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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Post any links to AI's you might have found online here:

Large Language Models:
Claude 2:
Claude 2 is a recent competitor to ChatGPT which seems particularly good. Of particular note is that you can attach text/html/epub/pdf files to a chat and ask them questions about what you attached.

ChatGPT 3.5/4 is what most people are competing with at the moment.

Google Bard:
Google's competitor to ChatGPT.

Yes, Bing is an AI now. You can even have it describe pictures for you, and I believe generate them.

Llama 2:
Meta's new ai. You can run it off of the link, but here's the official page, and the huggingface page.

This Pony Does Not Exist:
Various nonexistent ponies.

Clio Sketch:
Sketch something, type in a description on it, and it'll use controlnet to base a picture of it! Based on Stable Diffusion.

Stable Diffusion:
There are various webui's you can install on your own computer for stable diffusion, such as Automatic1111, Vlad's SDNext, InvokeAI, and ComfyUI, and assorted models you can use for it.

Home of many models, and various pages to actually run ai's directly. A page you'll go to a lot if you are interested in ai, especially some of the lesser known ones, if you're going to download LLama on your computer, for example.

Home of many many stable diffusion models. A lot of them are NSFW, but you'll need to actually log in before you can see them.

I know I didn't get everything, but I'll be glad to add more things to the list from the comments.

--Sweetie Belle

Pinegraph is also great. It's free image to image. No need to pay, can just make an account for unlimited access. Great for editing or turning sketches to pictures.

Also Character AI is good, even though everyone hates the developers for some good reasons:

I made a bunch of pony bots for this one already, including ones based on Dark Skies. 'Wagie Sunny' is somehow the most popular of these.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I remember Character AI. That one was rather fun.

Hadn't see Pinegraph before. Reminds me of Clio Sketch a bit, except that you can put in external pictures instead of having to draw them. Seems neat!

--Sweetie Belle

You can also draw over pictures you import to edit them like that.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I saw that! Definitely got better controls for drawing then automatic1111 does.

Of course, Clio is using controlnet, which is got a model specifically trained on turning sketches to images. Not sure if Pinegraph is straight image to image, or has more behind it.

I actually wish I knew of a free website that let you do everything controlnet does, because it's got a lot of models and things you can do with it...

--Sweetie Belle

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