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Hi all

First let me say thank you for taking the time to read this, as the title suggest I am looking for help with a story im writting. Now to be completely open & honest I have never written a story before but after being inspired by so many good stories on this site I wanted to give it go. I have tried my best to follow the helpful writting guide on this site but its alot to take in for a newb lol

I struggle with grammer & spelling(I have some learning difficulties tbh), so I believe that is the main thing I need help with, however any suggestions would be welcome & taken under consideration. As a whole im looking at about 6-7 chapters(but could go longer depending on how the story goes) for completion, ive just finished chapter 4 so im over half way done.(I should also mention im not the fastest writter, so please have patience understanding) Im just looking to have someone touch it up/make sure it makes sence lol

Any one looking to help please pm me & allow afew days for a respones, I also should mention that I wouldn't be able to pay for the servies so would be greatful if people who are interested wouldn't ask for money(Now im not say you would, im just saying it as to not waist anyones time :pinkiehappy: )

the story its self is a sparity story of course lol but I think it leans more on spike as mc. anyone interest please pm me & I will pm you a response.

Once again I want to thank you all for taking the time to read this :pinkiehappy:

I'm interested but I'll need a little more info. Also, if we do end up doing this, I'll sweeten the deal: I'm willing to work for free.

Hmm same but I didn't think you would pay?!?

First let me say a big thank you to all those that have offered to help a newb like me, means alot. As it stands atm I have accepted help from someone & hopefully chapter 1 should be out at some point(hopfully next few days/week) depending how bad my writting is hahaha.

MisterEdd & Blanks, thank you both for the offer also. who knows if im lucky enought to be able to write another story I could be back asking again lol

thanks again all :pinkiehappy:

love the name MisterEdd hahaha

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