Sparity 1,912 members · 1,024 stories
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I don't know if this is the right place to put this and if not, I apologize and would appreciate anyone redirecting me to where this actually goes, but I'm looking for a beta read for a Sparity story I'm working on for a contest. I've looked on, messaged dozens of beta readers but 98% have given zero replied and the remaining 2% refuses to do it because "Sparity" is "against their shipping code" essentially.

If anyone knows a good beta reader or is one, please let me know as even though the contest is months away; I have a first chapter already completed and would love to make this story as amazing as I possibly can soon as I can.

I love a good Sparity, but I'm also crunched for time. How long is it?

As mentioned, the story is incomplete. Only one chapter has been completed and its 17 pages long. The story will be between 4-5 chapters total. I can send it over whenever anyone is willing to take it and will of course give full credit to whomever beta reads it once the story is published. Ideally I would like who beta reads the first chapter to beta read the rest of the story. The contest however isn't over until December 20th so I have before that deadline to deliver the completed story. If you're pressed for time, you can beta read it now and then the rest whenever I write them and when you are available of course or if your still interested but got no time I am perfectly fine waiting until you become available. What do you think?

I enjoy reading Sparity fic as much as ienjoy spike harem fic

I ought to have sufficient time to proofread your story.

It's my holiday, I'm obsessed with sparity. I read in my spare time, so I'll be able to.

Thanks to everyone for helping out. I have successfully found a beta reader and I appreciate EVERYONE who helped out!

Hi, a long ways back I was seeking people to beta read a Sparity story I'm writing for the upcoming contest. I stated I found someone and have already completed 2 and a 1/2 chapters of the story in question. The beta reader finished one chapter but its been a long time since I last heard from em and as the deadline grows closer, I'm growing more concerned the person I am working with won't respond back and/or finish in time.

I am well aware how long ago it was when I said that I found a beta reader and how late it is NOW to ask for it, but if by some miracle someone available and interested; I'd love to get your help on this and will of course credit you for beta reading. The story will be 4 chapters long, chapter 1 has already been beta read, so just need chapter 2, chapter 3 (once its finished) and chapter 4 beta read.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully someone can help me out.

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