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Who wants to do a Howard the Duck Crossover? Imagine it, Howard is finished with one of his cases when suddenly, someone (possibly one of the ponies) teleport to Cleveland, OH, and ends up helping Howard in the weirdest events in history.

Let the epicness begin.
-The Character

The crossover that never was

4173902 Look, it's this thread again.

4173902 As long as it's not that godawful Lucas movie version of Howard, I'm okay with it.

-Kirb, got sunshine in a bag. (ytdatr)

4173996 Hey, some people like that movie. It will never be a good movie, but it's still better than half of the stuff getting shit out by major studios these days.

It isn't Willow, but it isn't The D&D Movie either.
It isn't Raiders of the Lost Ark, but it isn't Crystal Skull either.
It isn't The Transformers Movie, but it isn't Transformers either.
It isn't Beast Wars, but it sure as hell isn't Robots in Disguise or the Armada Trilogy.
It isn't A New Hope, but it will never be "Stir, whip, stir, whip, whip-whip-stir."
It isn't Home Improvement, but it's still better than ANY GODDAMN "REALITY" TV PROGRAM!

...Dude... I didn't even know there was a Howard the Duck comic...:rainbowderp:

4174371 Hey, I liked the D&D movie! I thought it was so bad it was good! :pinkiesad2:

-Kirb, got sunshine in a bag. (ytdatr)

4174371 Honestly, I thought Home Improvement was a funny show, and yes better than Reality TV. Although, second best to reality tv is Animated Reality TV like the show Total Drama Island, then later Total Drama Action.

P.S: Nice use of the Star Wars Holiday Special, because that was Lucas scraping the bottom of the barrel. Howard the Duck was at least a attempt, mind you a lousy attempt, but a attempt never the less, especially since he did try to keep the comics accurate... somewhat.

4174402 It was a comic before a movie.

4173966 What, some guy pulls a obscure story out of the blue again, or someone needing a brainstorm to inspire people to write? Because I have been known for both types of threads, especially the Terry Gilliam Films one.


-The Character

I figured really. It's just the first time I've heard of the comic.

I can't get past the ducks with boobs. Why, why do ducks, birds, have boobs? It's so confusing.

The first rule of Howard the Duck (the Film) is that you don't mention the Ducktits.

The Second rule of Howard the Duck (the Film) is that you DON'T mention the Ducktits.

The Third rule of Howard the Duck is that you can mention his cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Enjoy internet.
-The Character

That was a pretty amusing cameo.

4176285 Yeah, and Seth Green did do a good job on Howard.

Hope to see him in a good movie.
-The Character

Anyways, what would work to place Howard in Equestria or The Main Six in Cleveland, OH?

C'mon, let's brainstorm.
-The Character

As long as there is no dark lord from a subreality where...ah Who I am kidding I like the Howard the duck movie, it was so camp and the fact that it tried to take itself seriously just made it all the more endearing! At least he wasn't hanging around Red Sonja...oh wait that would have made it better! If I remember right Howard used to hang with the likes Conan and Red Sonja in a time displaced present. Even got to hang with the avengers a couple times.

Hell why not Throw one of the mane six just one mind you into modern day with Howard and Conan! My vote goes to Fluttershy! mwhahaha the adventures to be had!

4177295 Heck, why don't we throw in a additional underground Comic characters for fun.

I been getting through this Sam and Max kick. Why don't we throw in Sam & Max: Freelance Police just for the heck of it? For the randomness factor?

Just saying, add more talking animals, and it becomes fun.
-The Character

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