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Group Admin

Alright, pretty simple. Try to keep death at a minimum. To keep separate roleplays, well, separate, use the different symbols on a keyboard to diffrenciate each one. Like a dollar sign or something.

To show action, either type in asterisks or behind a forward slash. Example: *Hoofs you a muffin* or /hoofs you a muffin. To be out of character, ((Type in double parenthesis.))

That's all there is to it! To specify your character just type your character's name before each entry.

(Example) Quill: I can't believe you're griping about something so menial! I have to deliver seven packages each day then write a column for the foal free press, yet you complain about the fact that you chipped a hoof? Ugh! *dashes off*

Group Admin

Quill: *trots into thread* Hello everypony!

Evening Storm
Group Contributor

484994 Storm: Hey there
((didnt think you would do it so quickly if at all))

Group Admin

485001 Quill: So, Lunar Republic or Solar Empire? ((Well, I didn't see any reason not to :twilightsmile:))

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

485753Spell: NLR. Praise be the night. *Salutes* Or P.A.R.T.Y.

Evening Storm
Group Contributor

485753 All praise be to the love goddess.

Group Admin

485904 ((So now I have to think of a name for that)) Quill: Huh. I've never heard of anypony worshipping Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Personally, I'm for the Lunar Republic. Celestia may control the sun, but Luna controls millions.

Evening Storm
Group Contributor

486484 Im one of the few neutral ponies thats princess Mi Amore

Group Admin

486496 Quill: Ah. *pauses and looks at the rumbling storm clouds in the distance* The Weatherponies really packed a punch today. Might want to go get an umbrella.

Evening Storm
Group Contributor

oh sorry about that we missed a storm last week>>486521

Group Admin

486524 Quill: Let me guess, Rainbow Dash slept in, a cloud activist screamed at you guys, and Derpy accidentally sent the storm to Phillydelphia?

Evening Storm
Group Contributor
Spell Bound
Group Contributor

487513Spell: This has happened before then?

Group Admin

487545 Quill: Oh yeah, many times. Of course, variables may have been switched up, such as the tides being high and the heat of the sun on one particular day, all which effect the Weatherponies' performance. It could have been Raindrops who was the slacker and Rainbow Dash snapped, or Ponyville's storm preparation crew could have demanded that it be called off since they had barely enough ponies to ready the busiest and least foliage filled area in town square. Still even more options would be the upcoming election or ponies helping found the Crystal Empire again, studying and doing all they can. Discord could suddenly break out, turn every Weatherpony into a marshmallow peep, and command an army of sugary sweet bunnies, chicks, and sheep. Chrysalis could seize the Withholders of the Elements in the Crystal Caverns and make everypony go insane. Well, excluding Rarity who would gush her heart out, and Pinkie Pie who has split personality disorder. Derpy could get discorded and become completely sensible, never skipping a beat when moving clouds. Arctic Oscillation could occur and winter would launch a siege with icy wraiths of chill and snaps of blizzards, sharp as the crack of a whip.

But really, it's quite a petty thing to mull over, don't you think?

Spell Bound
Group Contributor have this really figured out don't ya?

Group Admin

488271 Quill: Nah, I'm pretty new to the subject.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

488324Spell: I see

Group Admin

488466 Quill: Good! Because the last thing we need on our hooves is a blind pony who has the patience to listen to my menial ramblings.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

488514 Spell: I may not have pupils but i am far from blind. And after listening to Pinkie you tend to have patience for most things.

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor

Fenrir: As much as you might think the two Princesses rule over you, their power only binds you to them. You are nothing but mindless drones that swarm over to their Light and the warmth of their proposed benevolence. You have seen nothing of their true faqade, the Fanatical Eternal Sun that hates those who disagree with her and the weak-willed Princess of Shadow.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

489234 Spell: an interesting argument. may i offer a counter argument?

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


*Barks out a cynical laugh* Fenrir: You think the insane spirit of Chaos understands anything of the world he plays with? That insane fool hid as my pack stormed his lands and tore his improbable tower down. He understand smoke and mirrors, but sees nothing of the Dark we dwell in. He might not agree with Celestia's peaceful rule, but he is as much of a creature of Light as any pony you would care to name. He is a jester in Celestia's Court, nothing more.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

489347Spell: You speak of darkness and light, but neglect the fact light can bring darkness, for i have caused equestria itself to burn in the shadows of fire.

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: You speak of fleeting and corporeal light and the shadows your perverse light casts, when I speak of an immovable Core of Darkness you only catch glimpses of. Your magic is born of Light and you think the meager shadows you summon compare to True Dark? True Dark is what whispers to you in the shadows, it is the shimmer of a blade on the battlefield. For every Light of this world, there is a Dark and twisted shadow to counter it. For every entrapped fool, there is a disillusioned crusader and for every healer there is an assassin! You speak of your Light and your Dark, yet you understand only Light and shun the Dark. Know thy place, you weak, pathetic fool...

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

489367Spell: i follow neither path, but the path far less traveled. i walk between the two bringing balance. I bring chaos and order. But i like you. You intrigue me.

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: The Chaos you and your sire worship is nothing but a game of Light and Shadow. T'is a wholly infuriating display and I will have nothing to do with it. You will do well to remember that if you were to infuriate me, there would be no place safe for you, you despicable abomination...

(Fenrir's an angry fellow, you know)

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

489529Spell: Worship? Ah no. I do not worship father's chaos. But it is in my blood, so i cause chaos. But i was raised in order so i also maintain order. I bring balance between the two to cause true harmony. (I noticed)

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: You speak as if there is a great divide between Celestia's order and the chaos in your blood. It is akin to calling a young filly a whole different race as their older sister. There is no great difference between order and disorder. All things that are built will also be torn down, there is no real equilibrium to this world, young abomination. There is a great movement and cycle to things in this world, yet those your feeble society calls sane insist on preserving the things they have learned as truth, while it is the mad and the inspired that drive their bloated and hedonistic society forward in a world that fights to drive them out. The Dark shall be there when the plots of revolution shall be hatched and the assassin's blade shal strike true when the time comes. You speak of Order and Chaos and I scoff at your idle musings, young one, as I hear the blood of a great uprising in the future of your trepid little world.

(He hates losing arguments, real or imagined, as well...)

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

489608 Spell: Such anger in you. You speak as if the dark is separate from what i stand for. I do not only stand between chaos and order. i stand between light and dark, good and evil. I am Balance. If darkness over comes it is because i have allowed it to further the balance of the world. You call me young, When you have fallen through time to be raised by celestia, and then fall through time once more to the beginning of a world as old as ours, then may you call me young.

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: Oh, I apologize, oh great eldritch abomination. I believe the word I was going for was "Stupid". It's just that such utter lack of intellect is usually accompanied by youth, but I must concede to the fact that you are the exception to the rule.

(arguments, losing them, you know...)

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

489724 Spell: This has been most interesting. But you are correct. All things shall fall. but they shall also rise again. I am simply here to maintain the balance till the end.

Group Admin

489234 Quill: Au contraire, my dear Fenrir. The alicorn queens have their job to do. Yes, many argue that the sun and moon could raise themselves and alicorns are genetic mutations. Crossbreeds, if you may. But was it not Celestia that banished the tyrant, Nightmare Moon? I believe history text exaggerated a tad bit, that Celestia realized the, pardon the pun, gravity of the situation and racked her mind for ways to bring her sister back. The 1000 year banishment was a huge buck-up on Celestia's part, Luna misunderstood.

Moving on.

Was it not Celestia and Luna who banished Discord from his madness-inducing reign over Equestria, when hysterics knew no bounds? Imprisoned the condescending King Sombra, who over threw the previous Crystal Empire leader back thousands of years ago? Kept Equestria intact for longer than anypony can remember? Instructed the Withholder of the element of Magic?

Your move, Fenrir.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

490262Spell: My dear quill, the correct pronunciation is au contraire mon ami. And yes, it is your move Fenrir.

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: So, your reasoning for allowing Celestia and Luna to rule over you sorry sacks of meat is that they can't even stay civil with each other? I'm sure that I don't have to point out how fucking stupid that is, but I will anyway...

Actually, I find that even my extensive vocabulary can't quite describe it. Also, the ability to turn an insane jester to stone is not anything that I would consider impressive. They sure do preach benevolence and understaing, but the preferred way of punishment seems to be an eternity in stone, or ice. I would rather die in battle, than be subjected to the torture of having my mind imnprisoned within cold marble, wouldn't you?

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

490578Spell: Ah a true warrior spirit. But I can sense that you have no cause. You preach your ideals but you have no one to follow. Continue your preaching, but you shall be ignored as that old veteran who has lost their way.

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: *Walks into the room gripping a mug of apple cider with the tip of one of his wings* "Hey, guys, sorry I'm late. I was-" *notices Spell Bound's eyes* "Sweet Celestia what's with your eyes?!"

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

525731 Spell: It's a....long story

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

525731Spell: Whats more interesting, is whether you brought cider for the rest of us

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "Oh, um, I didn't bring the cider, it was next to the punch in the kitchen." *Notices Fenrir glaring at Spell Bound* "Am I interrupting something?"

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

527802Spell: Hmmm?*follows your gaze* Oh no not at all. Fenrir here is a grumpy fellow, and we where just having a debate on philosophy, beliefs and the Alicorn princess

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "Ooh, politics. Fun stuff. Although to be honest I haven't really been keeping up with it since Princess Luna came back from the moon. Does she co-rule with Princess Celestia now, or does she just do the night shift?"

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

528274Spell: They rule together, but Luna takes domain over the night

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: HAH! She rules only the Light within the Dark, while her domain is cloaked in jet black Darkness. She is a weak little foal, instead of the great and cruel Mistress I followed. She rules a court of puppets and casts nothing but the reflection of her sister's Light...

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

529112Spell: OH you're still here. A pity. Such an angry fellow. Lighten up a bit. And tell me, do you know of the Discordant Organization?

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "Discordant Organization?" *frowns in confusion and then brightens again* "Oh, I get it! Organized Chaos! I do love me some oxymorons."

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

529887Spell: After a fashion. It is run by Discord, Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon. Which means, either she is a separate entity, or Luna isn't as redeemed as we are to believe

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "Oh wait, you were serious? I'm not sure whether I should laugh or cry. I guess this is what I get for not keeping up with current events." *shrugs* "But it's not like the Elements of Harmony aren't going to whoop their sorry plots anyway. Maybe I should try to sell tickets."

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

530588Spell: Oh but they have no proof. To all eyes Luna is redeemed and nightmare moon no longer exists. But enough of all this politics. They're boring

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "Waiiiiiiit a second. If they Elements of Harmony don't know about this, then how the hay do you know?" *Suspicious glance*

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

530593Spell: Discord is my creator. Plus i tend to meddle in things. I might be able to use them to further the balance

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