I Hate Equestria Daily 641 members · 642 stories
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I am writing my first story, there are a lot downvotes for grammar mistakes. I say that I don't have a poof-reader/editor to help with these/my grammar mistakes and this my first time writing something because of this I am interested in an editor/poof-reader. Also it is one of those that have GORE, and BLOOD and DEATH and SEX and History combined into one.From the way I describe it sounds like a Pretentious art Film but it is? about the idea of History of the Changeling and Life of the Current Queen

Edit:Revised Version

952055 what did't you understand about this

Comment posted by Ficta_Scriptor deleted May 5th, 2013

952065 I'm sorry, but your grammar is horrendous and makes this post nearly unreadable.


It's me see Different Image that No one Else seem to see.

I find to be Impossible

You clearly are....
*takes glasses off*

But seriously you might need to work on your grammar a bit.

I am writing my first story, there are a lot downvotes for grammar mistakes. I tellsay that I don't have a poof-reader/editor to help with thisthese/my grammar mistakes and this my first time writing something for reals, because that I like you help with someone you could myof this I am interested in an editor/poof-reader. Also it is one of those that have GORE, and BLOOD and DEATH and SEX and History in one combined into one.
From the way I describe it sounds like a Pretentious art Film but it not is? about the idea of changeling and Story and the Life of My Ideal of Queen Chrysalis that is anti-hero/anti-villain

this person is looking for a proof reader. what's not to understand here? you can clearly see English isn't this person first language

your joking right? unless your trolling, this post easy to understand.
he/she is looking for a proof reader for his grammar errors. his/her story is about the queen of the changings and it has death, gore, other words it's a dark fic.

really? no one got this from the start and just been jerks than trying to help this person? if someone still can't understand, then read this post 952176

and to the poster. i wish i could help but my grammar is bad as well. hope u find someone.

952272 It's still horrible grammar. It's hard to read.

Yours is worse, but readable. His seems like he used google translate, which I wouldn't be surprised if that really is so.

yeah, my grammar is bad but his/her post wasn't that hard to read.

952302 But I really find it hard to read. I mean, really, really hard to read. The messed-up tenses and misused words annoy me enough to make me not want to read it.

if you look at the key words, you won't have a hard time reading it.

I writing my first story,there a lot downvotes for grammar mistakes, I tell don't have poof-reader/editor to help with this grammar mistake and this my first time writing something for reals, because that I like you help with someone you could my editor/poof-reader also it one of those that have GORE and BLOOD and DEATH and SEX and HIstory in one combine into one.
From the way I describe it sound like Pretentious art Film but it not about idea of changeling and Story and Life of My Ideal of Queen Chrysalis that is anti-hero/anti-villain

952032 yeah... you really need to retake english as english is clearly not your first language :trollestia:


I writing my first story,there a lot downvotes for grammar mistakes,

no shit sherlock...

Guys I am just going to say jokes aside (literally) if you don't have anything nice or at least neutral to say shut your gob.

Either this person isn't first language english or just isn't good at english, you don't know why and it isn't your place to assume.
This attitude especially when people are asking for help is what is slowly killing this community.

+1 :eeyup:

Browsing through it felt like the old, bad TWE was in here...

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