Warhammer 40k 1,420 members · 290 stories
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But this is one of the terrible examples in a recent video they made. The crowning jewel is "Orcs=Black People" example. Really, they went that low. From justifying loot boxes during the Battlefront 2 loot box fiasco, advocating AAA games to be $70+, saying playing Germans in a WWII multiplayer game is bad, to this.

Hey you know what would redeem they're shitty take back in 2019? Comparing blacks to; musty, snaggle toothed, caveman browed, barbaric, ashy orcs. Definitely won’t be calling yourself a racist by comparing a minority group to a fictional race of barbarians from morally grandstanding, and not getting bombarded for that terrible take (Which it happened).

"Games Workshop set it up so lethal violence is the only option in this war-game!"
It's called a WAR-GAME for a reason.
Truly Extra Chromosomes has no knowledge on anything. Especially using the Xenomorph example.

I mean yes, moral ambiguity is interesting from time to time, but fighting a legitimately evil enemy is sometimes the best feeling in any setting, beating the hell out of Dark Eldar, Tyranids, Chaos, Reapers, Thalmor feels great after all the crap they put everyone through.

Trying to use 40K as a example of "evil" vs "good" races.

There are only bad guys and less bad guys

There are some pretty decent folk in 40K

Yeah like, where there are more civilized Orcs....yeah...

Wow just wow. I stoped watching ec after the last messy they created but now I see that’s as a good idea.

I miss the days of the old Extra Credits team and how they actually made good content.

But this guy is just a moron, and I will call him that because he's drug Extra Credits' once good name through the dirt with all this SJW garbage.

So I say don't blame the old Extra Credits guys, but this moron who ruined a once great channel.

I want to find him, smack him upside the head, and take away Extra Credits from him and give it back to the old team who actually made good stuff.

Oscillate it's more musing the watching this disgrace have a channel keep digging it's open gravy and further They will eventually get the message get woke go broke

Hey now, that's a little uncalled for dude.

Like I said, the channel wasn't always so bad.

Before this new guy took over, they actually made a lot of good videos, a good number of which would actually make you think about various parts of game design that you might not think of right away.

Just watch this older video to see what I mean.

It actually made me think about how some game devs should probably try to do different things with WW2 games.

It's the blunt truth and.Frankly their content was always meh.
Besides they are know a failed YouTube channel that has gone woke

Well, you're just wrong, that's all.

And actually grow a pair and watch the video I posted there.

Unless you're afraid of being proven even more wrong.

I decided to give you another video to watch.

Have fun watching both of them. ^___^

Like, instead of your standard America War game, maybe focus on other fronts, or do something like This War of Mine

Yeah, I agree, they could certainly do a lot more with WW2 than just repeating the same stuff over and over again.

And what was This War of Mine?

It sounds familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.

In why would I wanna watch any other videos on there channel Their channel is a complete joke Honestly whoever was on that trail before he left it's not like he was he was ain't better he was also rather left leaning But he was at least somewhat smart to keep is His idiocy out of it's channel. In frankly there are better historical channels than them If you want watch real world war 2 history look at mark Felton As far superior historical content Than extra credits could ever even dream of

Also Kings and Generals, Invicta, etc, for ancient history


It was a sort of survival game where you played a group of survivors during the Bosnian War. You must struggle to survive, while also foraging. You also have to decide how to deal with other survivors

What part of "They weren't always this bad" do you not understand?

Because Extra Credits was actually a pretty good channel a few years ago, before this current moron took over.

You want to call him and the stuff he made stupid and such, be my guest. But I won't stand for you or anyone else saying that the channel was ALWAYS this bad, because that's simply not true.

So either suck it up and watch those two videos, which were made by the old Extra Credits team by the way, or quit responding, because I won't have anything to reply to someone like you.

Oh, that game.

I heard about it a little, but never played it.

And I like Kings and Generals as well.

I just hate how this moron who took over Extra Credits basically reduced a once good channel to little more than a laughing stock.

They are good channels, and yeah, game is fun, if depressing at times

Yeah, but some times that's history for you.

True, especially as you play civilians trying to survive a warzone

Wait, are you talking about Extra Credits or Kings and Generals?

Irrelevant and frankly unlike you am not blinded by old world blues.
Second am both the here Defending a YouTube channel that has outlived its minor glory days. In five years time hardly anyone will even remember extra credits of even being a thing. The only purpose for that channel to exist now is to be nothing more than a source of entertainment and by entertainment I mean bye been complete laughing stuck
They are getting what they Deserve. Besides the idiot running the channel is probably ignorant of running the channel into the ground munch like Disney has done to star wars or is doing purely out of some sort of spite likely taking a passion from the head idiot who runs naughty dog

Oh, This War of Mine

The hell are you talking about?

Old world blues?

I'm sorry, but you're kind of being an idiot right now.

I'm not blindly defending anyone pal, I'm just stating the fact that the channel was once good, but this new moron has all but ruined it with all his SJW crap.

And it's not irrelevant just because you're too scared to watch two videos that might disprove your blind view of things.

And I agree with you. This current guy is being a moron and running a once good channel into the ground, and that's kind of sad.

And at least I'm willing to look at the good some people were able to do before, unlike you.

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