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Storm butt
Group Admin

I am bored out of my skull and sick of writing my serious stories...
Who in the buck wants to roleplay?

Group Contributor

Anything in mind?

Storm butt
Group Admin

324727 Well, since it's you I'm going to assume you want Soarburn :P

Group Contributor

I'll join for one if anyone's up for it. Pairing of your choice

Storm butt
Group Admin

324739 Either SoarBurn or Caramac, you choose.

Group Contributor

324740 Let's go with CaraMac.

Group Contributor
Storm butt
Group Admin

324742 Oki Doki Loki, plot?
Oh, and who do you want to be?

Group Contributor

324754 Well I'd like to be Caramel. As for plot I'm not sure. To start let me make sure of something. Is this pornographic or clean?

Storm butt
Group Admin

Either or is fine.

Storm butt
Group Admin

324758 Previous statement...

Group Contributor

324761 Well I've wanted to try out an interpretation of Caramel where he runs an odd-job business with his brother and sister (replaced by Lucky when she moved to Appleloosa). And have him be very enthusiastic about it. A bit less emphasis on bad luck for him, instead just with luck working as something of a fickle thing (hence why him and his two siblings worked together, so at least one of them would have good luck on any given day.) Apart from that I don't have much of a story I can think of. I guess a job that the Apples would hire them for could work.

Storm butt
Group Admin

324775 That works I guess... why don't you start?

Group Contributor

324781 We posting it in here or did you want me to send you a message?

Storm butt
Group Admin

324785 In here is fine.

Group Contributor

What exactly is going on here?

Are you guys going like:

Soarin' gently massaged his muzzle upon Braeburn's neck, the two of them breathing in the amazing scents from Soarin's special candles. He moved his face down against Braeburn's shoulders. The moment couldn't be more right.

Braeburn let out a deep moan.

And so on?

Group Contributor

324848 (In answer to Swiper, not sure really, this is my first one on this site. We'll see where it goes in regards to the eroticism though.)

324788 (Sorry I took so long had to go for a spell)

Caramel stared at the coin in his hoof for a moment and quietly pondered if it meant good luck or bad luck. Admittedly the coin trick tended to work most of the time, but that was for jobs he actually wanted to do. Of course, whether or not he wanted to be working for Big Macintosh was a question in itself.

Then again what it meant didn't matter at this point. He was already at the door after all. Caramel took in a deep breath, closed his eyes, and knocked. "Caramel here from Lucky Horseshoes," he shouted," I'm here about the cleaning job."

Storm butt
Group Admin

324933 There was a long and unpleasant silence for the stallion as he waited at the door with no reply. However, the sounds of creaking wood were clearly there behind the door as the knob jiggled before the door cracked, and a sliver of the other side was shown.

A large, red stallion appeared in front of Caramel. He towered over the other in comparison, and his emerald eyes began scanning Caramel's body, as if determining if he were fit. "Ya here 'bout work?" The words escaped his throat in a raspy tone, as if he didn't speak much.

Group Contributor

325140 Caramel nodded and pushed lightly against the door. There was no give thanks to the stallion behind it holding it closed. That surprised him a bit. It looked like Big Mac didn't want him to come in.

"Umm...yeah," he said,"Somepony sent us a letter saying you needed help cleaning your barn." He emphasized the word "somepony" accusingly. The letter had been signed Big Macintosh and yet the big lug wasn't letting him in. What was his game?

Storm butt
Group Admin

325152 Big Macintosh was silent for a long while as he stared at Caramel, his eyes betraying no emotion whatsoever. "That was me." He said. He blinked several times before moving somewhat begrudgingly out of the way.

Group Contributor

325676 Caramel smiled and marched inside. Hopefully he could get this out of the way quickly. "Alright then lets get started." He made sure to avoid looking at Big Mac as he spoke. The stallion's poker face was making him nervous, and he had to keep up a chipper attitude if he was going to get through this. He was, naturally, completely unaware of how forced this tone came off.

Instead he made his way toward the back door of the Apple home; figuring that would be the quickest way to the barn. "Now I brought some cleaning supplies," he said gesturing to his saddlebags, "But if you need anything other than soap and rags you might want to grab it before we start." He had managed to make it out of the front room at this point. He just had to hope Big Mac was following him.

Storm butt
Group Admin

325729 The sound of heavy hoovesteps soon followed the smaller stallion as Big Macintosh slowly followed the other. "Enope!" He responded to the statement of the other. In all reality, all they needed to clean the barn was already in it.

He followed the other without saying a word, for all Caramel knew he might be going in the wrong direction. Luckily however he was at least right.

Group Contributor

325756 Caramel threw the barn door open upon arrival revealing pretty much what he had expected. The barn was dirty that was for sure, but nothing you wouldn't expect from a barn. He briefly considered asking why Big Macintosh had hired him to help clean it, but he decided that the odds of actually getting a satisfying answer out of the quiet stallion was probably a lost cause anyway. It was best just to get to work.

"Okay," he said, closing his eyes cheerily and turning to Big Mac, "Let's get started then. I'll grab a broom and start sweeping up the stray hay." With that the tan pony hastily moved to the corner where the brooms were kept. "If you need me just holler."

Storm butt
Group Admin

325759 Big Macintosh watched the tan pony as he grabbed the broom. He stared at him for a long while, his poker face not breaking in the slightest "What did ya say yer name was 'gain?" He suddenly asked. He wasn't sure if the other even said it once.

Group Contributor

325790 Caramel plastered an even wider smile on his face and turned back to Big Mac. "Caramel," he said. With that he casually turned away from the red stallion once more and started sweeping. The smile quickly left his face and was replaced by a placid expression of deep thought. He had introduced himself hadn't he?

Caramel found his thoughts wander back to the coin for a second. Unfortunately he wasn't given much time to think as he stepped back onto a rake and smacked himself in the rear. "I guess that answers the question," he mumbled as he stepped away from the offending gardening tool.

Storm butt
Group Admin

325803 Big Macintosh couldn't resist a small chuckle that escaped his throat. It was throaty, yet strangely warm despite his unwelcoming attitude. "Ah guess I'll pick up all of these here tools." He said.

He trotted over to the tool that had just smacked the tan pony's rear and picked it up before turning to gather more of the tools scattered around the barn.

He kept glancing back at the tan pony.

Group Contributor

325810 Caramel wasn't too busy to notice the glances, and it was admittedly making him a touch uncomfortable. He continuously worked on his own to avoid looking at Big Mac, mostly in order to avoid revealing a red color developing in his cheeks. Then he came upon the unfortunate realization that if the stallion wasn't looking at his face he would probably be looking at his ass.

"Did you need something Big Mac," he said casually putting his smile back on and turning to face the big red pony.

Storm butt
Group Admin

325819 Big Macintosh blinked. "Ya don't have to hide how you feel." He said, as if seeing straight through the fake smile on Caramel's face.

Group Contributor

325852 Caramel's smile faltered for a moment, but he managed to keep it up. "I'm not sure what you mean, sir," he said as professionally as he could, "I'm just here to help clean the barn."

Storm butt
Group Admin

325857 Big Macintosh sighed and turned his head. "It's always like this." He mumbled somewhat to himself. No... in fact it was to himself, and Caramel just happened to hear.

Group Contributor

325858 "I'm sorry?" Caramel questioned. He moved a little closer to the red stallion as he spoke. His service smile was still plastered on his face. He wanted to give Big Mac a more sympathetic look, but he couldn't bring himself to stop. Too much practice he guessed.

Storm butt
Group Admin

325865 Big Macintosh let out a small sigh once more. "Nothing." He mumbled, half to himself. It was almost as if he were trying to convince himself it was nothing.

His hoof gently picked up another of the the barn tools. He shook his head as if trying to shake off a bad feeling.

Group Contributor

325879 Caramel wasn't sure if it was wise to pursue this line of questioning. Instead he decided to change the subject and avoid the inevitable awkward silence. At least he hoped it would.

"You know I was wondering," he said as he resumed sweeping, this time failing to turn away from Big Mac, "What made you come to us for help with this? I mean you have a pretty big family it seems kind of silly to shill out fifteen bits for something you guys could handle yourselves."

Storm butt
Group Admin

325891 Big Macintosh blinked several times, as if pondering the question as he picked up yer another utensil, tossing it in a neat pile he had made. "AJ... AJ usually bucks the apples, Granny Smith is too old, and Applebloom is at school." He said. "I usually take care of all the handy work and manage sales."

Group Contributor

325895 Caramel nodded. "So do you usually hire help for this sort of thing then? I know this is your first time coming to us with the job." The tan pony continued sweeping, but he noticed his eyes didn't leave the stallion for long while he worked. It's rude to not look at somepony you were talking too, he told himself.

Storm butt
Group Admin

325907 Big Mac shrugged "Thought it would be a nice change of pace. He mumbled. It was almost as if he weren't confessing the whole story, but he held his emotions well through his almost impossible to read poker face.

Group Contributor

325934 "I understand. it must get kind of boring cleaning a barn by yourself." Caramel noticed he was blushing again and reflexively looked downwards to hide his face.

Storm butt
Group Admin

325942 Big Macintosh shrugged. He shook his head once more "Mind taking all that hay outside into a pile?" He inquired "I'll start putting all these tools away."

Group Contributor

325946 Caramel nodded and quietly moved to replace his current broom with a much wider push broom. After pushing the hay outside he took a moment to stop and think. Then he smacked himself. "You're over-thinking this," he mumbled to himself, "Just stop talking to yourself and get the job done."

With that said, Caramel took a deep breath and headed back in to help Big Mac with the farm tools.

Storm butt
Group Admin

325954 Big Macintosh was currently about halfway done putting each tool along the wall in the correct alignment. He worked pretty speedy for such a large guy.

He turned his head as Caramel walked in, and gave something... for a brief moment, a smile was clearly noticeable before it fled the stallion's face.

Group Contributor

325963 Caramel paused for a moment to consider the fleeting expression before realizing he had forgotten to put his own smile back on. When he had walked in his expression had been the same thoughtful one he had worn outside. He quickly put his smile back on upon realizing this, but it was accompanied by a nervous blush as he moved to help Big Mac with the tools.

"S-so where do these go," he asked after picking up a couple of rakes.

Storm butt
Group Admin

325974 Big Macintosh pointed with his head to the opposite side of the barn, staring into Caramel's deep blue eyes directly with no expression on his face.

"Yer blushing..." The stallion mumbled, more to himself once more.

Group Contributor

325982 "Sorry about that," Caramel said with a nervous chuckle as he turned away and headed toward the other end of the barn. This was getting way too awkward. He needed to finish this job up quickly.

Storm butt
Group Admin

325990 Big Macintosh gave a small smile when Caramel turned away. He turned back to his work, not letting the smile fade until the tan pony looked his way once more.

Group Contributor

326000 "So, once the tools are put away what's next?" Caramel picked up another pair of rakes and moved them to their proper place as he spoke.

Storm butt
Group Admin

326004 "Scrubbing down the walls from any dirt or anything that might have come from the apples AJ brings." Big Macintosh said. "Ya said ya have stuff in that saddle bag there?"

Group Contributor

326051 Caramel nodded. "I've got the soap and the rags," he said. He placed his saddlebags on a nearby hay-bail and removed a small tub of clear liquid soap. "But we'll probably need some water too"

Storm butt
Group Admin

326055 Big Mac slowly nodded before walking out of the barn without a word, leaving Caramel alone for several moments before returning with a large bucket of water in his mouth.

Group Contributor

326058 Without even thinking Caramel poured the soap into the pail and dipped a rag in before Big Mac had a chance to put it down. He realized what he had done almost immediately, but as the stallion did nothing but stare at him with his unreadable poker face Caramel decided to just blow past it as quickly as he could. He managed to smack Big Mac with the rag while pulling it out, but he was too focused on moving to the nearest wall as quickly as possible to notice.

Storm butt
Group Admin

326063 Big Macintosh felt his face a moment before shrugging. "I could use a rag too." He said in a monotone voice.

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