Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 101 members · 91 stories
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The Hexsquad held up their hands in surrender as Cyborg aimed at them. But Cyborg noticed something with his robotic eye. Without keeping his eyes away from the intruders, his arm separated and flew towards the other side of the room, where it caught something invisible. It was Edric and Emira who tried to use their Illusion magic to sneak away. While the Ed and Em that were with the Hexsquad vanished, another illusion.

“Nice try, you two,” Cyborg said as his arm re-attached, and the twins joined the others.

“How did you know we weren’t here?” Edric asked.

“Because half of my brain is electronic. And I saw your heat signature moving away through my eye,” Cyborg explained. “You could fool the man, but you can’t fool the machine.

“Ingenious,” Lillith admired.

“Now I’m gonna ask again,” Cyborg declared, losing his patience. “Where is Blue Beetle!”



Vee: (hiding behind Camila) We don't what you're talking about?!

Hunter: We don't have any beetles.

King: We literally just got here.

Group Admin

Cyborg: Yeah right. As if any of my foes would say something like that.




Raine: Right, I see how this is going be. Sir, I just want to say that I am truly sorry.

Cyborg: For what?

Raine took a deep breath and blew a sonic whistle, blasting Cyborg clear across the room and up against a wall. Before Cyborg could recover, Amity and Willow pinned him down their abomination and plant magic.



Robin fighting Terra Snapdragon

Robin: Who knew Poison Ivy had a crazier and more sadistic grandma!

Group Admin



I think I should probably make a list of characters that are in my Blue Beetle fic in case I forget. If I miss a character, let me know.

Ninja Turtles

  • Leo
  • Donnie
  • Raph
  • Mikey


  • Sunset Shimmer
  • Twilight Sparkle
  • Rainbow Dash
  • Applejack
  • Rarity
  • Pinkie Pie
  • Fluttershy
  • Spike the Dog

Teen Titans

  • Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes
  • Nightwing/Dick Grayson
  • Starfire
  • Robin/Tim Drake
  • Raven
  • Cyborg/Victor Stone
  • Beast Boy/Garfield Logan


  • Luz
  • Eda
  • Camilia
  • King
  • Willow
  • Gus
  • Hunter
  • Vee
  • Lilith
  • Hooty
  • Ed
  • Em
  • Raine


  • April
  • Casey
  • Jenny Kord
  • Traci Thirteen
  • Silkie

Reyes Family

  • Alberto
  • Rocio
  • Milagro
  • Rudy
  • Elena

Owl House villains

  • Terra Snapdragon (Plant Coven Head)
  • Adrian Greye Venworth (Illusion Coven head)
  • Odalia Blight (Amity’s mother)

Teen Titans villains

  • Gizmo
  • Livewire?

Blue Beetle villains

  • Victoria Kord
  • Jarvis Kord
  • O.M.A.C.


You are missing…

Robin/Tim Drake

Adrian Greye Venworth (Illusion Coven head)

Odalia Blight (Amity’s mum)


Group Admin


Ah yes. Thank yo very much, RT.



I always forget which characters are in my fanfics and I apologize for that. So, from now on, we should write/type down a list of characters for our fics so that way we won’t forget. Easy solution.

Group Admin




Gizmo: You know, we actually make a pretty good team. We’re like…

Livewire: Do not even go there, kid. Because YOU are not OLD enough to date someone like me.

Gizmo: I was going to say that we’re like best friends though.


Adrien: Ugh, why do I have to work with children.


Definitely something he would say.

You know, since your story takes place after the final episode of Owl House, there is something Cyborg can do for Eda if she'll agree to this.

Eda is wearing a hook on her right arm when she lost her real arm. So, I figure maybe Cyborg can construct a robotic arm for her and let her do some combat training exercises outside the Titan's tower. The training would be referenced to the Teen Titans episode: Overdrive.

not a bad plot idea.

Group Admin

Now that is an excellent idea, Cyan Tank.

Thank you. If you can give me a moment, I think I can make a quote of this idea. But it will take a while.


Here's a quote of the Owl House gang explaining to their friends and the Titans about Belos's defeat.

“Dude!” Beast Boy dumbfounded.

Pinkie beamed, “So cool!”

Rainbow cheered, “And awesome!”

Donnie spoke to Luz who was shocked, “I can’t believe you actually defeated Emperor Belos.”

“With a little help from King’s dad.” Luz winked at King who did the same.

“And Belos really wiped out all life on the Isles?” Rarity asked.

Amity nodded, “Yes. It was awful. But we managed to succeed by working together, including the Collector.”

“Poor kid.” Mikey sighed, “I kinda feel bad for him being all alone and not having any real friends.”

“Me too.” Fluttershy agreed, putting her arm on the turtle’s shoulder.

Sunset smiled, “But at least he’s learning about friendship, and that’s all it matters.”

Raph shuddered a little, “He can relate to Discord. From the way you described how powerful he is when he was treated badly, that's kinda creepy.”

“Not as creepy as Mumbo’s tricks.” Raven admitted, remembering the time being stuck in a magician hat.



Gizmo: You're nothing but a pale imitation of that traitor, Jinx!

Traci: And you're a little brat with too many toys. Siverb Occis Sumrip Sagun!

Gizmo's pack started to short out, a clear sign of Traci's power.

Traci's spell means; Brevis sicco primus nugas, which is Latin for Short out the brat. Or I could wrong.

Group Admin

Mmm… not really.

How about this ~> Siverb Sutiucric Sumrip Sagun.

Traci’s spell means, Brevis circuitus primus nugas, which is Spanish for Short circuit the brat’s toys.


Here is the extension of my previous quote that will be part of the Blue Beetle story. There will be another quote of Eda doing some combat training outside of the tower, courtesy of Cyborg himself. All of you, please give me some tips of what kind of gadgets Eda's new arm can do, besides equipped with a sonic cannon just like Cyborg.

“Dude!” Beast Boy dumbfounded.

Pinkie beamed, “So cool!”

Rainbow cheered, “And awesome!”

Donnie spoke to Luz who was shocked, “I can’t believe you actually defeated Emperor Belos.”

“With a little help from King’s dad.” Luz winked at King who did the same.

“And Belos really wiped out all life on the Isles?” Rarity asked.

Amity nodded, “Yes. It was awful. But we managed to succeed by working together, including the Collector.”

“Poor kid.” Mikey sighed, “I kinda feel bad for him being all alone and not having any real friends.”

“Me too.” Fluttershy agreed, putting her arm on the turtle’s shoulder.

Sunset smiled, “But at least he’s learning about friendship, and that’s all it matters.”

Raph shuddered a little, “He can relate to Discord. From the way you described how powerful he is when he was treated badly, it’s a little creepy.”

“Not as creepy as Mumbo’s tricks.” Raven said, remembering the time being stuck in a magician hat.

April sighed, “Sorry that you lost your arm, Eda.”

“Don’t sweat it, April. It was either that or my whole body would’ve been destroyed.”

Leo wondered, “Is there any way to get your arm back at Boiling Isles?”

“Sadly, Leo, I’m afraid not,” Eda rubbed her arm, “This is who I am now.”

“It’s my fault I did that. I had no other choice.” Raine confessed sadly.

“You saved my life Raine Storm. I wouldn’t blame you for doing that.” She said making him feel better.

Cyborg approached, “Mind if I take a look?”

“Um, sure.” Eda showed him her arm.

Cyborg’s left eye flashed a red beam on Eda’s arm.

“What’s he doing?” Willow asked.

Starfire smiled, “He is just scanning Eda’s condition. After all, he is half robot.”

Gus admired him, “Cool!”

In Cyborg’s mind, he was analyzing the damage of Eda’s arm and the ability to restore it, “Dang. You’re lucky you didn’t get completely disintegrated. Did you ever think of getting a replacement?”

“I did. Though I was hoping for one that looks like an actual hand. I could use a hook for a hand, but it won’t feel the same.”

Cyborg finished scanning Eda’s arm before he smiled, “I can help you with that.” He answered.

Eda stared at him in shock, “Really?”

“I’ve got a lab in the tower where I spend most of my time repairing myself during missions and invent cool gadgets for the titans. I could build you a robotic replacement limb just for you.”

Eda pondered, “But, if I change into my harpy form, won’t that damage it?”

“That shouldn’t be problem. I can add some modifications to it with some help,” Cyborg turned to Donnie and Twilight, “Care to assist like old times?”

Both Twilight and Donnie looked at each other when they heard his comment. Then they gave smug looks to their friend.

“You bet.” Donnie confirmed with Twilight nodded.

“I don’t know guys. Maybe this is a bit too much.” Eda mumbled.

Casey commented, “C’mon girl. It’ll be so metal. Literally!”

Beast Boy agreed, “Yeah, you’ll be way tougher when you knock out enemies with one punch just like Cy.”

Eda murmured nervously, “Well...”

Raine held her left hand, “Please, Eda, let them help you,” He kindly pleaded, ”We would like to see you have both of your arms together instead of you like this. I would like to have my crittern player back.”

Hearing that made Eda shed a tear drop seeing as how they used to perform Bard magic together. Altogether, her friends smiled at her giving her the courage to accept Cyborg’s offer. Her sister gave a heartfelt smile too. Even Luz and King nodded their heads to agree with this. With a smile on the Owl Lady’s face, she turned to Cyborg, “Okay, big guy. Surprise me.” She accepted making everyone cheer.

“Right this way please.” He motioned as the four headed to his lab.

Luz and King were a little worried and felt like they wanted to come.

Nightwing assured, “Don’t worry. She’ll be fine. Cyborg is the best, and so are Donnie and Twilight.”


Perhaps Eda's new arm could have like, a retractable sword.

Since Cyborg is having Twilight and Donnie assist, Donnie can add a cloaking tech on Eda's arm, just like how he able to convert his cloak tech on a bracelet thanks to the help of the Utroms. In other words, to make her arm look like her original without letting anyone see her new robotic replacement.


And maybe Twilight can add a Magic analyser, like the one she has. And fill it with the information she got on the Hexsquad’s magic when they were in New York

Not a bad idea

That'll definitely work R.T.

Group Admin



I might also add some musical numbers in the Control Freak chapter for my Birthday Bounty Bash story. Songs from Descendants, HSM, and Z-O-M-B-I-E-S. Just to name a few, but I might add more.

Oh, oh... Can we do 'It's going down'.

Group Admin

I have that planned for my other fic, Pirate Clash.



Milargro: These robots came after us, led by some bald child who called us snot munchers.

Cyborg & Ninjas: Gizmo!

Rudy: But it wasn't just them; they had help from some crazy lady who controlled plants?

April: Poison Ivy?

Traci: No, not Poison Ivy. It was an elderly woman in a purple dress who had a habit of telling plant puns.

Raine: Did this woman have, like, vines wrapped around her wrists and feet? Or even have a tulip on her head?

Elena: Si, that sounds like her. That señora was loca.

Gus produced a small illusion of the woman in his palm. The family saw it and were surprised.

Rudy: Yes, that's her. That's the crazy plant lady.

Lilith: Terra Snapdragon.

Sunset: You know her?

Eda: All too well. She's from the Boiling Isles like us.

I thought Terra Snapdragon would help in the capturing of Mr & Mrs Reyes. And that Terra would face Willow, Robin, Starfire and Beast Boy. Beast Boy is reminded of his friend Terra and angry that an evil woman has her name and Willow admits she used to admire the woman before learning her true colours.



Cool! I was thinking they could do the same with Adrian Grey.

Adrian Grey is the head of the Illusionist Coven.

That works too. I've been thinking that when she's in harpy form, her arm can convert into a claw that looks identical to her left arm, just has very sharp fingers.



Raph was fighthingn Gizmo.

Raph: Still mad after the big butt spanking you got in New York.

Gizmo: Cruddy Turtle and your sluggish city.

A reference to Bounty Bash, although I’m not sure which group will face Gizmo and Vertigo, so I’m just going with Raph for now.

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