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557030 Markus: This dimension is unstable. One false move, and you could find yourself falling eternally through space. Sound fun? Some ground looks perfectly stable, but it's actually just a projection. Actually, that needs to go on my to-do list. Sort out holes in reality...

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "Yeah, great, nice universe you have here, tin-can. Now how the buck did I get here and how do I go back to Equestria?"

Group Contributor

It's called targeted matter-displacement redistribution. Basically, teleportation. And I could try and get you back, but I'm not sure if the Synth will let you...

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "So basically I'm stuck here. With this guy." *points at Spell Bound* "Fan-freakin'-tastic."

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

558365Spell:Well maybe if you were nicer to me we wouldn't have had that fight

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

557477>>558123>>554519((REVIVAL OF THREAD!!!!!))

Comment posted by DigitalCore deleted Jan 8th, 2013
Group Contributor

((Agreed. Shall we continue?))
*Begins to walk off*
Markus: You want to keep your feet on firm ground, follow me. *Stops and tilts head to one side* Oh. Yes honey? Yes, hi. I'm sorry for that hiccup a few hours ago... 3 days?! Yes, I'll fix that. Yes, I'll sync it to Equestrian time. Mhmm... Ok, fine. Are the children worried? Really? Tell them daddy will be home soon... Yes, and... Erm... We have some visitors... No, inter-dimensional ones. No, a couple of ponies and a huge wolf. No, don't worry about the wolf; I've got him on a leash... Yes, yes, not literally but I will of it is required. Ok. I love you too Twi. Ok, bye. Bye! *Shakes head*
Ugh, wives. Always become worried when you lose them, then scream at you when they find you. Lucky for me Twi was in a good mood. So, anyways, things are a lot different in this dimension, so don't be too surprised about what you encounter. And I'll have to sync you with Erisius time, or you'll never get any good sleep.

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: Children... It is apparent that you have many aces up you proverbial sleeves, so I shall refrain from traumatizing your wife... much.

The Liar: He's getting all depressed over remembering all of the young pups he saw slaughtered in Tartarus. You would be wise to not press the matter. He will tear a limb off you. He will not remember me telling you this, so do not worry.

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor


Sharp Wing: "Okay, I think I got this. Avoid touching the ground as often as possible." *Stays a few inches off the ground as he follows Markus, but then lands again and follows in his hoofsteps* "Is there like a way to tell where the ground is solid? Because I don't feel like flying the whole time."

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

602639*Plants a seed into the ground*601566

Group Contributor

Markus: Trust me, Fenrir won't get that far. There's a side of me you haven't seen yet. It's the side I used to destroy a few hundred metre tall sadistic spectre that was intent on killing every single pony in the version of Equestria I came from.
Markus: Yes, there is. Do exactly as I do. *Makes a sharp left*
That's a good test. I still suggest following me. Fenrir, I recommend moving your right paw about 2 metres to the left.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

604872Spell:*A plant begins to grown and i step on it as a tree trunk forms*

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: Two meters would be... *Trails off, looking intently to his left at a sound he heard* Squirrel!

*Jumps several yards to his left and luckily lands on a stable piece of land. Unfortunately he doesn't catch the squirrle and the ensuing chase causes whole chunks of the earth to crumble behind him*

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor


Sharp Wing: *watches Fenrir cause giant holes to appear in the ground*

"Huh. Well, on the plus side, I guess you never have to worry about tectonic plate shifting here."

Group Contributor

Markus: That part's not up to me. This is a new dimension after all. There are regular instabilities like earthquakes and such, and there is only so far we can go before terrain generation becomes... unreliable.
Markus: *Yelps in pain as more terrain is destroyed* FENRIR! STOP!

Group Contributor

Markus: Oh, I see. ((I actually have no idea what you're implying. Help me out here?))

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor



The Liar: Oh, the depth of hatred he has for this small mammal is unbelievable... I think you would be better off stopping the squirrel than Fenrir at this point...

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

608363Spell: Why walk when you can ride a tree about the place

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor


Sharp Wing: "Two things. One, I'm pretty sure that's not how a tree works, and two, you really shouldn't be adding more weight when the ground is already about as supportive as cardboard."

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

615983Spell: One, nature magic remember. I can make this tree do what i want. Second, it's safer than what wolfie is doing

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor


Sharp Wing: "I... still fail to see the logic behind that." *turns his attention back to Markus* "Are we going somewhere? Because I'm hungry and still bleeding all over thanks to Freaky-eyes over here. I could really go for some apples and some painkillers, in that order."

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

617194Spell: Pffffffft! Logic. So boring

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "Riiiiiiiiight. The Discordant Organization thing. The minute I get back to Equestria I'm still telling, by the way."

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

634580Spell:Go ahead. I'm not a part of them. I'm part of a different group entirely

Group Contributor

Spark: -Trips and falls- Help me! -Ends up somehow on corners of universe-

36 weeks later...

A serpentine dragon slithers through space and time, eventually reaching Spark.
"What's a mortal being doing outside the multiverse?" It said.

Comment posted by RedRandom deleted Jul 8th, 2016


Paradox: So which group are you apart of then?

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