AI art group 43 members · 6 stories
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It's from the Stable Diffusion people, probably a successor to XL, but I think it needs something like 20GB of VRAM, so I'm not going to be using it locally for a while.

You can try it out here:

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Seems like I actually am able to run it. The smallest version of the model, anyways.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yeah. Quality could be better, but support was just added in (a few hours ago) and might not be working that well yet. Think I'm going to see if I can do bigger versions.

--Sweetie Belle

Honestly, kind of wish I could do that as well but I don’t have stable diffusion, and the discord server is not working anymore.

But I know that online stable diffusion is free, but it doesn’t have the pony versions of the stable diffusion AI, at least not that I looked.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yeah, I think discord put an age restriction on the group. They've got sfw and nsfw separated, but there's enough nfsw sections that I could see them cracking down on it.

I mostly can do a lot of this because the last time I upgraded my video card, while I wasn't willing to go super expensive, I convinced myself to get one with 12 GB of video ram, since most ai stuff likes as much vram as possible.

(And even at that, I wish occasionally that I'd gotten 16GB+...)

--Sweetie Belle

I mean, I don’t even have the money to buy stable diffusion never mind the pony diffusion thing.

So whenever I see people talk about that they bought something cool I’m kind of jealous because I can’t do it.

But I’ve learned to live with it, I would need to ask my parents because even though I’m an adult, they still handle my money because legally, I cannot do it.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I can definitely understand that, though part of me wishes I didn't really have to deal with money, on the other side of things.

Was able to run larger models, though I'm still not convinced things are totally working right. I'm sure in a few days, there'll be a bunch of information out about Stable Cascade, though.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Playing with the settings seems to have helped the quality.

--Sweetie Belle

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