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Spell Bound
Group Contributor

535555Spell:*giggles* It's funny cause.....the apple family aren't even there anymore

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: ... There's some dimension-hopping bullshit going on here, since this is where the Aplle family I know live...

The Liar: You could have told us that sooner, you demented fucker! I wouldn't even have bothered on stopping us from crashing into the actual house!

Fenrir: There is nothing that can escape the reach of those serving the Dark...

((Did Spell Bound teleport them away, or have they moved away in your universe, Spell Bound))

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

535611Spell: *giggle more* But it's so funny. You're trying so hard. (teleports them away. Two apple families in my universe? Oh god. That would both be chaotic and wonderful)

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


The Liar: Fuck it, I hate you as much as the wolf does now. The offer still stands, face us in single combat, or we will keep going after those around you. This is not my world, I don't give a fuck about what happens to these ponies.

Fenrir: The Dogs can hear your wife arguing with her family, the Dark shall guide their spears to the hearts of her family. She will blame you and I will not stop with her family. The Sparkles', Sweetie Belle and her parents, I'll visit a rock farm and grind the Pie's bones with the rocks they cherished, Rainbow Dash will no doubt face me and die... Fluttershy I do feel bad about, but if you force me into it with your inaction...

((He's the new Alpha of the Diamond Dog pack Rarity encountered and he's taught them to tap into the Dark, a kind of presence in the world that transcends magic, the reason why Fenrir is so resistant to magic. Also, a limited telepathic link with him.))

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

535634Spell: Fine I'll face you. But seriously thats unfair. Look how big you are

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor

Fenrir: And you have admitted to having your magic fueled by my attempts at violence, so i don't see your point.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

535660Spell: Fair point. but you are also immune to most magic.....oh wait.....most. but not all

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor

Fenrir: *Charges at Spell Bound, straight on and without lunging, just to test his reaction time and preferred patterns. Spell Bound teleports away*

((Where does he reappear? out of his line of sight, at his side with a spell, or something else?))

Comment posted by Mysterious Stranger deleted Dec 12th, 2012
Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "yeep!" *swoops under the projectile to avoid it* "No Fido, that's not how you play fetch. I'm supposed to throw the piece of wood, and you go after it."

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

535718Spell: *appears in a area surrounded by trees and then manipulates them so they attack fenir*

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


*Let's the trees close the distance before hunching down and jumping to where Spell Bound is, preferring to deal with hostile trees when his target is in sight. The trees Spell Bound left to guard himself slow down the feral wolf, but just enough for him to teleport away again. Fenrir now has a more than few bleeding scratches and most of the trees lie broken and scattered around him*

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: *flies over to Markus* "You look like you know what you're doing, and I'm not just saying that because of your nifty headset. Do you need any help with your master plan?"

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

535829Spell:*appears on sharp wings back* pssst. Head phones guy. Whatcha doin?

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: *squawks and slams into the ground because of the unexpected weight.* "Ack! what are you doing?! wolfie eat pony if pony on ground!"

Group Contributor

Meh. I'm just here because of Arty's antics. Let me get back to you.
*Turns invisible*
((This guy's an Earth pony, btw))

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: *stares at where Markus was standing in disbelief.* "Oh, this is great, truly wonderful. Every-freakin'-body here but me has freakin' super powers."

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

536730Spell: Probably just technology. Any way bye *teleports onto 535829 head laughing slightly* Up here. Or not.*telaports away*

Group Contributor

Markus: Good guess. Glass field cloaking system. Stays active as long as I'm moving. My whole body is powered by a midget fusion reactor, so...

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

537056Spell: *trots around fenir quickly making him dizzy and anoyed* a most impressive device

Group Contributor

*Watches in amusement*
Indeed. I also possess... other, more impressive abilities. I've done quite a few studies on Equestria, one of my most renowned - at least, in my own dimension anyway - is a theory on magic.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

537059Spell: Interesting. Will i have heard of it? I travel so many dimensions now it's hard to keep track. I own a Scyther in one of them *hops onto fenirs head*

Group Contributor

I believe not. Erisius is well guarded; neither magic nor technology outside of the realm can transport you there, which is why I'm in a bit of a fix at the moment...

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

537062Spell: Ah your stuck. *laughs* Oh thats funny. Now i have a craving for chocolate milk. Hmmm*telaports away from fenir*

Group Contributor

((Has Crazy Laughter deserted us?))
*Still watching*
Markus: Not technically. You can still communicate, but teleporting there from outside the realm is out of the question. You'd have to use the Synthesizer to get there, and even then overlay mishap is... problematic.

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: *brushes off his shoulders, glares at Spell Bound, and promptly flies up to what remains of the barn and disappears through the hayloft.*

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

537121Spell: i have no idea what you just said.

((Hes probably sleeping))

Group Contributor

Markus: You'd need to see the actual machine before I could begin to explain it fully. I could take you there when Arty gets his remote access program active...
Overlay mishap is... painful. To say the least. Imagine having your lower half fused to the floor.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

537126>>537129 Nah I have a giant wolfie to stop.*envelops Sharp wing in magic and drags him back* and sharp wing here is my sheild

Group Contributor

Markus: Would you like help with that? It'll only cost you two bits *winks*

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

537209Spell: I'm.......not sure i understand what you are implying

Group Contributor

Markus: Never mind. My question still stands.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

537284Spell: What question was that?

Group Contributor

*Mockingly, but playful*
Markus: Fenrir. I. Help?

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

537296Spell: Help me or help him? You help him he might just eat you.

Group Contributor

Markus: Help you. And I highly doubt it... *smirks, obviously hiding a secret*

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

537301Spell: You're hiding something

Group Contributor

Markus: True, true. Fenrir claimed he is immune to magic, correct? In that case, why don't I give him a mouth full of energy instead?

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

537303Spell: Aye....i could give him a mouthful of chaos energy

Group Contributor

Markus: Allow me to oblige...
*Stands up on back two legs and lets his cybernetics show*
You like?
*Right arm separates and becomes an ion cannon*

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

537307Spell: Go ahead, but don't kill him>>535829

Group Contributor

Markus: *Raises arm* Oi! Wolfie! Eat protons! *Fires, catching Fenrir in the side, sending him flying across the clearing.* Want another dose?

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: *struggles to break out of Spell Bound's magical grip, but cannot, because he just a pegasus*
"I hate you. I hate you so much. I hope you get lit on fire, thrown into a boiling ocean, and then get lit on fire again."

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

537348Spell: No you don't. Besides, didn't want you being a coward and running off

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


The Liar: Oh my, I heard Ion's and Photons mentioned there. I'm not a scientist, but I don't have to be to understand why it just threw me back when it should have disintegrated the bonds in my molecules or some shit. Your Light, aka some or all electromagnetic radiation, can only chase away Shadows, but cannot extinguish True Dark, as that is what Fenrir is, I think.

Fenrir: Go on, waste your limited supply of ammunition, or overheat your midget reactor. I will stand again and kill you as long as there is breath left in me...

((Sleep, then a 10 hour work shift, actually. Also, Fenrir has super charged regeneration because there are three people kept alive by modern human medicine and Luna's magic bound to his soul. Yeah, his whole backstosry is kinda convoluted.))

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "I wasn't running away! I had a plan, which you ruined. Some of us here aren't magical or..." *stares at Markus for a moment* "...made of... shiny... metal-ly stuff with... glowy line-things and must come up with other means for handling giant wolves. Now, if you would be so kind as to let go of me, there is something I need to do."

Group Contributor

((No death, remember? Otherwise, I could have killed you, but I'm not going to.))
Markus: Simple why it didn't kill you really. I neglected to use a magnetic focusing lens to slow down the shot before it hit you. Therefore, most of the energy has passed straight though you. That was a comparatively weak shot compared to what I can unleash.
And there are more than just one of us here, and I can contact them with a simple tilt of the head. You really want to face 6 pissed off, cybernetic ponies?
Markus: I get that look a lot.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

537428>>537716>>538479 Spell: You weren't. And come on Fenrir. Give it up

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "Gaaaah Come on! It's a really good plan. Besides, you're wasting your energy holding me in place. I'm not the one trying to eat Apple Jack for breakfast."

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

538779Spell*smacks you round the head* Hush. I've already got a plan

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