"Homestuck/My Little Pony" Fans 247 members · 25 stories
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fond this pic

Thịs ịs so ouƾ of nowhere ][ ƙan'ƾ even. Why wou|d she have ƾhe horns ịf ƾhe resƾ of her ịs ƾoƾa||y humanɁ ][ don'ƾ Ҡnow.

And ][ don'ƾ ƙare! Thịs ịs super-awesome anyway.

3845743 argument

I think?

3845749 No argumenƾ, jusƾ a ƙommenƾ. Debaƾe ịs noƾ a ƾhịng ƾhaƾ ịs happenịng.

3845753 I was just pocking a bit fun at your typing quirk

3845756 Oh rịghƾ yeah, ][ on|y use ịƾ when ][ ƾhịnҠ ][ ƙan do so wịƾhouƾ annoyịng ƾhe he|| ouƾ of peop|e. HomesƾuƙҠ ƾhreads seem |ịҠe good p|aƙes ƾo jusƾ go for ịƾ.

3845758 I like it, and can read it with little difficulty, it was just hard to figure out the first time so I made a joke

3845760 Yep, and ƾhen ƾhe joҠe wenƾ ƙomp|eƾe|y over my head beƙause ][ wenƾ and derped. How embarassịng on my parƾ. ][ musƾ apo|ogịze for my soƙịa| mịssƾep. Serịous|y ƾhough, ƾhe pịƙ ịs rea||y ƙoo|.

3845742 S|-|3 w3/-\rs t|-|3m w3ll

But you missp3ll3d "|-|orn3d"

3845902 I misspell a lot of things

3846135 3v3ryon3 do3s now /-\nd t|-|3n.

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