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Brace yourselves, it will be a bit big bite to read

The questions that was probably asked before but I want to ask it anyway. Why do you like Sparity ? What makes it special for you ? Do you like to include those traits in your fics ?

For me, Sparity is a parallel of my own love life, a situation that I was through over 3 years. Spike is in my opinion a misunderstood and a bit underrated character. He is really one of a kind, someone in between dragon and a pony. He doesn't really know who he is and sometimes he is intentionally or unintentionally abused by ponies. But despite sometimes child-like attitude, Spike is not childish. He always keeps his head high and in the long run makes right decisions. He is determined, caring and devoted.

Then there is Rarity, who seems to be on the opposite side on the spectrum. She is talk of the town, a real beauty, caring and generous mare of sucess, well-known, recognized and valued. She is certain of her destiny and despite her chase for recognition, always manages to help others.

So what could link this pair, seemingly alien to each other ? Spike yearns for appreciation and feeling of being helpful, that's how he keeps his value. Rarity yearns for true love. Which, despite being one of the most polite, interesting and of course beautiful mares in Ponyville, she doesn't get. She keeps stumbling upon the individuals that are not interested in her or even use her.

Spairty is beautiful for me becuase of Spike's presistance and unconditional love towards Rarity, willingness to protect her and also becuase the presence of each of them saved the other from their worst possible selves. They are helping each other grow, not even realizing it.

They complement each other very well. Spike needs to learn to be loved for his presence only, not by the work he is doing. Rarity had to grow to make Spike realize it.
Rarity, even though she tries not to make others feel inferior, often uses her looks and/or reputation to manipulate male population of Equestria, especially Spike. It is Spike's growth to tell Rarity that he won't do everything and wants to be treated on equal terms.

Spike has many things that Rarity seeks in a partner. And he will always be there for her.

what brought me here was this was by far the only pairing that was actually being pointed out on the show even if it was one sided.

Same. It was the first pairing I saw and I couldn’t help but root for Spike. The rest is history.

Eh, Lyra and Bon Bon was pretty obvious too, but you're not wrong.

Aw, that was beautiful. Honestly, I love this pairing because they compliment each other so well. Rarity is the drama queen with her head in the clouds while Spike is more of the cynical, pragmatist. They seem to be their best selves when they're together and they could do so much for one another as a couple than anypony or anyone else could do for them. Even with the pet names and chores, Rarity treats Spike like a grown-up and Spike has shown he cares for Rarity for more than just her looks. It's my second favorite pairing behind Fluttercord. Sparity forever!


This is what brought me here:

I'm here the same way as others. We want to root for spike no matter what. He has moments where it makes sense, but when they put him in the spotlight it's like all reasoning of his potential just flies out the window. But I'm getting off topic here, personally for me I want him to succeed where mostly, including me have failed. To tell your crush (obviously it's pure love at this point) your feelings having the significant other return them back to you. I'm rooting for you spike all the way.

You have to admit that Sparity pictured in Best Gift Ever was incredible too

And if course, this moment is a legend

For me, romance draws me into a show or movie like a bug zapper: once I see it, I can't help but be pulled in by it. Sparity stood out to me as the most interesting, adorable, and above all else developed romance in the entire series. By that I mean we've seen them start from (literally) the beginning of the series with the very first episode and STILL be a recurring element even as we go into the final season. All other major relationships have been formed and completed in the exact same episode: Cranky and Matilda, Cadence and Shining Armor, Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail. Big Mac and Sugar Belle is the only other couple they've taken time to actually build up (and even then it came totally out of left field).

The main things that drew me to them as a couple was their sweet personalities and their uniqueness. Spike has always been the most lovable little guy in the show. Sure, he's sarcastic, smart mouthed and gets big headed at times, but in the end, Spike learns from his mistakes more so than any other character in the show and works hard to keep connected with his friends. I admired that sweet side of him, but most importantly, I admire his passion for romance; same with Rarity. I've always been a lover of love. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a couple get together, be it in real life or fictional. It was even romance in shows like Naruto that got me into the series in the first place, as well as many other shows and films. Which brings me to the most important part of why I love them together as a couple: their unique.

Majority of romances don't rock the boat. They tend to keep couples paired with similar people, such as height, weight, skin color and race. I greatly admire seeing more exotic couples, couples that don;t fit the typical bill and it's that unusual "mix" that makes me want to see them succeed in love and applaud them when they do, or sigh when they do not. It shows diversity succeeding despite the opposing odds and embracing new and different kinds of relationships; showing that love can exist beyond traditional or cliche boundaries, just look at "Shrek," "The Shape of Water," "Hellboy", "Chrono Crusade", "Teen Titans," "Ponyo," and "Who framed Roger Rabbit?"

To wrap this rant up, I love Sparity so much because I feel both of these characters deserve genuine happiness and I feel with the overwhelming odds stacked against them by ageism, prejudice and criticism; I want them to succeed because of how loving they are inside and out. Spike is dedicated, loyal and commits himself wholeheartedly, he does so much and gets so little in return; despite deserving more than anyone else does. I can easily relate to Rarity's longing for the right date; putting your heart on the line and daring to connect with someone only to be hurt and shoved aside like you don't matter. They both suffer from the same problem in the same place: their hearts. I feel this show could make a colossal difference in showing that love can surpass all obstacles and that even two people that shouldn't make sense together, can make something truly beautiful together. I view it as a win for humanity, showing that a different brand of love can be taught in a kids show without it being played for laughs.

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