Comments ( 4 )
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Group Admin

Sunset Shimmer is a very popular character, I guess, as Equestria Girls characters go.

Some fans love to fawn all over her.

She's an easy stereotype of cool, in her leather jacket and boots, her color coordination scheme that doesn't make her look absurd by human standards, her rock guitarist skills, her 'rebel but now only in a safe, harmless way' history.

Maybe some fans watch her character arc and fantasize being someone who not only screws up bigtime, but who is given 'friends' for only one reason. Not because the 'friendship' recipient has positive qualities, or even neutral qualities, or did something positive or even just friendly...but mostly just because it became clear the recipient really needs more help pulling their head out of their own ass than only one or two casual acquantances could give.

Also, in the first Equestria Girls movie, she was the only significant character allowed to wear shoes that weren't ridiculous looking. Blatant favoritism!

So what or who might opposites of Sunset Shimmer be like, as characters interesting to write about?

(You're also welcome to tell me that my take on Sunset Shimmer is all wrong, I guess?)

Discord feels pretty opposite to her.

Group Admin

(To be fair, Sunset Shimmer also has her good points as a character...but I wanted to point at some of the other side of things too.)

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