Alternate History Bronies 733 members · 630 stories
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Have you ever read a MLP fanfic where Equestria has first contact with humans in the real world? Sometimes, the military is portrayed unrealistically. So, I decided to start this thread to hopefully have authors who want to write about the US military be more knowledgeable about the subject.

A Civilian's Guide to the US Military : A book that explains the customs, language and structure of the armed forces.

Tom Clancy's Guided Tour of a Submarine: A detailed book on the inner workings of the submarine, something you wouldn't find on Wikipedia.

Tom Clancy's Guided Tour of Marines: Don't have Privates become protagonist ever again!

Tom Clancy also has other reference books as well.

Now, you might be wondering why I didn't just suggest that everyone use Wikipedia. Well, for one thing military research is kind of hard since the internet is very vast. Books, however, can easily fit in the necessary research needed. Also, the reason why I added Tom Clancy books was that they give out a detailed tour of the submarine, carriers, or anything related to the military that you wouldn't find in Wikipedia.

Any other books that people must read in order to get their military facts right? Well, leave a link of the book here.

I hate it whenever anything portrays the military as purely warmongering. It's just plain ignorant.

2811655 This is exactly the reason why I started up this thread. To make people write the military the right way, not have Critical Research Failures at every turn of the page.

Also, there is ten fatal flaws in this paragraph (taken from the first book I have listed on this thread):

When their car arrived at the port, the nuclear submarine was already docked, the stench of its diesel engines choking the air. The four conspirators flashed their faked credentials to the officer of the day with more bravado than any of them felt, but the officer merely nodded and led them to the front of the ship. Craning his neck to catch a glimpse of the fly-by of Navy F-15s that screamed overhead, the solitary Marine guard grinned at the officer and motioned with his M-1 rifle to let them pass. At the top of the gangplank, they were greeted by the officer of the deck, whom they'd been drilled to ask for permission to come aboard the ship. Their credentials were briefly inspected, accepted, and before their hearts began beating again, they found themselves ushered through the door to the captain's cabin and offered a stiff drink.

For one thing, the US Navy does not fly F-15s. The Air Force does. Oh and yeah, nuclear submarines don't have diesel engines choking the air. Lawl.

"When their car arrived at the port, the nuclear submarine was already docked, the stench of its diesel engines choking the air." Wow, really?

Yea, there's some things wrong. Though I don't know why you chose to post it in the alt. history group.


Because there are some alternate history stories on here that feature the military extensively. Like the stories written by An Iowa class battleship for example. They're on here.

Also, I might post it in other forums like ACB and HAB. Maybe.

And if you're talking about the paragraph. Well, I put it as an example of writing about the military gone wrong.

Eh, posting it in ACB makes less sense, and HaB is just going to start a fight as always. Maybe one of the more military related groups.


What's HAB and ACB?

Silver out!

HAB is an acronym for the Humans Aren't Bastards group, while ACB is for the Alternative Conversion Bureau.


How would this start a fight in those places?

Silver out!

HaB has pretty much degraded into politics for one thing.


I hate politics. It spells nothing but trouble and nothing ever gets done.

Silver out!

Well, not in the current state at least.


Right. Are they fighting about whether humans are inherently bad or good on there?

Silver out!

When it comes down to whether they're good or bad, it's almost always talking about how great we are. Thing is, when it's not that, it's talking about politics.

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