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Storm butt
Group Admin


Recently an idea popped into my mind to attempt and combine two stories into one multi-length fanfiction, one half of the story has a SoarBurn story, while the other half contains a CaraMac. And Honestly, I am attempting to rip out heartstrings and warm hearts at the same time, no fluffy sappy stuff... mostly...

Folks who know anime most likely can guess I'm taking the idea from this...

And... well... honestly I need help on this one. I need someone to talk with me about it, either through PM's or Yahoo Messenger (Please no Skype... that is like summoning the devil on my laptop it hates it so much)

Group Contributor

424411 Well I'm always available to help. If you don't mind someone who exclusively writes mostly bad clopfiction helping you.

Storm butt
Group Admin

424412 Well, even someone who doesn't write a real dramatic story can strike gold in my mind, it's happened before.

Group Contributor

424414 Then feel free to PM me whenever you need something.

spirit shin
Group Contributor

if you are still looking for people, im game,

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