Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 101 members · 91 stories
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This is a threat for one of my upcoming fics for Wildcard25's page, Rise of the Young Ninjas.

Now bare in mind that while some chapters will be focused on the Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms, the fic will be about the Young Six, Bright Eyes, Teddy, and the Rock N Beats.

The big bad of the fic is Khan, a character from Back to the Sewers, who thinks Karai is unworthy to lead the Foot because she's a Hamato, the enemy, and a child.

Here's some main events that happen:

• Mikey is challenged to a rematch by Jagwar, is almost beat to death, and spends the next chapters in recovery.

• Canterlot High has a Friendship Games with Crystal Prep and Holoshades High. The Spy Racers, Carmen and her team, and the Friendz vist. But VILE agents want to steal Twilight's tracker but the Color Strikes help drive them off, it'll be when the group reforms.

• Carter get's mutated into a falcon after saving Buffy from Janko, who get's mutated into a hyena. But Carter is able to shape shift like Karai.

• Usagi and Gen vist the Turtles.

• Discord pays a vist, saying he's there to make a movie about the Young Ninjas. (Based on the Avengers Assemble episode "Avengers Impossible".)

• Khan recruits each of the enemies the Ninjas have defeated in the fic.

• The Young Ninjas arrive with an army of all the allies they've made in the fic, the Justice Force old & new, the Wondercolts, Shadowbolts, Color Strikes, Shark and the ex-Viper Kais, Zephyr, the Mutanimals, Foot soldiers, Usagi and Gen, Alopex, team Carmen, and the Spy Racers.

The fic is still a ways off and I'll most likely make some changes to some ideas, but if any of you have any ideas or quotes like lessons the Ninjas could teach the kids, post them below.

I have some ideas already written down and I'll make a list of that later.

Group Admin

Good to know this idea is finally coming into fruition and fill in any more gaps the stories following it have in concern to characters and development

Question. When does Rise of the Ninjas take place?

After Battle Nexus

Well might be asking too much, but maybe Shine Boy can come and help as well?

I don't know? I don't really have a scenario for them.

That’s fine. I thought I’d at least mention him. I’m not gonna be heartbroken. Just a suggestion

Gallus also has the capability to be a leader like sandbar

I actually hope to see the young six meet Ninjara who could be a sister or apprentice to Alopex


Just added an event that I forgot to add that involves a certain Lord of Chaos.

I wonder when the Rainbooms along with the Young six will meet Alopex for the first time in this story. I always keep thinking Rainbow and Alopex are evenly matched in fighting, cause they're fast.

Group Admin

I have an idea. The Young Ninjas and Blade Swipe fight against the new students of Viper Kai in CHS. It will be based on the All-Valley karate school fight from Season 2 of Cobra Kai.

What are color strikes

Khan’s invite to his coalition of antagonists is a pre-recorded message that goes like this:
“[insert name(s) here]. You have been invited to join the Allegiance of Disharmony, and have your revenge on those who did you wrong. Do you accept?”

no problem. just putting it out there.

I actually do have something like that planned for a chapter, The Wrath of Viper Kai.

Group Admin

Ooh, okay. Can I help you with the chapter or you got this?

Will either Roller Coaster of Friendship or the new version of Spring Breakdown be part of it?

Well, I don't want to totally copy the school fight like you would do. But I guess you can help a little.

If you have quotes for the chapter, leave them here.

But I'm gonna have Thunderlane be the one who fights Blade and accidentally throw him off the ledge.

Group Admin

Okay then. I’ll let you know when it’s finished.

Yeah, I think I'll put that in when they all go camping for some forest training.

Maybe add Traximus and Sal as Jhanna's allies





One of the ideas I have written down is Zephyr vists the Ninjas in New York, being obnoxious. Then he causes Timothy to get loose, who his now completely mindless, and he goes on a rampage. The Justice Force helps them try to catch him.

When they have him, Zephyr bungles it up and he escapes. After that all the Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms (minus Fluttershy), very harshly berate Zephyr, Raph especially, who calls him nothing by a worthless loser. They're nasty words not only hurt Zephyr but also break his self-esteem. Then Fluttershy tells him sternly that he should leave. Then Zephyr leaves heartbroken and crushed. The Young Ninjas, Mondo, and the Justice Force are surprised by their outburst.

On his sad walk he sings this song...

The Young Ninjas and Mondo follow him and give him some kindness, something that Fluttershy taught them.

Silverstream: Everyone deserves kindness.

Zephyr: That's all just a bunch of phooey. Who'd ever want to show me kindness?

Sweetheart: ... I would.

Mondo then gives him a pep talk, revealing that he's fully aware that he can't fight period.

Zephyr: If you can't fight, then why do you ever bother to try?

Mondo: (grabs him) Because that's what heroes do, man! They, Never. Give. Up! And they never let ANYONE bring them down!

Later, when the heroes are failing to restrain Mutagen Man, Zephyr arrives, riding with Mondo and snatches the retro mutagen from Donnie, saying he's fixing his mistake not that they care, and ejects it into Timothy. Then Mutagen Man grabs him and beats him to a pulp much to Fluttershy's horror. Leo then heals him with the Healing Hands.

Mutagen Man reverts back to Timothy, but can change into his mutant form like Karai and Carter. Timothy cries in despair that he's a freak.

Timothy: You guys were right, I'm no hero, I'm just a big fat loser!

Raph: Now he get's it.

Zephyr interjects and then gives Timothy a pep talk like Mondo gave him earlier, saying that he's only a loser if he thinks he is.

The Justice Force agrees and Silver Sentry offers Timothy to join their team, which he accepts.

Everyone thanks Zephyr, but when the Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms try to apologize, Zephyr rejects them. While he forgives Fluttershy and Rainbow, he labels all the others big fat jerks for how they treated him.

Timothy then sides with Zephyr, saying the Turtles never believed in him and only thought of him as a pathedic loser.

Zephyr and Timothy: So you can take your apologies and you can shove it!

Radical: You guys were pretty nasty to Zephyr.

Scootaloo: And you did call Timothy a complete loser, Caitlyn.

The chapter ends with the Justice Force publicly welcoming their newest member Mutagen Man. He then announces that being a hero is not just throwing on a costume, that it takes hard work, but anyone can be a hero and not to let 'jerks bring you down'.

And the Ninjas have learned a lesson: Don't be jerks to people or they'll have nothing but resentment for you.

Group Admin

While it is a good way to bring out a better side to Zephyr it almost feels as if the turtles and the Rainbooms are being just the way they've been to Mikey in Magical Mayhem, and if Mikey starts behaving that way it only makes him a hypocrite.

Im with Wildcard on this one. Maybe just have Timothy not listening in thinking he's not worthy

Sorry Jeb. I don't see it


It does seem like a good idea. I just don't see Zephyr and Timothy holding onto that resentment. Maybe, after a talk with Mikey about how he felt the same way, Zephyr and Tim forgive them.





I see your points, so maybe Mikey stays out of the yelling and joins the kids in comforting Zephyr, having been where he is.

And when everyone yells at him, while they're still very harsh, they call Zephyr out for never taking responsibility. And Rainbow and Raph are the ones who are the nastiest about it.

And Zephyr rejects their apology at first, Mikey convinces him not to hold a grudge like he once did, and Zephyr says he'll accepts their apology eventually. Zephyr says they should apologize to Timothy for only thinking lame of him, which they do. Buffy even apologizes for rejecting him long ago.

Timothy: So, maybe this time you'd like to-

Buffy: No. Besides, there's someone else that I really like...

(That chapter idea was inspired by a Catscratch episode where Waffle awakens an undead zombie hord due to his idiocy. And Mr Blake calls him useless and even Gordon agreed with him at that point, until Waffle saved them with his laser light show.)

So yeah, it needs work. If you guys have any compromising ideas please let me know.

Group Admin

Let me join in and give you my thoughts about this. I like that Zephyr’s in the story and Timothy back in his human form while able to transform into Mutagen Man just like Karai and Carter. Plus, Zephyr will have the same mannerisms just like his pony self, but I understand he screwed up for the team because he wants to help out and look out for his sister.

Group Admin







I got a crazy idea that I have in mind and some of you might not like it. Let’s have the Young Ninjas sing a popular song that goes way back in the 2000s and you also might’ve heard it from Jimmy Neutron: The Movie.

Group Admin







From my idea earlier, I think the Young Ninjas can sing that song, Leave It Up To Me, in another "Chance to Prance" music video contest or whatever contest that is going to be in the next Friendship Games for the fic. So, what do you think?

I don't know. I am planning on Logan entering a film contest by filming his friends' embarrassing moments. (Inspired by an All Grown Up episode.)





Here's one of the ideas I have for Rise Of The Young Ninjas.

Logan makes a movie about his friends doing embarrassing things to win a young film maker's contest: the prize is an invite to the set of Canter Zoom's next movie. Soon enough, after Clover points it out, Logan realizes his actions and works on a new concept. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara sees his what he filmed and tells the others. They all become angry with him and end their friendship. Upset, Logan decides to drop out of the contest. But Lancer, Clover, and the Ninjas finish his film and add his previous footage. At the contest, Logan's film is a music video that shows ballanced out footage of all his friends' embarrishing and awesome moments.

Logan wins and afterwards he and the others rekindle their friendship.

(This was inspired by an All Grown Up episode, where Tommy does the same thing.)

Group Admin

Good, I wouldn't want any Ponyville Confidential elements. That just stunk compared to others with a similar plot

Group Admin

Great idea, Jeb.

That was one of my favorite episodes of All grown up


I have an idea for when the Color Strikes redeem themselves. Like when they want to bury the hatchet with the Ninjas and Rainbooms, they have a private conversation about giving them a chance. Immediately, Caitlyn doesn’t trust them after what they did to her. Even when everyone decided to give them another chance, Caitlyn still didn’t trust them. And then when they were about to succeed in redeeming themselves, Caitlyn does something that makes it look like they lied or something. When the Color Strikes leave in shame, the group found out what Caitlyn did and were disappointed. She will apologize and the Color Strikes will prove themselves, it’s just a working progress

Will someone please tell me what color strikes are?!

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