on two worlds.
Rainbow: That does sound pretty cool.
Fluttershy: But what about the animals?
Rarity: Megatron said something about Insecticons, i'm sure you can play with them instead.
Applejack: But what about mah farm?
Rarity: We won't need to eat apples once we're cyberformed, so you'll never have to get dirty on that farm again.
Pinkie: Oh! What about parties? Do they have parties?
Rarity: I'm sure they do Pinkie.
Pinkie: Yay!
Rarity: So Twilight, what do you say?

( Because, I'm nothing if not a troll :raritywink:)
Twilight: I-I'm still not sure i mean, this Megatron. He said he killed Celestia and Cadence. And probably Shiny too!
Rarity: Twilight darling, lord Megatron is only responsible for the " oh, i'm so misunderstwood, pwease woona" princess. I always hated her. The quintessons, our enemies, killed Celestia and cadence
*bleep bleep*
Apple Bloom on Holovid: Commander, Lord Megatron demands a progress update.
Applejack: Apple Bloom?! Is that you, oh thank Celestia? Where are you?
AB: The decepticon warship.
AJ: They captured ya?
AB: Uhh, no the CMC volunteered for decepticon special forces. Now onto more important matters. How many of you are on board for operation HARMONY?
Rarity: Myself, Rainbow and Pinkie are confirmed. Not sure about the rest.
Fluttershy: I'll do it. As long as i get my animals!
Applejack: If yer with it Apple Bloom, I'll do it for you.
Rarity: Come Twilight, join us in the age of Megatron..
Twilight: If you tell me where Shiny is.
Rarity: Soundwave, get down here and have laserbeak find Shining Armor.
Soundwave shows Shining wooing Chrysalis.....somehow
Twilight: Wha.. but.. Cadence.-
Rarity: Was holding him back from his true love, but that's besides the point. Will you join us in the age of Titanolos?
Twilight; Yes.. I will..for Celestia, for Equestria
Rainbow: For loyalty!
Fluttershy: For peace!
Applejack: Fer Hard work!
Pinkie Pie: For Parties!
Rarity: For Megatron! Megatron, come in. Operation HARMONY is ready to begin.

(Metroid Prime Predaking is gonna love this new development)
Megatron: Excellent work Rarity. Shockwave, make surethe omega lock is fully prepared.
Shockwave: Of course my leige.
Starscream: So lord Megatron, what now?

Megatron: First, i will restore Cybertron and it's inhabitants to their former glory.
Next, will be the Cyberformation of New Kaon on Canterlot mountain. Then the cyber forming of earth, and the Birth of Gilded Earth. Finally, the Omega lock shall be used to cyber form Equis. And finally Titanolos will be born! But we won't stop there. These three world's are in three far apart regions of space. From there we will expand and form the first galatic empire! We shall cyber form every world in existence! I willl finally be Megatron; Supreme overlord of Creation and Emperor of destruction!
Soundwave throws his hands in the air to signify cheering
Shockwave: And i will be the greatest mind in the universe!
Knockout: And I'll start my paintjob company
Starscream: Hey! Those were my titles! No Fair!

Megatron: Yes, but unlike you the titles actually suit me.
Knockout: Perhaps it would be better if your titles were supreme overlord of running away and emperor of maby failed plans and takeovers.
*Starscream growls at him*

(oh yeah, i did't mention about we really care?)
Megatron: We're getting off target. Soundwave, activate space bridges leading to Cybertron and Earth
Soundwave nods and complies* Rarity, use the elements.
Rarity: Yes my liege. Let's go girls. Destiny awaits!
A while later....
Rarity: The omega lock is primed and ready to cyber form the cosmos!
Megatron: Fire.
Omega lock begins cyberforming earth and Cybertron and Forming new Kaon
rarity: The age of the Decepticon Empire Approaches!

(he probably does)
Starscream: And this time there are no Autobots to stop us!
Knockout: I think lifes going to be pretty good after this. Which reminds, I wonder how the mane six will look now they've been cyberformed.

A while later....
Gilded earth, Titanolos and new Cybertron have been brought under Decepticon rule as Megatron prepares his armies to conquer the known universe upon his Glorious throne at Darkmount.2. Soon the decepticons will take their rightful place as police of the cosmos and megatron shall take his rightful place as it's emperor.
How should i know...purple metal shifted together for Twilight?


Quintus Prime: Quintessons concentrate all fire on the bridge destroy it if you must.
Quintessons: Yes oh great creator
Onyx Prime: Sky Lynx, Dark Steel, eradicate all Seekers and fight as beasts
Sky Lynx: Yes sir Onyx
The Fallen: Liege Maximo we must travel to take over control of the ground bridge so we can travel into Earths core and resurrect Unicron with his influence over dark energon we can use him to torture Megatron.
Liege Maximo: Lets do it!
Thundetron: Star Seekers attack the Decepticons first, leave the Autobots alone....for now.
Overide: Blurr, lead the velocitrons, attack the cons and aid the Autobots.
Blurr: Yes Overide.

Optimus Prime: Autobots destroy all cons, Arcee make you way to the Omega lock, Smokescreen retrieve the Star Saber, Bulkhead clear a path, and Grimlock.
Grimlock: Yes?
Optimus Prime: .....Smash.

Knockout: I thought Grimlock too busy chewing on Airachnid to help the Autobots! And why is prime alive again?!
Starscream: I don't know. But it doesn't matter, we have cyberformed both Equestria and Earth, there is no way they can stop us now!

If the primes and Quintessons want a war they've got one
Decepticons, Predacons, Cyber Formed! Destroy our enemies once and for all.
But Prime is nothing as long as I possess the matrix.

*Meanwhile in the Changeling hive where Shining Armour is wooing Queen Chrysalis*
Vector Prime: *Enters through temporal rift with Optimus Primal and BW Megatron* What in the name of Primus is going on out there? I leave for one cycle to deal with Logos Prime and I come back to see the Decepticons have taken over the known universe, I assume all of the Autobots are dead, the Quintessons are waging war, Megatronus and Leige Maximo are attempting to resurrect Unicron, and I find you here romancing a changeling.
Shining Armor: Relax Vector, everything is under control.
BW Megatron: Pardon my interruption, but I thought we were looking for the remaining Primes, not -uggg- useless ponies.
Shining Armor: Where are my manners, I should introduce myself *Shinings body turns metal and parts complexly shift until he's a cybertronian the size of Vector prime* I am Amalgamous Prime, creators of the shifters.
Chrysalis: . . . . That's hot.

(Oh god, not another one! And his bringing in beast war characters! Also Metroid Prime Predaking's definitely gonna like this)
*Soundwave show footage (show how, don't ask)*
Starscream: Since when are there two Megatrons?!
Knockout: And two primes! One's annoying enough as it is.
???: Yes... two Megatrons.
*Knockout and Starscream turn to see G1, Armada, Energon, Cybertron, Movie, FOC, and Animated Megatron behind them*
Starscream: Why are there so many of you?!

If there are g3 ponies! I'm going G1 Galvatron on somebody's ass!
And you don't want that ass to be yours!

Don't worry, I'm not that evil :pinkiecrazy:
I suppose we'll just have to wait for Metroid Prime Predaking or Matrix to add them, then you can go all G1 Galvatron on them

*Another rift in time opens and Alpha Trion along with Starswirl the bearded enter the hive*
AT: It's worse than we thought, reality itself is coming apart.
SS: Due to the excess use of the space bridge to and from Equestria, other realities are bleeding through. Soon ponies, humans, and cybertronians shall face what has been, could have been, is, is not, what could be, and what shall be.
BW Megatron: Let me guess, It's up to us to fix all of this? It can continue like this for all I care, the Decepticons have won.
AT: Believe me Megatron, it gets worse.
Primal: How so?
SS: . . . . Protoform X the one known as Rampage has risen once more.

Please for the love of Primus stop adding new characters! *sobs*
I can't k-keep track anymore!!!!
rarity is best decepticon!!!

Count yourself lucky Megatron, as the maker of this thread i'm responsible for it's content and have to keep it going. This isn't going to end for a long time and I've already lost most of my sanity :pinkiecrazy:

G1 Galvatron looks at me at goes: Hey that dude's lost it!!!!
DOES THAT GIVE YOU AN IDEA OF MY INSANITY:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:
* gibbere, mumbles and breaks down crying*

It's funny isn't it Megatron? After centuries of warfare with the Autobots, all it took to defeat you was several random people on the internet

not several random people on the internet
Several random people who keep bringing in enemies for me to fight from across the mulitverse, so many actually that I can't keep track anymore! Ya get me Ponyeffect?! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

I get you, but you're the mighty Megatron. Surely this is no problem to you :trollestia:

Y-Y you're right! I am the greatest warrior to step foot in the pits of Kaon.
If i could best the black rapist, i can face a bunch of assholes bringing in characters from across the multiverse!
By beating them at their own game....

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