Badass Twilight = Total Domination 4,275 members · 1,245 stories
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Hey all, it’s me again. Starting to wonder if I’m doing something wrong by constantly making new forum posts because I haven’t seen any others in a while.

So anyway, who here likes music? Probably everyone, so I’m gonna talk about this incredible badass Twilight song. It’s called “Frailty” and it was made by PrinceWhateverer (incredible artist btw). I’m guessing most of you have heard it, but anyone that hasn’t should go take a listen. Basically, it’s a rock song about Twilight’s fight with Tirek, and wow, does it slap. I’ve listened to it dozens of times and I still occasionally get chills when I hear it. I think my favorite part would either be the second verse, or the part where Twilight starts singing. There’s just something about the lines “My options wearing thin, no doubt I have to win” and “Hear my hallowed favors now” that just makes me fall apart. The whole song just makes me imagine this anime style sequence and fight scene where Twilight poses a bunch and then kicks Tirek's ass.

I just wanted to talk about this, because whenever I read badass Twilight fics I can’t help but think of this song and how it perfectly encapsulates the whole badass Twilight feeling. also there may be a forum post about this already but it’s probably okay to bring this up again right

also hey a link because I forgot

Do you have a link?

Ever heard of–

and wow, does it slap.




Okay Zoomer.

Sorry, let me put it in friendlier terms. *ahem*

Hey fellow kids this musical rock video is straight up rythmical and jazztastic, why don’t we all listen to it down in the pop shop, and afterwards I can show you my pog collection.

Okay so I hope that didn’t offend anyone, it was just a joke

Sorry, I meant to add a link but it looks like I forgot.

I like the hallowed favors line too, shes basicly calling out the magic of herself and the other 3 alicorns
'the stars are one with my name' invokeing her own power
'singing out to the moon' invokeing luna
'crying out to the sun' invokeing celestia
'a true princess deep within' may not seem like it but this is invoking cadence (who is 'the' fairy tale princess if you think about it)
the line about her magic knowing her better is a taunt at tirek implying he could never wield her power properly.

While your spelling may need some work, you make great points. I got a similar feeling about Celestia and Luna, but I hadn’t thought about Cadance or the implied taunt. When I heard the princess line, I had just thought about Twilight finally coming to terms with her princesshood, which would be further enforced by the “This is my final letter” line, basically saying that she’s no longer a student, but a master. But your version is great too!

Yeah, the one thing that annoys me is that in the original version its "hark my hallowed..." whereas in the new one it's "hear my hallowed..." which doesn't sound as cool.

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