Spike Fanfictions 2,965 members · 5,610 stories
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Do you know any good spike quits stories.

Depends: What do you mean by "quit"? Becuase he technically doesn't have a job, he's "just" Twilight's assistant... so are you asking for stories where he's no longer Twilight's assistant/librarian? Where he's no longer Twilight's/the main six's friend? Where he's no longer going after Rarity? Where he's done with ponies/harmony/equestria?

They all can technically be called "quitting", but are VERY different, and might not even be what you're wanting

His job is twilight assistant/ slave and we all know that she wouldn't easily let him go and her friends would support her in that because they want her to be happy and don't really understand empathy.

Like quits being Twilight's assistant? Well, I've read a few of those if that's what you're looking for. I'm Your Son Too is my personal favorite. There's also Circus Days

You might want to check out a group called "Spike Tells Ponies Off". It's probably the best place to find what you're looking for.

Comment posted by discordjediknight deleted Sep 2nd, 2023
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