The Non Toxic MLP Fan Club 13 members · 7 stories
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Group Admin

Hello and welcome to the non toxic MLP fan club. Fans of all generations are all welcome but first it is time we go over the rules.

1: absolutely no talking about politics or religion, this is MLP fansite not a place to rant about politics or whatever popular controversy is out there because everyone has different views and it can tear people apart.

2: no ranting, same reason applies to number one and we get enough of that on Twitter, YouTube, tictock, this is mean to be a positive place.

3: do not yuck somebody else’s yum, we as individuals like and dislike different thing so please if you do not like something that somebody else likes keep it to yourself and don’t ruin it for other people.

4: Be kind, it should be a no brainer. We should be kind to everyone.

5: Don’t cause drama, same reason as number to and if it gets out of hand the thread will be blocked no questions asked.

6: Interested in joining? DM me first.

This group is also for self improvement. Here is how you yourself can find out if you yourself are toxic. Not that if you check at least on of these boxes it doesn’t make you a full on toxic person no one is perfect but it is still commendable if you still want to improve yourself.

1:Do you use shaming language? Shaming language could be considered phrases such as you know what you should do or you know better.

2: Do you tend to blame others for your problems? How are you so sure that nothing is ever your fault or never apologize for everything sure we have our hiccups but how often is this done?

3: Do you try to one-up a person who is sharing a struggle with you? I think this is self explainitory and the root cause could be things like jealously.

4: Do you take more than you give? Are you a your way or no way kind of person.

5: Do you say you like drama but your life is full of it?

6: Do you fish for attention on social media?

7: Do you complain a lot? AKA my issue.

8: Do you dominate the conversation?

9: Are you friends disappearing? Are you manipulating them. However this could be due to attachment issues or unresolved trauma but this is no way to deal with things.

In answer to those questions....

  1. Absolutely not. And for that matter, I can't even say most swear words.
  2. Actually, occasionally I blame myself for the problems of others. :twilightsheepish:
  3. Not that i know of? :unsuresweetie:
  4. Unfortunately, I can identify with this. Being on Disability Suypport, I'm not exactly contributing to society so much. :ajsleepy:
  5. No, but yes it is.
  6. I don't often use social media, except for FaceBook and generally only long enough to post a picture or something occasionally.
  7. Nope. I'm pretty easy-go-lucky.
  8. Quite the contrary; Sometimes I can't even get a word in edgewise.
  9. None of that stuff.
Group Admin

I think it is great that you recognize this about your self unfortunately there are also stuff that I need to work on too and like I said if you identify do not worry about it and if you wanna work these problems out or wanna settle a dispute with someone you can always go to the hug it out corner if you need it. I am glad that you recognize that you were able to identify with number 4, I say admitting that you have a problem is the first step towards improvement.

The unfortunate thing is that my addiction.... is food.
Now, you can quit drinking and never drink allcohol again.
You can stop smoking and never do drugs again.

You kind of have to eat.

Group Admin

This is true once you are on it is hard to get off and I am no therapist I am always willing to give you an ear. I think any addiction is hard to get off of.

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