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Spell Bound
Group Contributor

545650Spell:*Lands on your back bringing you down* I don't approve of swords being swung at me

Group Contributor

Markus: I leave you guys for 30 seconds and this happens. I'm not leaving until you two face some sort of mutual understanding.
((I think we should make this a little more interesting. Anyone got a good story to follow?))

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

545684(((I'm just defending my self. This is all sharp wings fault. He started this fight)))

Group Contributor

((Well pray to whatever God you answer to that I don't end up ending it.))
Markus: Seriously guys, stop it. You're grown men. I mean stallions. Stallions.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

545708Spell: Well they started this fight

Group Contributor

Markus: I don't care who started it. I just want it to end. I don't want any blood being spilt.

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: *Slowly lowers the swords he had pointed at Spell Bound's underside after the blood comment.*

((I like the idea of following a story. One person could act as a Dungeon Master of sorts, dictating cannon characters, enemies, and events. The goal for the role players would be to cooperatively come up with creative solutions to the problems that arise. Should be a fresh start though, this role play session is a dead end story wise.))

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

547243((Agreed. But you started all this violence foolish pegasi))

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

((Was that directed at me or Sharp Wing? You're using the double parenthesis, but you also called me a pegasus.))

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

548388((Both of you))

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

548414 ((Both? Well crap, here goes.))

Mysterious Stranger: ((Well, all that leaves is who will direct the story. I could do it, or someone else could. I have no strong feelings one way or the other.))

Sharp Wing: "I started nothing, freaky-eyes! Now get the hay off my back or so help me Celestia I will stab your kidneys!"

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

548449Spell:Yes you did! you attacked me first along with wolfie. All i did was defend my self. And stop discriminating me against my eyes

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "I attacked you because you yanked my freakin' tail! Now... Get... Off!" *Swings up both swords and makes a cut into each side of Spell Bound. Due to the unusual direction of the swing, the cuts are not very deep, but they are deep enough to draw blood. Also, no kidneys were harmed.*

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

548606Spell:*yelp;s slightly then uses magic to pin you down and thorns cut into you drawing blood*

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor


Sharp Wing: "Howls in pain as he drops his swords, but then throws his head back to hit Spellbound in the jaw and throws the unicorn off balance with a move that looks a lot like this*

(same facial expression and everything)

Group Contributor

Markus: ((If you guys wouldn't mind visiting my OC's dimension? There's quite a few problems to be had there...))
*Raises arm, cannon charged* Both of you. Stop it. I can and will fire, and teleporting won't help your sorry ass, Spell Bound. I can hit you before you even think about moving.

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

((lead the way, dungeon master, although I still think it would be best if we ended this "story" and started fresh. Proper introductions, possibly switch out OC's if desired, blah blah blah. Also, If we start from scratch, I'm totally fine with someone "killing" Sharp Wing in this thread.))

Group Contributor

((No need. I can just have an "accident" occur during interdimensional transit. But I do have to say this; teleport mishap is extremely painful. Anyone wants to switch out OC's, do it now.))

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

550937(Only other OC is my PEgasus dawn star and i haven't decided how i want him yet so I'll stay as spell)) Spell:*rubs my jaw with my hoof* ouch. and how much ya want to bet?

Group Contributor

((And you, Mysterious? Want to change round?))
Markus: I don't need to bet. I can designate over 1000 target vectors a microsecond. So that should be about a million a second. Where ever you teleport, you can bet I'll be aiming there.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

551302Spell:And what if i teleported onto of you. Hmmmm? *smirks slightly* Or what if i made plants grow within the mechanics. I can do that you know.

Group Contributor

Markus: You seem to forget I am not entirely inorganic. *Cannon switches to large blade* And it's not exactly a problem.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

551372Spell:I could turn you into jellybeans. I've done that before

Group Contributor

551376 Markus: It's called high energy oscillation deflection. In short, magic is a very pointless endeavour. You may be able to get enough power through to make me tickle or feel uncomfortable, but I doubt much more. Only technology has any real effect on me. Doesn't look like it, but I've got shielding on every level imaginable. Force field projection? Check. Nanocrystal and kevlar alloy dermal shock absorption and energy deflection? Check. Internal high tensile carbon nanofibre plating? Check. Not to mention organic synthesis capabilities. ((He's not invincible. He does struggle with quite a few things. I'll leave it to you to figure them out.))

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

551379Spell:My dear MArkus who said anything about magic? This is chaos we are talking about.549538*picks up Sharp wing and throws him at you*

Group Contributor

Markus: *Sharp wing impacts on an invisible wall and bounces off, landing a few metres away, relatively unharmed* May I remind you of the force field? It takes a lot out of the generators, sure, but nothing too major. I can keep it up all day. I doubt I'll have to.

Group Contributor

((I'll get to that shortly))

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

551385>>551386Spell:The generators eh?

Group Contributor

Ah, yes. They're offline currently, but when they are they make for an impressive light show.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

551404Spell:*teleports in front of your face and boops your noes* boop

Group Contributor

551415 Markus: *Stays completely calm* And that was to achieve... what exactly?551415

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

551422Spell:Make ya sneeze

Group Contributor

Markus: *Stays really cool, but it's obvious he's trying to hold back a sneeze* Gimme a second... Yeah, Arty? Got the... no, I don't care. Get me... Ok good. Yeah, no... Wide bore. Thanks.
All right, guys, it's been nice seeing you. *Begins to dissolve into cyan spheres* ((Grab on quickly if we're going to follow this story I have planned!))

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

551539Spell: No you don't*Grabs Sharp wing* I ain't letting you out of my sight Mr. I'm not done causing mischief with ya*Pokes your face*

Group Contributor

Markus: Let go! This is dangerous! I- *Is cut off by teleport.* ((I'm just going to find a picture to show you the general look of the dimension we're going to.))

Group Contributor

((Found one))

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

551551>>549538 Spell:Oh this looks neat

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "Oooowwwwww... at least... it wasn't... the tail... that... time..." *Wearily looks up and notices his new loctation.* "What? How did I... at least I got away from that-" *notices Spell Bound is there as well* "Buck."

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

551666Spell:Call me a freak and i will stuff a seed down your throat then make in take root in your stomach

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "I thought...only... earth ponies... can make seeds grow... and that seeds... can't grow... inside of stomachs...because of... stomach acid..."

Group Contributor

551677>>551724 Markus: Oh Jesus. Here we go again...

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

551724>>551838Spell: My specialty is nature magic numbskull

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: *Rises to his hooves and reaches for his swords with his wings, only to find his scabbards empty. Glances around, but the weapons are nowhere to be found. "Well, this is awkward."

((I was severally tempted to have Sharp Wing ask Markus what a "Jesus" was, but opted for the above instead.))

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

553387Spell:Ha! You left them back with crazy wolf dude

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: I ate your swords and liked it! Also, I am here, for no raisin.

The Liar: Yes, we are quite insane.

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "You... what? How is that even possible?!" *Slowly backs away from Fenrir.*

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


The Liar: Hey, we have no idea how we got to Spell Bound's universe, so I guess we are just that good at tracking our prey.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

555502>>554592>>551838Spell:My universe? I'll be damned if this is mine. This is his*Points to Markus*

Group Contributor

556789>>555502 Markus: Indeed it is. Welcome to Erisius! First thing's first; don't be surprised if you see a human. There are about a few million wandering around. Secondly: don't try anything stupid. Even humans can use magic here. Limited magic, granted, but magic nonetheless. Thirdly: watch your step.

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


The Liar: Watch our step? I'm sure me, as the 10 ton predator that I am, have nothing to fear from the ground giving out under me...

Fenrir: ... What?

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