Spike Fanfictions 2,965 members · 5,610 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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I know I'm not crazy because I remember reading it on this site. I've even tried searching on FiMFetch but couldn't find it. Can't remember the title.

It's a human story where Spike is in a relationship with Celestia and Luna. Celestia and Luna are described having Amazonian builds. Spike is described as skinny. They have sex a couple times together and on two occasions with just Spike and one of the sisters. Mrs. Harshwinny is also in it as a maid of Spike's.

Some events in the story I remember happening are: Spike, Luna, and Celestia visit Spikes parents' graves at one point. Spike is on the phone talking about how he will pull out his investments if a game company includes microtransactions in their game/games. Spike and the sisters have dinner with a group of rich people.

If anyone could help me find this story, I would be extremely grateful!

It does seem that your talking about Ekhidna's story, " Warm Embrace ". Don't ask me how I remember that but I do. It got removed from FIMFIC (I don't know why they did it) but you can find it on FIMFETCH Here

Yes this is it!! Thank you! Thank you!

Glad you remembered. I don't know why it wouldn't pop up on FiMFetch for me.

Idk if you looked for it and it didn't show up it might have been because of the advanced options sometimes I forget what rating what I read was so I never find it until I check all the ratings

In any case, thank you again! Excited to reread it.

Welcome enjoy the read

I’m looking for any pieces where Rarity rejects Spike and he either tries to get even with her or reject her advances. Does anyone know anything like that?

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