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... I don't get it.

Why doesn't Sparity have its own folder?

Spike x Rarity is the only pairing that actually has anything concrete in the canon itself. Even if it is just a crush that is most likely one-sided. However, apart from that there is NO romance between any off the characters in-canon. Pretty sure that there isn't ever going to be cause Faust thought that romance killed girl shows.

Is the Spike x Rarity pairing not have its own folder simply because Spike isn't one of the Mane 6? Because that's a bit unfair. He may not be one of them but he's just a major character as them. He's got what, three episodes where he is the main star? I mean I guess putting up a Spike x Rarity folder would make people demand for Spike X Twilight, Spike X Dash etc... but Spike x Rarity stands out the most to me because it is the only ship that has any in-canon shows of feelings more then friendship.

I doubt this will change a thing. But I think that Spike x Rarity deserves its own folder.


>spike x rarity


hahahaha thats a good one it's just spike having a little crush on her while rarity use that against him to obtain gemstone :trollestia:

That little crush is canon, which is more than any other ship involving the mane 6 can say. No matter how many screen caps we might search for suggestive glances, we're never going to get anything like Spike's heartfelt almost-confession.

I don't care if it has it's own folder, I just get what the op is saying.

At least someone actually read what I was saying.

With all the "Spikes *Insert Pony here* fics poppin up lately, maybe just a "Spike" folder with all pairings Spike :pinkiecrazy:

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