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Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "Them being the trio of jerks or the Elements of Harmony? Because the latter sounds rather sinister..."

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

531221Spell: Both if required.

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor


Sharp Wing: *stares at Spell Bound in horror for a second before he chugs down the rest of his cider* "Oh, would you look at that, I'm all out of cider. I better go back to the kitchen which is conveniently outside of your current vision, assuming you can't see through walls." *Scurries off*

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

531235Spell: *calls out before you leave* The likely hood of me needing to manipulate the bearers of harmony is very minimum. Fear not Pegasi

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "That's fantastic, really. I'll tell them you said that. Um, I mean, I wasn't going to tell anypony anything." *Disappears into kitchen. Moments later the sound of a door slamming is heard*

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

531256Spell: Oh well. Oh wait...Ah buck. AJ is gonna kill me if she finds out.*runs after you*

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: *runs around the corner of the structure and ducks back inside through another door and makes his way to Fenrir*
*panting* "Hey, you, mysterious and possibly psychotic pony, I will give you thirty bits to get this guy off my tail."

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

531281Spell:*winces* some one call me psychotic......

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "With pleasure. You're psychotic, all of you. Except for those guys over there, they seem normal." *points at Quill and Storm*
((This is a painfully obvious ploy to revitalize the thread))

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

531318Spell: I'm quite sane

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "No crazy pony thinks they're crazy." *remembers he was going to go warn the Bearers of Harmony and scampers off again, this time flying up into the sky once outside*

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

531330Spell:*My horn glows and you get dragged down* No. Bad pegasus

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: *snarls, wraps the tips of his wings around the hilts of the swords strapped to his sides, draws them out, and charges Spell Bound.* "Eat steel, freaky eyes! It's part of a nutritious breakfast!"

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

531360Spell: Thats discrimination against those with different eyes. What would derpy say?*My horn glows and a root wraps round your hoof tripping you*

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: I have half the mind to kill you for daring to call me a pony, but if you are sanctioning the brutal death of another pony, just because they inconvienced you, then I might spare your life, in exchange for theirs.

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: *cuts away the root wrapped around his hoof and springs to his hooves* "What, do you prefer horse? Um, I mean, you should totally take this guy down, he, um, called Nightmare Moon a (insert scientific term for female dog)"

Group Contributor

((Just thought I'd jump in :twilightsmile:))
Markus: I am interrupting anything?

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: Are you blind or just remarkably stupid? I am more than five times your size, have grey fur, fangs the size of your head and I think of all females as bitches, as I happen to be a huge freaking wolf!

*Stares at Sharp Wing for an uncomfortable minute as he snarls and growls at the pegasus.*

Fenrir: Then again, I'll jump at the chance to tear into something as tasty as a magically talented unicorn hybrid... thing, such as that idiot over there,

*Hunches down and leaps at Spell Bound, jaw open wide and sharp claws aiming to pin the unicorn down*

(Your move Spell Bound, Fenrir is a huge wolf and fast, also with a hearty resistance against magic, so try not to have your character have too much of an easy time... just saying.)

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: *Re-sheaths his swords, nods at Markus, and confidently walks away humming MC Hammer's Can't Touch This*

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: And here I was going to spare your sorry ffeathery ass... I hate that song and I will be coming for you after I'm done here!

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "Whatever doggy, you're like a timber wolf, all bark!" *laughs hysterically at his own joke and flies up really high.*
((He's confident because he doesn't think that Spell Bound can stop him and defend himself against a giant wolf at the same time.))

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: I barely know who you are, frankly, I don't care. If you are looking for mercy I don't have any, but what I do have is a very particular set of skills; skills that make me a nightmare for your kind. You come down here and face the music and that will be the end of you, but if you refuse, I will find you and I will kill you, slowly!

Group Contributor

Markus: Well, from what I've gathered, this evolved from a simple discussion about Celestia and Luna? And wolf, leave off the Pegasus; he's just kinda p*ssed you made fun of his preferred princess. I don't blame him.

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: Do you mean the Queen of Light, the benevolent tyrant, or the sniveling little bitch the so-called "Princess of the Night" has been reduced to? I have qualms with both of said inviduals and I couldn't care less about how butthurt he's of the truth.

Group Contributor

Markus: And I have none. Neither do I have qualms with you. I do not take your words to heart; they are worthless and empty. The words of a puppet serving a demonic master. I am observant; I heard this conversation over a literal mile away, not just due to the volume.

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "This was about the Princesses? I was just trying to get away from Freaky-eyes over there. But um, why do you dislike them so much? Did they put you in a kennel?"
((I caught the taken reference btw.:rainbowlaugh: great movie))

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: The Queen of LIght banished me and all of my kin to Tartarus for following our Dark Mistress, Nightmare Moon. The Princess of the Night is a broken and incomplete mockery of what she used to be and that irks me. Celestia tore her sister apart and destroyed any part she did not like, just so she could have a sister that was below her! She is something that goes beyound any cruelty I know and you still revere her as your benevolent ruler? You sicken me with your naiivete, ponies...

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

532140Spell: *Teleports away leaving a spiky bush in my place cutting the insides of your mouth as you bite down* Hmm....i feel the urge to sing for some reason*trots up to Sharp wing glaring at him*

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


•bites down on the bush and rips it out of the ground, tuen flings it right where Spell Bound materialized.•

Fenrir: You get first blood, hybrid, but a wound such as this will not stop me

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

534239Spell:*telaports out of the way* So violent wolfie? Tut tut tut. You must let go of your anger. You see

When You're rife with devastation there's a simple explanation
You're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: I ain't gonna cut the rug with any orphan foals, you demented asshole!

*Fenrir howls out, frenzying every single thing in range with either the heat of the hunt, or the fear of it, causing the frantic horde to bite and scratch at both the annoying pegasi and the overconfident unicorn hybrid thing.*

(gotta love friendship is witchcraft, especially the songs.)

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

534285Spell*telaports up to a cloud holding Sharp wing's tail in my mouth* Demented? I take offense to that. I should turn into a draconequus and burn your sorry hide

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

534285Spell: But if I'm right, you're resistant to magic aren't ya? Oh well. *watches the animals run about* Oh Flutters would love seeing all of these

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


*You are knocked off your cloud by the bloody corpse of an elk*

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

535079Spell:oof.*lands on the ground* Now that was just rude. Apart from having a different opinion and defending my self what have i ever done to you? This all your fault sharp wing. 533944

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: The pegasi and I have an understanding and that understanding includes that I kill you before him, I need no other reason to attack you!

*Rams the both of you from the side, grabbing Sharp Wing and flinging him into the forest by the tail, then slamming a paw down on Spell Bound, hoping to stop him from teleporting away, but suddenly stops before wrenching Spell Bound's head off with his fangs.*

The Liar: You just had to instigate him, didn't you? I don't particularly like you either, but you better run, or you will die here. I can do nothing more than stall him in the state he's in.

*Steps off Spell Bound, moving in small jerks and with his eyes unfocused.*

Fenrir: Stay. Out. Of. This.

(("The Liar" is what Fenrir calls the human consciousness trapped inside him, granting him a thinking mind and the ability to trick the bearers of the Elements into not sending him back to Tartarus.))

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

535090Spell: oh joy an ethereal voice. But you dont understand. His attempts at killing me and failing his causing chaos.....such delecious chaos. If he keeps this up theb soon my chaod magic will be fully charged. *Teleports away again humming* i dont even have to fight. Just keep out of his reach

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: "Ow, tail, ow, pain, ow, why is it always the tail?" *gets up again only to find find himself face to face with a frenzied grizzly bear.* "Son of a-!"

*Smacks the creature's head to one side with a hoof, and then knocks it out with a hilt smash to the side of the head with his wing. Meanwhile, a frenzied frog throws itself uselessly at his leg as Sharp Wing watches the fight between Spell Bound and Fenrir.*

"If the unicorn dies, I'm not a murderer right? What am I talking about, he'll be fine, I should just leave while I still..." *Drifts off as he sees more animals chasing bystanders around.* "Crap." *Dashes off to be a helpful neighbor.*

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: Where the hell are you, unicorn thing?! Come back here and fight!

*a moment of awkward silence.*

Fenrir: Hmm... okay, let's play it like this, then... Earilier, you mentioned AJ, aka Applejack , so I take it you will intervene if I were to run to her farm and kill the first member of the Apple family I come across? Let's test out this theory, shall we?

*Howls again, causing all the flying things around him lose their shit even more, obscuring Spell Bound's line of sight and giving him a chance to run into the forest and disappear in the shadows*

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

535159Spell:*teleports infront of your face bops your nose* bop goes the fire*teleports away has your furt sets alight with fire*

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


*The magical fire nearly fizzles out, but a tuft of fur behind his ear is still aflame*

Fenrir: Coward! *Slams his head in a tree, extinguishing the flame before it spreads, keeps running toward the Apple farm*

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

535164Spell:*teleports onto your back* oh look i can see my home. You know, that is if it isnt an illusion brought on by the bush cut your mouth. If thats case it might be a cliff. Who knows. *Teleports away*

Mysterious Stranger
Group Contributor

Sharp Wing: *takes out a few more frenzied animals without killing them, decides the rest of them are too small to do any harm, and sheathes his swords so he can fly straight for the Apple property as well.*

Group Contributor

*Runs after them*
Markus: Jesus, these guys need to have some time out. I just hope I'm not the one who has to make them do it. Arty, you there?
((These guys come as a nice 6.))
Arthur: *Voice crackling with a bit of static* Yep. Just on my way to AJ's house to check on Conor. Remember that accident?
Markus: The one where he tried to absorb the lightning bolt? What was the idiot thinking?! He was at a few million volts already!
Arthur: *Again, the static* Cause he's rash and overconfident.
Markus: I knew that. Anyway, you have a couple of tonnes of evil wolf, a demented unicorn hybrid and a pegasus with an attitude heading your way. I suggest you get ready. I'll be there when they are.

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

535306Spell: *teleports in front of you* I am not demented! Now if you excuse me. I have to save my wife from a demented wolf. *teleports away*

Group Contributor

Markus: The Synthesizer has malfunctioned again... God damn it, when I get back to Erisius I need to fix that thing... *facehoofs*

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

535380Spell: *Teleports back with the apple family humming a song* I wonder if Fenir realizes that that isn't sweet apple acres yet

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor

Fenrir: You have some impressive distance in your teleportations, demented hybrid, but how long can you keep up your tricks before you tire? Are you certain you can stay so nonchalant about this, when it is the life of the one you call your wife and all those around her on the line?'

*Jumps from the already thinning forest and lands on the road that leads to Sweet Apple Acres, then continues to run toward the farm*

Fenrir: We shall see soon enough!

Spell Bound
Group Contributor

535475Spell: Well you're running about is feeding me with chaos energy. And I'm not demented! You're the demented one!*Teleports on top of your head* seriously dude. Take a chill pill

Crazy Laughter
Group Contributor


Fenrir: Well, if I'm feeding you, then it should be fair that you feed me!

*Snaps his head up and tries to eat Spell Bound, but he's blinked away already*

Fenrir: Fine, I'll eat your wife then!

*hunches down and jumps the rest of the way to the Apple farm, crashing into the barn to get the Apple's attention. He then grabs a piece of wood from the wreckage and flings it at Sharp Wing, the only pony against him he can see at the time*

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